This plant is affectionately called the beautiful bride by the people. it
due to the fact that the bird cherry also wears a festive white dress
and turns into a real miracle. A lot is associated with this tree,
for example, the return of cold weather, spring. This is due to the fact that these periods
coincide with the time of its flowering.
It belongs to the genus of low trees or shrubs that
belong to the family Rosaceae. Its trunk is completely covered with bark
dark gray with rusty-brown spots. Leaves
the bird cherry is obovate. All leaves are obovate
forms, but with one difference: young leaves of golden green
colors, and older ones are duller. The flowers, although small, but very
odorous. They are white and put together in a very nice brush.
Bird cherry is a forest orderly. And this is not an accident. By the flowers
and leaves have a special aroma, therefore it has a phytoncidal
property. This made the tree special, as it gave
its ability to kill insects and microbes.
Approximately 20 species were counted, which are common
in North America and East Asia. These trees grow in
fertile soils with excessive flowing moisture or
in mountainous areas on talus or rocky mountains.
Bird cherry is everyone’s favorite and more than once sung favorite,
which, despite all the laudatory odes, they try not to admit
close to garden areas. Many people mistakenly consider this tree to be peculiar.
a magnet for pests. There is an opinion that bird cherry is for
them as an incubator and that is why it is so dangerous for the garden. But these are delusions
absolutely not true. Bird cherry is very useful, because
it cleans the air around itself and at the same time kills disease-causing
microorganisms. The tree is merciless even for mosquitoes and ticks.
How to choose
When choosing a bird cherry, pay special attention to its appearance.
The berries should be even and in no case should there be
damage or dents. The fruits are black, so if found
any discrepancy you can be sure that the berries are bad
and should not be eaten.
How to store
Fresh bird cherry can be stored for about a month, but only
at low temperatures. In this case, it is sorted and carefully
put in a container, alternating berries with leaves.
The second, perhaps the most common, method is drying.
For this, you can use special dryers or the sun. Should
note that in the case of using dryers, you should carefully
monitor the process and prevent burning.
In cooking
Speaking about the use of bird cherry in cooking, it should be noted that
most often fresh berry is used. However, for cooking some
dried bird cherry is also suitable. Bird cherry is in considerable demand
flour and syrup. All these products are used for making pies,
breads, compotes, liqueurs, jelly, tinctures and many other drinks,
which should refresh. Always remember that the fruits of this
shrubs should never be used for conservation.
In simple terms, harvesting bird cherry compote for the winter is not
follows. These berries have a special feature: their taste can
become softer, however, for this they should be within ten hours
hold in the basket.
Reflection in culture
Bird cherry berries have been used for a long time, about
this is evidenced by the results of many archaeological excavations.
The most common crop is the common bird cherry.
and several American species: Virginian and late.
Calorie content of bird cherry
Compared to other berries, bird cherry has a low calorie content.
100 g of raw bird cherry contains 100 kcal. Moderate use of the product
will not lead to obesity
and overweight problems.
Useful properties of bird cherry
Composition and presence of nutrients
Bird cherry consists of coloring, pectin, tannins, and
also organic acids and sugars.
Its leaves, bark, flowers and seeds contain amygdalin glycoside,
which, in turn, is able to split and release the bluish
An essential oil, phenocarboxylic acid, was found in foliage and fruits.
acid, resin, gum, flavonoid, ascorbic acid and trimethylamine.
Useful and healing properties
Bird cherry has antibacterial and astringent properties, therefore
considered to be quite effective for diarrhea of any origin
and other intestinal infections. For this, they are used as fresh fruits,
and decoctions or infusions.
In folk medicine, bird cherry bark is used, from which
decoctions used as a diuretic. The broth is applied
with many heart and kidney diseases. It should be noted,
that it is an effective remedy for combating colds and high fever,
because it is a diaphoretic. He is also a means to fight
with gastrointestinal cramps.
Tincture made from bird cherry is used for washing
the eye of a patient with purulent conjunctivitis. It is also used for stomatitis,
sore throat as a gargle and for diseases
upper respiratory tract. Tincture is a medicine that fights
with a variety of female genital infections.
Even in the Middle Ages, bird cherry bark was used. She tones
and soothes stomach pains. In folk medicine, a decoction from the bark
treat rheumatism and relieve the symptoms of fever.
Dangerous properties of bird cherry
It is not recommended to use the fruit of bird cherry, from which it is not extracted
bone. This is because it can cause poisoning. It is impossible
also brew crushed berries, because the consequences will be as follows
You should not put bouquets of bird cherry branches in the house, because
it can poison our body. This is due to the fact that this culture
secretes phytoncides, and they, in the process of cleavage, release hydrocyanic
acid, which has a detrimental effect on living organisms.
In no case should you inhale the aroma of bird cherry for pregnant women, and
they are also prohibited from taking bird cherry preparations. Women who
while they are only planning, becoming a mother should refrain from these
preparations and fragrances.
Absolutely all parts of bird cherry contain alkaloids – poisonous
substances, therefore they cannot be used in official medicine.
The video will tell you about the beneficial properties of cherry berries and inflorescences, as well as how to grow it correctly.