Astra benefits, properties, calorie content, useful properties and harm

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In medicine, flowers, roots, stems and leaves of a plant are used.
Each of these aster plant elements contains a specific
a set of substances with the help of which various diseases are treated – from bronchitis
before uterine bleeding. But in order for herbal medicine to help, you need to know
how to prepare an aster remedy correctly.

Useful properties of asters

Composition and nutrients

The chemical composition of the aster includes a set of different substances, such
as rubber, flavonoids, coumarins, saponins. Thanks to them plant
possesses antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, mucaltic
properties. It is recommended to take aster for colds.
and with a dry cough. As an additional remedy, a decoction is used
with tuberculosis

Some varieties are used to treat the digestive organs
path. It is also possible external use for the treatment of inflammatory
skin diseases and relieving itching.
This flower is able to cleanse the blood and stop bleeding.

Regular use of asters has a beneficial effect on the nervous
system, relieving irritation and having a sedative effect.

For treatment, decoctions, potions and tinctures are mainly used.
from different parts of the plant.

Traditional recipes

  • Stop bleeding: you need to select the petals
    asters of the darkest colors, chop and add one glass
    boiling water. An hour later, the resulting tincture is ready. Throughout the day
    it should be drunk in small sips.
  • We treat dry cough: add 600 ml of boiling water
    3 tbsp. l. crushed dry aster root. The resulting mixture is not
    remove from low heat for another 15-20 minutes. To achieve a positive
    effect, it should be taken 3 times a day, 150 ml.
  • Getting rid of bronchitis: nessesary to use
    three teaspoons of dried flowers or aster petals that you need
    pour 250 ml of hot water. In an hour, the tincture is ready. You need her
    strain and 4 times a day take orally 1 tbsp. l.
  • Treatment and prevention of skin diseases: 500
    ml of water must be boiled, then add 2 tbsp. l. dried herb
    asters and keep on fire for about 3 minutes. After received
    the mixture is infused, it is taken before meals, in a volume of 100 ml 3 times
    per day, also using it for lotions on the affected or inflamed
    areas of the skin.
  • Childbirth: women in labor were given honey to drink before giving birth
    water infused with aster petals. This helped prevent
    complications during childbirth and stop uterine bleeding.

In cooking

In the East, which is the birthplace of asters, they eat
a plant with lilac-purple flowers, since it has the most
palatability is expressed. Dried or fresh petals are used
when preparing dishes from fish and vegetables, they are added to various
salads and desserts. They also make various drinks from them, and even
wine. Aster tea is considered very useful and tasty.

In cosmetology

Since aster has a sedative and anti-inflammatory
action, it is very good to use her flowers for bathing. Such
procedures help the skin to remain soft and cleanse of various rashes.

Dangerous properties of asters and contraindications

Aster treatment is contraindicated for people suffering from
reactions, diseases of the kidneys, liver, blood.

Care must be taken when using for children.

It is not recommended to use the plant for treatment with increased
sensitivity to its individual components.

Origin of the name

This plant is known for a huge number of species and diversity.
color palette. In science, annual varieties belong to the genus Callistefus.
Chinese (Callistephuschihensis). Greek word “Callistephus”
in translation means “lovely wreath“. This particular view
flowers gained the greatest popularity, became widespread
and is known as Garden or chinese aster.


The northern regions of China, Korea and Manchuria are considered the homeland of the aster.
The first European country where the plant got in the XVIII century. thanks to
to the monk Nicolas Incarville, became France. After a few decades
the wave of popularity of this flower swept over England. Began to appear
new varieties, striking in their brightness and color.

At the beginning of the XIX century. thanks to the efforts of the Versailles gardener Truffaut
beautiful terry asters appeared, which were later called peony.
By the end of the XIX century. the popularity and center of plant breeding have moved
to Germany. It was here that most of the most famous
and luxurious varieties.

Already at the beginning of the twentieth century. the United States became interested in beautiful flowers and then
even the USSR. Currently, countries are actively engaged in aster breeding.
Europe such as Denmark, France, Netherlands, Germany, Poland,
Czech Republic, as well as a number of states from among the former Soviet republics.

Legends and symbols

The ancient Greeks were engaged in astrology, were familiar with the zodiacal
constellations and attributed to them a connection with various gods. In particular
the sign of Virgo was associated with the beautiful goddess of love, Aphrodite. According to
one of the myths, the tears of the Virgin, looking from the sky, brought a cosmic
the dust from which a beautiful flower called “star” grew,
now known as aster.

According to another version, two Taoist monks wanted to reach the stars.
They traveled a very long and difficult way and reached the very peaks.
Altai. However, seeing that the stars were still very far away, they decided
come back. They were left without food or water, their clothes were torn
to shreds, there were wounds and scratches on the bodies. Almost exhausted
they found a beautiful valley in which a clear stream flowed, and everywhere
delightful flowers grew. The monks were amazed at their beauty and took
several plants with me to the monastery, which soon began to be cultivated
and called asters.

For different peoples, these flowers have different meanings. For the ancients
the Greeks they were symbols of love, and in China they mean modesty,
charm, beauty. In Hungary, asters are associated with autumn and are called
«autumn rose».

The flower is considered a talisman, amulet, a gift to people from the gods.
It is a symbol of women who were born under the constellation Virgo.

Many peoples have a belief that if it hides among asters at night,
then you can hear a whisper – these are flowers talking to their sisters-stars.


Thanks to the work of breeders, there are about 600 species
asters that can be found in forest, steppe, mountainous regions
Europe, Asia, North Africa and America and, of course, the historical
homeland in China and Korea. On the territory of the former USSR became popular
and 26 common plant species.

Aster belongs to the herbaceous genus and the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family.

It is an annual or perennial plant that grows as a separate
a flower or bush, the height of which sometimes reaches two meters.
Flowers consist of inflorescences of various shapes and colors, sometimes reaching
in diameter 15 cm.

Asters delight with their colorful flowering for a very long time.
The first flowers appear in late spring, and some varieties withstand
autumn frosts.

Reproduction and care

The plant propagates by seeds, which are sown in an open dry
soil in mid-March or late autumn. You can also use
pre-grown seedlings, in this case the asters will bloom faster.
The soil for planting them must be prepared in the fall, since if you add
humus in the spring, then the flowers can get sick with fusarium.

When choosing a site for a flower bed, you need to take into account the fact that it is photophilous
flower and grows best in an open area protected from
drafts. Also, asters do not like overly moist soil, therefore
it is advisable to select an area where groundwater will not reach
to the roots. However, in dry weather, abundant watering is required, especially
during the formation of buds.

To avoid diseases that can affect the plant in
ripening period of buds, no need to plant it after tulips,
gladioli, tomatoes,
potatoes. For the same reason, it is worth transferring every 5-6 years.
the flowerbed to another place, and to the previous one can be returned only after
4 year.

Collection and Procurement

Aster is successfully used in folk medicine, because for cooking
medicines are suitable for all parts of this plant. Flowers
must be cut immediately after they bloom and dried
separately from stem and leaves, but with the same
conditions – in the fresh air under a canopy. Roots
are engaged in September. They are dug up and also dried only in
special dryers at a temperature of 40-50 ° C, always under a canopy.

The resulting blanks are stored in paper or cloth bags
for two years, this is how many can remain useful


The plot tells how to properly plant asters and take care of this plant in order to prevent its diseases.

Useful and dangerous properties of other herbs:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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