Algae, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Algae are the most common and numerous
living beings on Earth. They live everywhere: in the water,
moreover, in any (fresh, salty, acidic and alkaline),
on land (soil surface, trees, houses), in the bowels
soil, in the depths of the soil and limestone, in places with hot
temperature and ice. They can live as on their own
and in the form of parasites, invading plants and animals.

Algae are the most powerful sources of oxygen supply
into the atmosphere and absorbers of carbon dioxide, serve
food for many species of animals, including humans.
Seaweed creates cozy habitats for
fish and animals of the seas. Some red algae are
delicacy in eastern countries. They are used to prepare various
dishes, get the valuable agar-agar substance used
in the food industry. Also algae are used
in cosmetology, medicine, as fertilizers and for
water purification in sewers. If brown algae is added
into livestock feed, in particular for cows, the milk will be fortified
valuable iodine and many useful minerals.
In the same way, they enrich with iodine and chicken
eggs. The shells of the oldest diatoms are very
are in demand in the industry. They are used in construction
(very light bricks are obtained from diatomite), for making
glass, filters, polishing materials.

It is believed that algae are primitive organisms, because
they do not have complex organs and tissues, there are no vessels.
But by physiological processes, by the way they grow,
reproduce, feed, they are very similar to plants.
Algae are divided into ecological groups. For example, plankton
algae living in the water column. Neustonic – settling
on the surface of the water and walking there. Benthic
– organisms living on the bottom and on objects (including
and on living organisms). Terrestrial algae. Seaweed,
living in the soil. Also residents of hot springs,
snow and ice. Algae living in salt water and
in fresh. As well as algae that live in calcareous

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Sometimes algae choose very unusual (from a human point of view)
places. In the tropics, they can settle in the tea leaf, causing disease.
tea bush called “rust”. In the middle latitudes they live
on the bark of trees. It looks like a green bloom on the north side.
trees. Green algae enter into mutually beneficial coexistence
with mushrooms, as a result appears
a special independent organism called lichen. Some
green algae have chosen a tortoise shell for their home. Many
algae live on the surface and inside of their larger counterparts.
Red and green algae found in tropical hair follicles
animal sloths. They did not ignore crustaceans and fish,
coelenterates and flat worms.

Caloric content of algae

Low-calorie product, 100 g of which contains only 25
kcal. It is important to consume only dried seaweed in moderation,
the energy value of which is 306 kcal per 100 g.
high percentage of carbohydrates that can lead to obesity.

Useful properties of algae

Biologists and physicians confidently state that in terms of content
active substances of algae are superior to all other types

Seaweed has anti-tumor properties.

In the chronicles of different peoples, numerous
legends. Seaweed was used not only as
an excellent food product, but also as an effective remedy
for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Already in ancient China, seaweed was treated for malignant
tumors. In India, seaweed was used as
effective remedy in the fight against certain diseases
endocrine glands. In the distant days in the harsh
conditions of the Far North, the Pomors treated with algae various
diseases, and also used them as a practical
the only source of vitamins.

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Qualitative and quantitative content of macro-
and trace elements in seaweed resembles the composition of human blood,
and also allows you to treat algae as
a balanced source of saturation of the body with minerals
substances and microelements.

Seaweed contains a number of substances that have
biological activity: lipids rich in polyunsaturated
fatty acids; chlorophyll derivatives; polysaccharides:
sulfated galactans, fucoidans, glucans, pectins,
alginic acid, as well as lignins, which are valuable
a source of dietary fiber; phenolic compounds; enzymes;
plant sterols, vitamins,
carotenoids, macro- and microelements. With regard to individual
vitamins, trace elements and iodine, then them in seaweed
more than other products.

Thallus of brown algae contain vitamins, trace elements
(30), amino acids, mucus, polysaccharides, alginic
acids, stearic acid. Minerals,
absorbed from water by brown algae in large quantities
are in an organic colloidal state, and can
freely and quickly absorbed by the human body.
Very rich in iodine, most of which is
in the form of iodides and organoiodine compounds. Brown algae
rich in mannuronic acid and give high alginates
viscosity and mannitol, related to hexahydric alcohols
and widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Ascophyllum
has a protective effect on skin tissue due to
macromolecules called fucoidan (widely
used in thalassotherapy). Macrocystis extract
contains allantoin.

Brown seaweed is an excellent source of natural
organic iodine. Iodine is an indispensable trace element for humans. Iodine is essential
for the synthesis of thyroid hormones that control
processes of development and functioning of the brain
and the nervous system, maintain a normal temperature
body. Low levels of these hormones can be negative
affect both physical condition and intellectual
human abilities. Iodine is also necessary for a normal day.
mental development, especially in early childhood.
When iodine is used, cholesterol levels decrease
in the blood of patients with atherosclerosis. Food with sufficient
iodine content increases life expectancy.
Algin of brown algae adsorbs most of the toxic
substances from the gastrointestinal tract, reduces the level
cholesterol, so iodine works well
in the treatment of obesity and atherosclerosis.

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Brown algae have antibacterial properties,
due to the presence of bromophenol and phloroglycinol.
Due to the high content of polyphenols, brown algae
have anti-radiation effect. Brown algae
promote the elimination of toxins, radionuclides from the intestines
and salts of heavy metals, help with nervous disorders,
reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, normalize
work of the heart, improve the general condition of the body. Brown
algae slows down the development of atherosclerosis and reduces
blood cholesterol. Polysaccharides contained
in brown algae, have the property of swelling and, increasing
in volume, irritate the nerve endings of the mucous membrane
intestines, which stimulates intestinal motility and
helps to cleanse it. Polysaccharides also bind
toxins and remove them from the body.

Brown algae contain a bromophenol compound,
influencing pathogenic microorganisms, especially
bacteria. Brown seaweed contains a large amount
macro- and microelements necessary for a person (iron, sodium,
calcium, magnesium, barium, potassium, sulfur, etc.), and in
the most accessible chelated form for assimilation. Brown
algae has a number of physiological properties: it acts
on the contractility of the heart muscle, has
antithrombotic activity, prevents the development
rickets, osteoporosis, dental caries, brittle nails,
hair, has a tonic effect on the body.
As a seafood, brown seaweed contains those natural
elements that are found in vegetables in small quantities. Brown algae helps
immune, endocrine systems to resist stress,
prevent diseases, improve digestion, metabolism
and general well-being.

Dangerous properties of algae

The use of algae is contraindicated for people with allergies.
for seafood or iodine. Pregnant women are advised to consume
algae with caution, as excess iodine can be harmful
fetus. Marine
cabbage is contraindicated for people with kidney disease, since
high iodine content in this product can provoke
exacerbation of the disease.

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It is also not recommended to eat algae for people suffering from
hemorrhagic diathesis, furunculosis or acne
rash, diseases of the digestive system due to the high content

People who have a disrupted endocrine system should definitely
consult a doctor before consuming such foods,
since iodine has a direct effect on the thyroid gland.

A video on which algae are the most useful and how to choose them. And also – what recipes celebrities prepare from them.

See also the properties of seafood:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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