Growing White Cabbage

The cultivation of white cabbage or broccoli requires compliance with the growing technology, otherwise there is a problem in the development of the head of cabbage. If the cabbage is not tied, urgent measures must be taken.

Natural factors
Artificial factors
How to avoid a problem
Flowerbed preparation
Transplantation and care
Watering and feeding

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Reasons for the lack of an ovarian head

Natural factors

There is no single answer to the question why cabbage of any kind is not connected. Often the ovary does not form under abnormal weather conditions. and the formation of a dense head, the optimum temperature is about 18 ° C, and humidity is not lower than 60%. If the summer is wet and cold or hot and dry, the plant will not be able to grow properly.

The reason that the cabbage does not set is because low-quality seedlings or seeds: Weak seedlings grown in mineral-poor soil rarely form forks. Also, the gardener should be alerted to seed with a large number of rejected grains or giving poor seedlings.

Artificial factors

There are other reasons for the absence of the head of cabbage on the cabbage:

  • The plot is too dark. Vegetables like a well-lit and windy area.In shaded areas, seedlings are distinguished by spreading foliage of a deep green color. Late cabbage varieties are especially demanding for lighting, because the daylight hours during the forks are already short. You should not plant tall plants near cabbage beds.
  • High acidity of the soil. The optimum acidity of the soil for the cultivation of cabbage should be at the level of 6.5-7.5 units.
  • Thickened plantings. Lack of ventilation between plants provokes a struggle for survival. They will not form forks, but will release a large number of leaves unsuitable for food.
  • Lack of trace elements. Plants consume large amounts of potassium and nitrogen, so you need to monitor crop rotation and observe the frequency of applying mineral fertilizers. It is especially important to follow the rules during the rooting of seedlings and in the first phase of growth.
  • Inadequate watering. The plant does not form a head, because there is not enough moisture. As a result, the seedling suffers from a lack of nutrition, so instead of a fork, it forms a flower arrow.
  • Heavy soil. If the soil is loosened at a time, this will lead to a lack of respiration of the root system of the plant.

How to avoid the problem

If cabbage does not tie in a head, use advanced methods growing seedlings and preparing seeds (using growth enhancers), and also provide proper care for plants during the growing season.

Preparation of beds

Качество грунта влияет на развитие растений

Quality soil affects the development of plants

The fact that there are no ovaries or forks are too small or loose, the soil is often to blame. Usually the earth is depleted, not oversaturated with minerals. For proper head development, seedlings are cultivated in areas with neutral acidity.

Loamy soil enriched with potassium is optimal for vegetable growth. To saturate the earth with this microelement, for each square meter make any of the following substances:

  • 1 tbsp. wood ash;
  • 50 g of dry potassium sulfate;
  • 70 g of superphosphate.

In the fall, before digging, scattered manure or chicken droppings are scattered around the site. On a hundred parts spend 8-10 buckets of nutrient mass. In the spring, gardeners do not dig such beds, but only level them with a rake. So that the seedlings fall into the fertile layer, quickly take root and begin to be tied, they are planted under a chopper.

Legumes, carrots, potatoes or cucumbers are considered the best predecessors, but at the place where other cruciferous plants were formerly cultivated You won’t be able to get a good harvest.

Transplant and care

It is important to avoid thickening of the plantations so that the cabbages start on time. The optimal distance between seedlings is 30 cm, and between rows – 40 cm.Plants of early varieties are planted in a square-nesting manner, forming beds with squares of 30 cm each.

In order for the plant to take root quickly and grow, seedlings are transplanted. Be sure to wait until dry and warm weather sets in, and the air warms up to 8 ° C at night.

After diving, plants that are deepened to the first leaflets must be watered with warm water, and then the resulting holes are sprinkled with dry earth .

Watering and fertilizing

Regular and balanced subcortices help tie heads. The best formulations are:

  • 4 g of superphosphate, 3 g of ammonium nitrate and 1 g of potassium chloride per 1 liter of cold water.
  • 10 g of urea per 10 liters of water.
  • 5 g of humate powder or 10 ml of concentrate per 10 liters of water.

Also, for feeding during the growing season, use infusion of chicken manure, grass or cow manure. All of the listed substances and mixtures are alternately applied once every 7 days.

Reasons why cabbage is not tied up
Why don’t the cabbage head out

Before and after making nutrients, the beds are watered abundantly, through day the soil on them must be fluffed up with a chopper.

Watering the seedlings is done as the earth dries up, but no more than once every 2 days, because excess moisture will attract slugs.


If you follow the standard requirements for growing cabbage, you can avoid such a problem as the lack of forks. Only high-quality seed is chosen. Old or damp seeds may not produce a crop or may not rise at all

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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