general description
Grouse is a medium-sized bird belonging to the pheasant family.
The black grouse has a small head and a short beak. Males are noticeably in size
more females, 49-58 cm long and 1,0-1,5 kg in weight, and the length of females
is 40-45 cm and 0,75-1,0 kg, respectively. The male is robed
in brilliant black plumage with green and purple tints, with bright red
The female is reddish brown with gray, brown or dark yellow stripes,
rather motley, with the so-called white “mirrors” on the wings
and a notch on the tail.
Teterev left its mark on the culture of some peoples, for example,
the image of a leaking black grouse was used in Alpine folk dances.
A century ago, there were more species of black grouse,
but since they did not have immunity against certain diseases of domestic
the birds then gradually became extinct. At the moment an endangered species,
listed in the Red Book, is the Caucasian black grouse.
The common black grouse is common in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of Asia
and Europe – from the British Isles and the Alps to the Korean
peninsula and the Ussuri region. In the Western European region of the black grouse
live in Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany. They also meet
in Scotland, Great Britain, Scandinavia. Black grouse live in Asia
in small areas of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, in North Korea,
Mongolia and China.
How to choose
Fresh grouse carcass should not have a specific smell, meat
on the breast should be dark on top and light pink inside.
Ideally, the carcass should not be damaged, but can be shot through
only wings. If the game is fresh, then it should be kept in the refrigerator.
in expanded form for a period of about two days.
If you buy frozen poultry, then you should pay attention
on the condition of the package. It must be free of mechanical damage,
do not contain pink ice crystals, which may indicate
about re-freezing the product. In order to defrost the black grouse,
you need to place it in a cool place (refrigerator, cellar, balcony)
and open the package for good air circulation. As soon as
the bird will melt, it is advisable to immediately start processing for further
use in cooking. It is recommended to store the offal separately.
and away from baked goods, convenience foods and dairy products.
As it is
Black grouse meat is low-fat, tender, very tasty and dietary. Young
it is customary to bake or fry grouse, and the meat of more mature birds
it is more appropriate to stew or cook, because it is a little harsh.
A side dish can be cranberries,
lingonberry, sweet corn, pumpkin, broccoli
and other vegetables. A whole black grouse can be stuffed with asparagus, mushrooms,
walnuts and citrus fruits. With game they use wine, garlic,
cheese and cream sauces.
In cooking
For the French, black grouse is a festive dish for New Year’s and Christmas
the holidays.
Europeans are very fond of black grouse puree soup: small pieces
carcasses are well boiled with legumes. The dish turns out to be quite rich
and thick. The most common grouse broths are also prepared
meat and offal, using the same technology as from poultry.
In restaurants, you can find different dishes from black grouse, for example
grouse fried with hazelnuts or stewed grouse in champagne
and with cream.
In Bashkir cuisine, black grouse meat dishes are national.
Korot is always served with them – this is such a milk drink that
breaks down excess body fat.
In the hunting field conditions, the meat is boiled in a pot with mushrooms
and various herbs, fried on a spit or baked in clay.
Nutritional value per 100 grams:
Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 18 0,5 20 1 65 254
Useful properties of black grouse meat
Composition and presence of nutrients
Grouse meat is quite nutritious, but nonetheless dietary:
it contains a large amount of protein and is characterized by low
fat content.
Also, black grouse meat contains vitamins of group B, PP,
choline, folic acid and micro
and macronutrients.
It has a high content of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, copper, fluorine
and iron.
Useful and healing properties
Due to its folic acid content, grouse meat is recommended
use by pregnant and lactating women. Potassium
has a very beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, is used
to improve allergic conditions, helps to improve performance
contained in grouse meat, maintains acid-base
balance and normalizes water balance.
Copper is an excellent prophylactic against such
diseases like anemia,
dermatosis, baldness, atrophy of the heart muscle, and also significantly
improves appetite.
just necessary for proper metabolism, improving metabolism
and the general condition of the body.
Dangerous properties of black grouse meat
There is a small percentage of people who suffer from congenital intolerance.
black grouse meat.
Also, the use of this product may cause allergic
a reaction to remember when trying meat for the first time.
In the video you have a rare opportunity to watch and listen
black grouse on the current.