Bran – Useful and dangerous properties of bran, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties


Bran is a hard grain shell that combines food
fibers. They are not digested by gastrointestinal enzymes.
tract, but they are remarkably fermented and take part in nutrition
microflora of the large intestine. The bran consists of the rind of the grain (or
color shell), grain germ, aleurone layer of grain
– a number of large thick-walled cells that are filled with nutrients
substances (fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins).

The varieties of bran depend on the type of processed grain
and there are: wheat, rice, rye, barley, buckwheat and others.
They can also be rough or thin, large or small – this is
depends on the degree of grinding.

How to choose

In almost any modern store you can find the section “Diet
food “and purchase bran. All types of them are on sale with different
description and price. There is no difference, even the cheapest will
correspond to absolutely all organoleptic properties of that
or some other kind.

Bran is a practically odorless and tasteless product. Revealing
packaging, you should smell them and make sure there is no moldy smell.
You also need to try the bran so that they are free of bitterness. Still needed
pay attention to the color – normally it is gray-brown.

On the market, bran can still be found in the form of tablets, “corn
sticks “and chips with different flavors. But
it should be understood that the flour gluten gives the form and it is not clean
bran, but a combination of dietary fiber and flour. Very often manufacturing firms
produce bran with various flavors. Such packages
you can safely put back on the shelf and pay attention to the search for bran
without additives and impurities, as they will be much more useful.

How to store

You need to store bran only in tightly closed jars, in which
they must be poured immediately after purchase. Shelf life is long
and depends on storage conditions.

Reflection in culture

Bran in the modern world is viewed as a waste and is used
at best for feeding animals. But even our ancestors of the nobility
that white flour, although tastier, does not contain
nothing but starch, and because of this it is not useful, but in rather big
quantities are even harmful. That is why flour was used only
on holidays, and every day they baked bread from wholemeal flour,
mixing in the bran.

Calorie bran

Bran, despite the large amount of valuable biological substances,
have low nutritional value. So the calorie content of wheat
bran is only 165 kcal, rye – 221 kcal, and cooked
oat bran
contain only 40 kcal. They are all very helpful and excellent
help in the fight against excess weight. It is also good to include in the diet,
as a substitute for white bread, – “Bread doctor’s”, their calorie content
242 CALC.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

There are many varieties of bran and each
species of its own nutritional value. The table shows data on several
of them.

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal




11,2 3,2 32 – – 221




38 8,6 33,8 – – 364,6

Useful properties of bran

Composition and presence of nutrients

Bran has a very rich and rich composition. Wheat combine
in itself a complex of vitamins PP, B1, B2, B6 necessary for the body,
E and provitamin A. They are rich in such minerals: magnesium,
potassium, chromium, copper, zinc and others. This is the composition that makes the bran
irreplaceable dietary product. They’re also rich in insoluble fiber.
and are useful in reducing the risk of developing various colonic diseases

Barley and oat bran lowers blood cholesterol levels due to
soluble fiber content. Studies have found that taking
60 grams of this bran daily can lower 7-10%
cholesterol in the blood. Rice bran contains niacin, thiamine, iron,

The bran contains a large
the amount of selenium taken in combination with vitamin E
participation in the oxidative processes of the human body. He also participates
in DNA synthesis.

Useful and healing properties

Bran is extremely useful for the normalization of the digestive system,
especially with atony and dyskinesia of the intestines, gallbladder, with
and stagnation of bile. Scientists have found that with regular use
in food bran from the intestines microbes, toxins, poisonous
salts of heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium), cholesterol.

The high content of potassium, magnesium and vitamins helps to normalize
blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure and limit
obesity. Dietary fiber improves intestinal microflora and prevents
the occurrence of dysbiosis.
Bran improves bile secretion with hypomotor dyskinesia. BUT
they also help people who suffer from frequent constipation and have excess
weight. For those wishing to lose weight, bran is of great benefit: with a large
the amount of fiber is absorbed more slowly, much longer
the feeling of satiety lasts and intestinal peristalsis increases,
which reduces the absorption of nutrients.

So, summing up the beneficial properties of bran, we can conclude that
that they are shown to both healthy people and those who are struggling with such diseases:
hypertension, atherosclerosis,
obesity, intestinal atony, biliary dyskinesia, bile stasis,
chronic constipation, varicose veins.

In cooking

Bran is successfully used in cooking. When baking, it is recommended
add 500-60 grams of bran to 100 grams of flour. Dishes with their addition
one of the most important ways of enriching the daily diet with plant
fiber. Also, bran is added instead of flour to various cutlet
masses of meat, fish, vegetables, curd dishes, instead of semolina
– in casseroles, soups, sauces, jellies, compotes, jelly, and instead of rice
– stuffed vegetables and meatballs. Bran is a great addition to
fish, dairy,
pumpkin soups and salads.

To improve the taste of the bran, it is recommended before consumption.
fry in the oven, grind and sift.

In cosmetology

Bran is widely used in cosmetology in different directions. They are
not only useful for the human body, but also excellent helpers
in the active fight against excess weight. A large number of plant
the fibers that make up the bran are slowly digested when consumed,
swell in the stomach and increase the amount of food eaten – this creates
the illusion of satiety. Fiber has a positive effect on the elimination of the main
the causes of obesity are metabolic disorders.

Bran, especially rice
and almond, are actively used as a component of homemade
cosmetics. Milk-infused bran masks are very popular for
soft peeling, lifting and softening of the skin. Facial cleansing can be done
with the help of oat, wheat or rice bran. This requires
moisten face skin with warm water, pour a small amount of bran
water and stir until a gruel is formed. Apply it to your skin with your hands.
After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with water.

A bath with bran gives a pleasant feeling of softness and purity of the skin of the body.
For this procedure, you need to wrap 200 grams in a double layer of gauze
bran and hang on the tap, so that the water flows down the bag.
After filling the bathtub, you can chat the same bag in it. By adopting
water procedures, do not wipe the skin with a towel.

Bran can be improved
hair using a decoction containing a large amount of nutrients
microelements that improve hair structure and give silkiness.

Dangerous properties of bran

Bran is contraindicated in exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases.
tract: colitis, gastritis,
enteritis, duodenal ulcer, stomach, erosions,
adhesions in the abdominal cavity.

Reception can be resumed only when the acute period subsides, and then
with caution and in small doses. You can only eat bran
having pretreated them with boiling water, they are also required
drink plenty of water.

Do not forget about the permissible amount of bran intake, which
should be agreed with the attending physician, since excessive use
can lead to exacerbation of diseases and disruption of the intestines:
bloating, flatulence
and other.

One of the plots of the program “All will be good” will acquaint you with the secrets of easy weight loss with the help of bran.

See also properties of other products:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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