Blooms until frost gatsaniya – care

When nature is gradually preparing for winter rest, this plant continues to delight with its unusual bright flowers, as if to say: wait, it’s not time yet! In the form of flowers, gatsaniya is similar to a large chamomile or gerbera and simply amazes with a variety of colors: white, pink, cream, orange, bronze, red with clear black spots at the base of the petal, which together form dark circles. The height of the bushes is only 15-30 cm.

Gatsania. Farmer Kor! An

Description of gatsania

Gatsania (sometimes called gazania) is a perennial plant in the Aster family that is grown as an annual. Most often there are two types – hybrid gating and long rifle gating.

Hybrid gating  grows in the form of a low, almost without stem, bush, oblong-linear leaves form a basal rosette with silver-gray pubescence on the underside. This protects the bushes from the cold and helps to retain moisture. The flowers are large, yellow, orange or red with a diameter of 7,5-9 cm. The dark spots in the center of the baskets form oval patterns, reminiscent in color of the eyes of a peacock’s tail. The flowering of hybrid gatsania continues from the end of June until frost. One inflorescence can bloom for 14-20 days, 6-9 inflorescences open at the same time, and the flowering of one plant generally lasts up to 100 days. In short, this phenomenon is truly mesmerizing.

GhatsaniaГацания. Farmer KENPEI

У long rifle gazania short creeping stems with narrow long leaves. Flowers up to 7 cm in diameter are yellow with a white border around the edge and a brown, almost black, circle in the center, they are located on long, strong peduncles. Long-rifle gatsaniya blooms from August to frost. In cloudy weather, the flowers do not open. Therefore, this plant is sometimes called the “midday sun”. By the way, its flowers are also closed at night. If faded flowers are removed in time, new buds will appear immediately.

Gatsania landing

Propagate gatsania from seedlings. Seeds are sown from February to April, covered with a half-centimeter layer of sand. Seedlings appear in 7-10 days. 4 weeks after sowing, the plants dive. A few days before planting in open soil, gatsania bushes are hardened. They are planted in open soil after spring frosts in open sunny areas with neutral, light soils. The distance between the bushes is 15-20 cm. On clay soils, gating develops poorly. It can grow on rocky ones. It stretches in the shade and does not bloom.

GhatsaniaГацания. Farmer Montse Martínez Ruiz

Gatsania care

Gatsania is drought-resistant, so it is perfect for growing those who do not have the opportunity to water regularly. The plant does not tolerate excess moisture. Not afraid of cold weather, withstands frosts up to minus 5-7 degrees. Resistant to winds. For gatsaniya, loosening, feeding with liquid mineral fertilizers (especially during the budding period) and mulching are useful. Seeds remain viable for 3-4 years.

Gatsania is used as a ground cover and curb plant, in rockeries and mixborders. You can plant gapping between other plants, for example, in the garden, in the foreground of bushes, supporting walls, create bright blotches from it on the lawn. Perfect for growing on balconies, in pots, containers. Gatsaniya gets along well with other plants. Cut flowers look beautiful in a bouquet.

Gatsania "White Plyamea"Gatsania “White Plyamea”. Farmer Janine

Wintering gatsania and growing in containers

Gatsania winters well indoors. To do this, at the end of September, plants are transplanted into boxes or flowerpots and placed indoors in a bright, cool place with a temperature of 8-10 degrees. In winter, the plant is watered sparingly, but do not dry out. In the spring, before planting gatsan bushes in open soil, the shoots are shortened by half.

You can immediately plant gatsania in containers and flowerpots and keep it outdoors in summer, and with the onset of cold weather move it to a room where the bushes will continue to delight with their flowering.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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