

Aggregatoponics – growing plants on solid substrates with low moisture capacity (granite gravel, gravel, sand, expanded clay, etc.). Aggregatoponics is one of the hydroponic methods. When growing plants on solid artificial substrates, the root system is placed in gravel, rubble or other soil substitutes and absorbs mineral elements from the solution fed into the substrate. After several years of use, artificial substrates become salted, contaminated with root residues and root exudates, which impair plant growth, so there is a need for their chemical regeneration. Gall nematode reproduces rather quickly in these substrates.

 Crushed stone

The use of solid soil substitutes as a substrate requires significant costs for their preparation and delivery, for carrying them to greenhouses, sterilization, washing and regeneration. Nevertheless, the use of such substrates is a very promising direction in hydroponics in terms of the issue of ecology. With the right care, the lifespan of these hard substrates is virtually unlimited.

Aggregatoponics Aggregatoponics



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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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