Arrowroot – care and reproduction – care

The beautifully painted leaves of this tropical rainforest treasure of South America immediately catches the eye. Equally mesmerizing is the way arrowroot leaves fold at night to retain moisture. Thanks to this, the arrowroot got a different name – “pogomolets”. Its pale green leaves with a satin sheen are marked with dark green spots; some varieties of arrowroot also have colored veins on the leaves.

Arrowroot – care and reproduction

Maranta (Maranta) Is a genus of plants in the family Marantovye. There are about 25 known species native to tropical America.


Arrowroot care at home

Arrowroots require moderate light all year round. They should be protected from bright light or direct sunlight that can cause burns or discoloration of the leaves. In those areas where the light level is quite low in winter, these plants need to be given as much light as possible.

Constant moderate heat encourages good growth, although arrowroot can withstand cooler air with reduced watering. These plants love high humidity, so group them together, spray regularly, or place them on a shallow pebble tray filled with water that reaches the base of the pot.

Given the addiction of arrowroot to low light and high humidity, it can be understood that these plants are ideal for cultivation in a florarium or wet rooms.

Since the arrowroot pots are filled with roots approximately every two years, transplant the arrowroots into pots one size larger than the previous ones in the spring, using a peat-based substrate. The root system of these plants is shallow, so shallow vessels or flowerpots are ideal for them. In order to keep your pets neat and tidy, remove any overgrown shoots that spoil the silhouette of the arrowroot.

Maranta is whitishMaranta is whitish. Farmer Etienne Cazin

Reproduction of arrowroot

In the spring, when transplanting, you can split the arrowroot.

  1. Carefully remove the mature plant from the pot and take it apart. Make sure each one has healthy roots.
  2. Transplant the arrowroot cuttings into a peat-based substrate. After transplanting, thoroughly saturate the substrate with lukewarm water and let the surface dry before watering again. Place the pot inside a loosely tied plastic bag and hold there until it hardens and new leaves emerge. If necessary, transplant, shallow vessels are ideal for this.

Nutrition and watering arrowroots

While the arrowroot is actively growing, keep the compost moist, but be careful not to get waterlogged. Feed the arrowroot every two weeks with liquid mineral fertilizer for deciduous houseplants. In winter, especially in cool conditions, let the soil surface dry out between waterings, and feed from time to time.

Arrowroot reed variegated, variegata (Maranta arundinacea 'Variegata')Arrowroot reed variegated, variegata (Maranta arundinacea ‘Variegata’). Farmer Mokkie

Arrowroot pests and possible growing problems

As a rule, arrowroots do not cause concern, but in too dry air they can suffer from spider mites.

Direct sunlight and dry air can cause browning at the tips and edges of arrowroot leaves. Increase moisture and move the plant to a more suitable location.

Read a detailed material on this topic: Why do the tips of the leaves of indoor plants dry?

The durability of arrowroot

Under favorable conditions arrowroots can live for many years.

MarantaMaranta. Farmer Hunt for Design

Alternative breeding method for arrowroot

In late spring or summer, take two to three-leaved arrowroot top cuttings from new shoots at the base of the plant. Placed in water, they will root out in about six weeks. When roots appear, plant three arrowroot cuttings in a 7,5/XNUMX-inch planting pot with peat-based substrate.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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