Bamboo palm rapeis

Outwardly, magnificent rapese is most similar to graceful bamboo. But it is not only the thin, numerous trunks of the plant that resemble this most popular of the oriental plants. The influence of raisis on the interior is also similar to that of bamboos. This is a unique, not too large palm tree, distinguished by its unpretentiousness and special grace. Numerous elegant leaves give the rapeseed a special nobility, and for all its bulk, this palm tree looks surprisingly airy. The unique abilities of rapeseed plants include the ability to easily get a new generation of plants, and simple care, and good adaptability to far from optimal growing conditions. But still, the main talent of the bamboo palm is the ability to visually expand the space and emphasize the depth of the premises.

Bamboo palm tree rapis. Farmer tierraplants

Large and small bamboo palms

One of the most popular fan-shaped indoor palms Rapis (rhapis) in our country it is best known under the name of a bamboo palm, less often as a whip-shaped or stick palm. Graceful, lush and representative of the natural flora of Japan and China, this palm queen does seem to be a plant that is both exotic and surprisingly traditional at the same time. The name “rapis” in translation means “stick” or “rod”, which fully justifies the numerous popular nicknames.

Without exception, all rapeseed trees are multi-stemmed, bushy palms, sometimes producing several dozen thin trunks of tubular or reed-like shapes. From above, the shoots are covered with felt-mesh fibers, and the leaves are located only at the tops. Small, fan-shaped, divided into only 5-10 lobes of a lanceolate shape with a beautiful finely serrated edge, the leaves of this palm seem unusually transparent and almost weightless.

When buying rapeseed, you should be prepared for the fact that in fact you will have more than one plant growing. The very powerful rhizomes of this palm tree are not located too deep, but they have a unique ability to form side shoots, daughter plants, thanks to which rapeseed plants always grow in groups, and not in splendid isolation.

It is almost impossible to get confused in the variety of rapis. This plant is distinguished by a surprisingly simple classification in indoor culture. Without exception, all rapeseed, which can be purchased for interior decoration and growing in pots, are divided into only 2 types – high and low palms.

Writing high (Rhapis excelsa) is distinguished by its larger size and more massive greenery. This fan-shaped reed palm reaches a height of 3 m and produces fewer shoots than low rapeseed. The stems are similar to bamboo, articulated, up to 4 cm in diameter. On the shoots, mesh fibers are clearly visible, which leave behind the petioles of dying leaves. This palm tree has not quite classic, not so deeply dissected leaves with 5-10 lobes (short and wider than in undersized forms).

Reaching a length of 30 cm and 5 cm in width, frond stands out both by a dissection of only 2/3 of the length, and by curving, slightly drooping lines of lobes with two brightly incoming veins, a jagged apex and a strong glossy sheen of the surface. The leaves sit on rather long, up to 40 cm petioles, covered with fibers at the base and surprisingly thin. Axillary branched inflorescences up to 30 cm in length almost never appear indoors.

Writing low (rhapis low) – the species is much more densely growing and, accordingly, undersized. The maximum height of this type of rape is limited to 1,5 m, but most often the plants do not exceed a meter in height. The stems are numerous, very thin, only up to 2 cm in diameter, much more densely covered with fibers than in tall rapeseed. Fan leaves are dissected almost to the base into 7-8 segments, rigid, with a solid pointed apex, glossy surface, ideally linear in shape. In length, the leaf lobes reach 20-25 cm with a width of up to 2 cm. The petiole is thin, covered with fibers, grows up to 30 cm. In room culture, this species also practically does not bloom.

Rape is rightfully ranked among the easy-to-grow palms. Even inexperienced growers should not be afraid of this plant. The main advantage of rapeseed is its high adaptability. Despite the fact that the plant has prescribed preferences for temperature and lighting, with age, palms adapt better to deviating from ideal conditions and feel great, even if their parameters cannot be strictly controlled. Caring for the plant is also more than simple, does not require any tweaks, and the absence of mandatory requirements for high humidity and other complex procedures allows you to grow rapeseed even for those who do not have time for meticulous care of plants.

Low record (Rhapis humilis)Low writing (Rhapis humilis). Farmer 꽃 다비

Rape care at home

Lighting for rapese

The bamboo palm, like most other representatives of Asian origin, belongs to the light-loving crops. It is believed that it can be grown only in well-lit places, placing it on the windowsill or near it. But unlike many of their brethren, raspis perfectly adapt to more poor lighting. This palm tree can be displayed within scattered light locations and partial shade. The rapes feel best on the lighting corresponding to the east or west windows, but in partial shade the rapis gradually adapt and practically do not lose their attractiveness, so you can expand the possibilities of placing a palm tree with northern window sills and similar locations inside the interior. The only thing to be wary of is direct sunlight, especially at noon. They leave burns on the leaves and significantly harm the decorativeness of the palm tree.

The positive characteristics of the bamboo palm tree include the fact that during the cold season there is no need to compensate for the seasonal decrease in lighting for rapeseed and, accordingly, you can not rearrange the plants to lighter areas. But what a bamboo palm tree will definitely need is the constant turning of the crown. If the pot with the plant is not turned from time to time in relation to the light source in order to prevent curvature, you will lose the uniformity of the crown and the beauty of dense bushes. The older the rapese is, the more light dependence is expressed in it, the more important it is to turn the plant in time.

High writing (Rhapis excelsa)High writing (Rhapis excelsa). Farmer Bob Hyland

Comfortable temperature

Even greater adaptability is characteristic of the rapese in terms of the parameter of comfortable temperatures. This plant has quite strict preferences for the temperature range in which the palm should be kept during the dormant period. In winter, rapeseed plants prefer temperatures between 8 and 12 degrees. But at the same time, a cool wintering is not at all the only possible option for growing this palm tree. The bamboo palm perfectly adapts to both normal room temperature and light coolness from 10 to 16 degrees.

But the temperature regime for the active season, from spring to summer, is much easier to choose. Rapis prefers rather restrained conditions with a stable temperature from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. They tolerate hotter conditions well, but plants become more dependent on access to fresh air and its moisture.

The rape loves airing, which needs to be done more often, the higher the temperature of the air in which the palm trees are kept (on hot summer days, it is advisable to ventilate the rooms every day or place the bamboo palm in such rooms in which the window is constantly open). The main difficulty is the fear of active drafts, from which the rape must be protected.

During the summer, the bamboo palm tree will feel great not only on the balcony or terrace, but even in the garden in the company of other tub exotics. True, taking plants out into the open sky, special attention must be paid to careful monitoring for the timely detection of traces of pests and diseases.

Low record (Rhapis humilis)Low writing (Rhapis humilis). Farmer Elmer van Veen

Watering and air humidity

Rape requires a standard approach to watering. In summer, especially when kept in heat, the bamboo palm should be watered abundantly as soon as the topsoil in the container dries up. But in the fall and winter, especially when kept in cool conditions, watering should be not only moderate, but also as careful as possible. The substrate is allowed to dry completely in the upper layer and the palm is watered only 1-2 days after that. Rapis does not like waterlogging almost as much as it does complete drought. But if after the latter the bamboo palm tree is quite easily restored, then waterlogging of the substrate can lead to serious consequences and even the death of the plant.

It is very important for the rapeseed to choose well-settled, soft water and avoid cold water when watering.
As for the air humidity, the rapese is not sensitive to its indicators, it tolerates the usual dry air of apartments even in the cold season when heating systems are operating. But at the same time, the bamboo palm will gratefully respond to spraying, which increases the decorative effect of the leaves. Spraying becomes a mandatory procedure only when the rape is kept in temperatures exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. It is not necessary to increase moisture by other methods for a bamboo palm.

During spring and summer (and if the bamboo palm tree is kept indoors in winter, then during the dormant period), the leaves must be wiped with a damp sponge or cloth to remove accumulated dust or arrange a warm shower. When wintering in a cool place, it is better not to moisten the leaves, even for cleaning, by wiping off the dust with a dry method.

Top dressing for rapeseed

Fertilizer for bamboo palm is applied only during the period of active development in spring and summer. For this plant, a standard feeding frequency of 1 time in 2-3 weeks is sufficient. Rapis prefers complex fertilizers with microelements, designed specifically for ornamental foliage plants, but you can also use special fertilizer mixtures for palm trees. For this culture, it is desirable to apply fertilizers only with watering, using fertilizing in liquid form. Long-term fertilizers have a depressing effect on rapeseed.

Transplant, containers and substrate

When choosing a substrate for growing a bamboo palm, special attention should be paid not only to the texture, but also to the reaction of the soil. Only soil with a slightly acidic reaction or at least neutral soil mixtures is suitable for rapeseed. It is best to use ready-made substrates for palm trees for this plant, but you can also compose a special soil yourself, mixing peat, turf and compost soil in equal parts with half a share of sand.

These plants, even at a very young age, are best replanted only as needed. Too frequent annual transplants can lead to serious health problems for the palm, so even for young raisis, the pots are changed as needed. The rape must be handled, since the palm does not like root injuries and requires the complete preservation of the earthen coma. During the transplant procedure, a high layer of drainage is applied and they try to avoid contact with even the smallest roots.

Instead of replanting, the method of partial replacement of the topsoil can be used, during which the contaminated soil scraps are carefully removed and replaced with a new substrate. This method works especially well for very old patterns.

Despite the fact that the rhizome of this palm is powerful, it practically does not grow deeper and is located superficially. For this plant, it is necessary to select wide, but not too deep containers or to compensate for the “irregular” elongated shape by laying a higher drainage layer. Planting in a container that is too deep increases the risk of water stagnation in the soil, compromises the breathability of the substrate and jeopardizes the plant’s root system.

High writing (Rhapis excelsa)High writing (Rhapis excelsa). Farmer Steve Evans

Diseases and pests of rapeseed

The bamboo palm is one of the most resilient indoor plant species. This plant suffers only from stagnation of water in the substrate and the spread of root rot caused by dampness and pests active in dry air – spider mites and scale insects. The latter often spread to the juicy greens of rapeseed in the vicinity of the infected plant. It is best to deal with any problem in the bamboo palm using combined methods, including both correction of care and mechanical treatment with the parallel use of insecticides and fungicides.

Common growing problems:

  • the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • uneven, mottled color of greenery in a room with extremely dry air and at very high temperatures;
  • drying of the tips of the leaves in the absence of spraying and in the heat;
  • disclosure of young leaves before reaching optimal sizes with rotting roots and hypothermia;
  • wilting of leaves or their darkening at too low temperatures;
  • drooping leaves during drought.

Low record (Rhapis humilis)Low writing (Rhapis humilis). Farmer 꽃 다비

Reproduction of rapis

Thanks to its unique ability to grow in groups, releasing many side shoots, rapese makes it easy to get new palms. This is indeed one of the easiest palm beauties to breed.

The simplest method is vegetative – separation during transplantation. During the procedure, younger plants can be separated from an adult bush (not one at a time, but in small groups), trying to minimize injuries to the rhizome. But it should be borne in mind that any separation will be accompanied by slow growth and a depressed state of both an adult palm tree and daughter plants over a fairly long period. The division procedure always causes a lot of harm for a rapeseed who does not like the classic transplantation, and the plant requires more careful care for adaptation. It is best to separate young plants in the spring.

You can also use the method of obtaining from seeds. Despite the fact that in room culture the seeds are practically not set, on sale you can find seeds of this palm tree that retain their germination for a very long period. When sown in a moist, high-quality, nutritious substrate at a shallow depth, germinating under a film or glass in room conditions and in bright light, rapeseeds will sprout in about 2-3 months. Young plants should be transferred to individual containers as soon as possible, changing the pots to larger ones only as the rhizome grows.

Whichever method of reproduction you choose, be prepared for the fact that seedlings and separated daughter shoots will develop very slowly and turn into a full-fledged palm tree after many years.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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