Angelica (angelica) honey

Natural honey is distinguished by the area where it was collected and by color. But most often the beekeeping product is identified in the markets by the plant from which the bees brought the flower nectar.

The main melliferous plant involved in receiving a bribe determines the main healing properties of the ultimately useful delicacy obtained. That is why such attention is paid to the varieties, both among honey buyers and in folk medicine.

One of the topics of interest to the consumer is angelica honey, its properties and application. Today’s note is dedicated to her.

The content of the article

  • 1 About honeydew
  • 2 The healing properties of the honey product
  • 3 Chemical characteristics
  • 4 physical properties
  • 5 How to determine natural origin
  • 6 What are we treating
  • 7 When not to apply
  • 8 Terms and conditions of storage

About honeydew

Honey is collected from one plant. Such varieties are called monofloral or single-component. They are dominated by nectar from one honey plant.


Monofloral (one-component) honey varieties

Many of the monofloral varieties are rare. At the same time, they are distinguished by an elite taste, pronounced healing properties and a fairly high market value. These varieties include angelica honey.

It is collected by bees on inflorescences of herbs from the umbrella family growing in the west of Siberia, Altai, in the northern regions of Europe, Transcaucasia. The most common member of the family is the Siberian angelica (other names for the herb: angelica, podranitsa). This tall biennial grows in places rich in moisture – near lakes, rivers, forest swamps, as well as in ravines.

But bees are well provided with nectar by other members of the family, known to us as angelica or angelica. From a hectare of thickets of these herbs, depending on the type of honey plant, bees can collect 80 to 300 kilograms of high quality honey.


Angelica value as a honey plant

The healing properties of the honey product

According to the collection “Treatment with bee products” published in 2005 by the publishing house “Odigitria”, angelica or angelica honey is used in folk medicine:

  • with diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • with nervous disorders.

Apitherapists also prescribe it for problems with the gallbladder, stomach, liver, for general strengthening of the body, for the treatment of oral diseases: gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease.

Chemical characteristics

The variety is distinguished by a high fructose content – from 38 to 42%, which makes it possible to use it for diabetes mellitus, albeit in small quantities. Glucose contains from 34 to 37%.

Vitamins and minerals are represented by: ascorbic acid, B vitamins, tocopherol, iron, calcium, chromium. Also in the composition are found amino acids, enzymes, biogenic stimulants.

Calorie content 100 grams from 328 to 330 kilocalories… Considering that they eat honey in moderation (one or two tablespoons per day), it is virtually impossible to overeat.

physical properties

Due to the high fructose content, the variety does not crystallize for a long time.… Often until spring, its viscous, dense consistency remains without the formation of crystals characteristic of sugaring.

Immediately after pumping, the nectar is viscous. The color of the product ranges from reddish brown to slightly greenish. The latter is less common than red, brown, copper.

The taste is caramel, with a noticeable bitterness (after swallowing, there is a burning sensation on the tongue, in the throat).

The smell is floral, not harsh and very pleasant. Harmoniously complements the taste.

How to determine natural origin

Like any other honey variety, there are counterfeits in angelica honey on the market. You can distinguish them according to the standard scheme:

  1. First, the main physical characteristics of the variety are determined visually and by taste. They are listed above.
  2. Impurities are detected using iodine and by heating a spoon with a honey product over an open fire (no blue color should appear, there should be no burning).

Note… Experienced buyers first check the seller’s certificate of quality, then purchase a small batch of the medical product. They check it for falsification at home. And only after that they make a preparation of a useful delicacy for the whole winter.


How to determine the natural origin of honey at home

What are we treating

The main areas of application of this variety in traditional medicine are as follows:

  • hypertension, ischemia, atherosclerosis;
  • sleep disorder, hyperexcitability, stress;
  • gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis;
  • viral and bacterial infections of the throat, bronchi, lungs;
  • cystitis, urethritis;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system, intestines;
  • thrush, erosion of the cervix in women;
  • strengthening immunity during the period of seasonal viral infections, prolonged physical, mental stress.

It is applied externally as standard: in face masks, as part of mixtures for body wrapping in case of cellulite, to strengthen hair, as well as to treat abscesses, wounds on the skin.

When not to apply

The main contraindication for any honey variety is congenital food intolerance to the product. It is relatively rare – in two or three people per thousand.

The portability test is very simple. It is necessary to try the honey product on the tip of a teaspoon, monitoring the body’s reaction for half an hour. Unpleasant symptoms (burning lips, profuse salivation, nausea, rash, itching on the skin) are a good reason to refuse medotherapy.

To read:

How to recognize and treat honey allergies

Other contraindications:

  • diabetes mellitus (only with the permission of a doctor!);
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (with great care);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, organs of the excretory system;
  • disorders of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • postoperative periods (intervention on the digestive tract).

It is advisable to consult your doctor before starting treatment with folk remedies including honey..

Terms and conditions of storage

As for the storage features, everything is standard here:

  • optimal temperatures from +8 to +10 degrees (room temperature speeds up the fermentation process and leads to a partial loss of beneficial properties);
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • correctly selected container – sealed from glass or ceramics (food-grade aluminum, plastic is used only for the transportation of large volumes of honey product, and honey is stored in glass jars for their own needs).


How much and in what conditions is honey stored

Storing honey in the refrigerator – does it make sense?

According to GOST, the shelf life is 12 months, it is indicated on the label. In fact, with proper storage, it is much longer – from two or more years.

In order not to worry about the shelf life, purchase the honey product in small batches – exactly as much as you need to eat within 8-12 months before the new harvest..

On a note. The flowering of angelica thickets occurs in the middle of summer. Consequently, a fresh honey product in a mature state appears en masse on the markets not earlier than the beginning of September.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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