Barley groats, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Barley groats are unpolished barley kernels.
It is crushed barley grains of various
forms freed from flower films. Barley grits,
unlike pearl barley, they are made without grinding
and polishing, so it has more fiber. Barley
cereals are not divided into varieties. Depending on the size of the grain
barley is divided into three numbers: No. 1, 2, 3. For sale
usually a mixture of cereals of all numbers is supplied. In preparation
for processing grain is cleaned from organic and mineral
impurities, weed seeds, defective and small
seeds of the main crop.

Barley is one of the oldest cultivated plants
and belongs to the family of cereals.

Like wheat, it was cultivated during the Neolithic Revolution.
in the Middle East at least 10 thousand years ago.

Wild barley grows over a wide area from Crete
and North Africa in the west to the Tibetan Mountains in the east. The most ancient
samples of cultivated barley were found in Syria and belong to one of the
the most ancient Neolithic cultures of the pre-pottery period. It is found
also in the most ancient Egyptian tombs and in the remains of lake
pile structures (that is, in the Stone and Bronze periods). By
many historical monuments can be judged about the wide distribution
barley in a distant time.

Calorie content of barley

Barley groats are quite nutritious. To those who care about their
figure, you should carefully consider the issue of its use and
eat porridge no more than a couple of times a week. In 100 gr. dry product
contains 313 kcal, and the energy value of boiled barley porridge
– only 76 kcal.

See also  Wheat, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 10 1,3 65,5 1,2 15 313

Useful properties of barley

Barley contains vitamin A,
almost all B vitamins,
vitamins D, E,

Barley contains a wide range of trace elements.
First of all, phosphorus,
which is necessary for the normal metabolism in the body,
as well as for the full activity of the brain. As well as,
biologically significant quantities: silicon, chromium, fluorine, boron, zinc.

Barley, the natural calcium champion,
potassium, manganese and iron. Therefore, for the elderly, barley
more necessary and more useful than any medicine. Also in the composition of barley
the grain includes copper, nickel, molybdenum, magnesium, iodine,
bromine, cobalt, strontium, etc. Barley grain is 65%
from slowly digestible carbohydrates. Barley grain by 5-6%
consists of fiber that our stomach and intestines need.
Fiber normalizes digestion and removes it from the body
all harmful decay products.

Barley contains more than 10% protein, which in its nutritional
values ​​are superior to wheat. Vegetable protein,
unlike an animal, it is assimilated by our body
almost 100%.

Barley groats are high in calories and have good
taste. Modern nutritionists advise
eat barley porridges and soups with the addition of
barley groats for overweight people, also with
bowel diseases accompanied by constipation.

Due to its high fiber content, barley
porridge is digested much longer than other cereals, not
while increasing the blood sugar level of the patient with sugar
diabetes, and creates a long-term feeling of satiety, which
promotes weight loss.

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Barley groats are high in fiber,
therefore it is included in the diet of sufferers
overweight, metabolic and endocrine disorders

Barley porridge helps to eliminate toxins from the body,
cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.

Barley and cereals from it are widely used in folk
medicine. After all, their broth has a softening, enveloping,
antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and tonic
properties. Barley is used in the treatment of diabetes,
impaired vision, diseases of the kidneys, liver, bile
bladder, urinary tract, as well as gastrointestinal
diseases. It relieves arthritis pain, including
number of rheumatic.

Barley broth has a softening, enveloping,
antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic
effect. Dairy diseases were treated with barley
glands, get rid of constipation and obesity, cough and colds
diseases – covered the body with hot, semi-cooked
barley. It is also very good in treating diabetes, arthritis,
useful for impaired vision, it is used for diseases
kidneys, liver, gallbladder, urinary tract,

Barley is also used as a general tonic
in the postoperative period – with inflammatory diseases
stomach and intestines. And pearl barley is also a champion in quantity.
protein-containing gluten, the same protein-starch
mucus, which is indispensable for dietary soups and cereals.

Dangerous properties of barley

Barley groats will not harm if eaten no more often
2-3 times a week. However, people who are accustomed to eating such porridge every
day, they risk instead of gaining extra pounds and, how
as a consequence, a number of concomitant diseases, such as diabetes mellitus,
diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc. Also, the product is contraindicated
people with individual intolerance, for example, in the presence of exacerbated
chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, when a person
must adhere to a specific diet. It is not recommended to consume
barley grits for people with celiac disease – congenital chronic
a disease in which the body does not completely break down gluten
(gluten protein).

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The most delicious merchant meat can be cooked with barley grits. Learn the recipe from the video.

See also the properties of other cereals:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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