Breed of chickens Hungarian Giant

The Hungarian giant is a meat-and-egg breed of chickens with rather high productivity. Adult birds and chickens are well adapted to cold, unpretentious in maintenance. True, representatives of this breed are a bit capricious in nutrition: in order for them to gain weight normally, they need to be fed with compound feed or special mixers. Hungarian chickens, or Foxy Chick, are constantly being improved. Perhaps new lines will be spared this flaw.

  • The head is small, round.
  • The beak is strong, short, rounded, light yellow in color.
  • Eyes small, orange with red inclusions.
  • The scallop is small, serrated.
  • The earrings and ears are rounded.
  • The comb, ears, earrings and face are bright scarlet.
  • The neck is powerful, elongated, located at right angles to the body.
  • The body is massive, but without sharp angles, their plumage is barrel-shaped.
  • The chest is massive, moderately convex.
  • The tummy is plump.
  • The back is quite wide, but shortened.
  • The wings are set at right angles to the back, tightly pressed.
  • The tail is medium, it is located at an obtuse angle with respect to the back.
  • Hips are developed, muscular.
  • Legs are short, without plumage.
  • Feathers are lush, red, roosters have braids.

Chickens may have a more rounded and deeper g ore, large tummy, smaller scallop. Males are more slender and lean. The character of chickens and roosters is calm, they are contact and non-aggressive. Any other bird and even a rabbit can get along with them. At the same time, birds are active, lively and curious. It is better to look at the appearance of chickens in the photo and video.

Product Description

The breed of Hungarian giants is characterized by good productivity. With proper feeding , the chickens grow rapidly, already at 7 weeks the chickens weigh more than 2 kilograms. Of course, their performance is lower than that of other broilers, but this is fully offset by good egg production. Description of product characteristics is as follows:

  • Weight of adult males – up to 6 kg, chickens – up to 4 kg.
  • Number of eggs per year – 250-300 pieces.
  • The mass of one egg is 55-65 g.
  • The shell is light brown, strong.
  • Start of laying – 4 months.
  • Survival of chickens – almost 100%.

The meat of chicken of the Hungarian breed is very useful. It has a complete set of amino acids, trace elements and other substances. It tastes juicy, tender, not too fat, almost like a rabbit.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Like any breed of chicken, the Hungarian Giant has a number of positive and negative qualities. Advantages include:

  • Stability and excellent adaptation to any climate.
  • Good productivity in both meat and egg directions.
  • Chicken is good mother and mother.
  • Great health and survival of the offspring.
  • Rapid growth.

The breed has its own drawbacks, because it’s ideal to cross out so far failed to anyone. In addition, Hungarian chickens are now dynamically developing, they continue to improve, they are crossed with other crosses and lines. So, here are the main disadvantages of the Hungarian chicken:

  • Demanding for food.
  • Short production period, egg production lasts no more than a year.
  • Tendency to obesity with improper feeding ..

Otherwise, this breed of chickens has no special negative traits. No wonder she already maintains her popularity a lot. Especially often, chickens are bred in private households. They breed and grow quickly, like rabbits, do not require special conditions for keeping.

Content Features

Hungarian chickens perfectly tolerate any conditions. They have magnificent plumage, which reliably protects from the cold, therefore additional heating in the house is not required. The area of ​​the room where the chickens live should be large. For 1 square. m should not be placed more than 2-3 individuals, as they are quite large. In this case, the ceiling should be high enough, not less than 1.3-1.5 m. The cell content of the rock is completely unsuitable.

The chicken coop for Hungarian giants should always be clean, the litter should be changed regularly. Humidity should not exceed 25-30%. It is also worth considering the proper lighting in the house. If you maintain daylight hours of 14-16 hours all year round, chickens will be better carried. Good ventilation in the house is important, especially with heap maintenance.

Before the new herd is settled, the chicken coop must be sanitized and cleaned. The litter changes completely, it is desirable to sprinkle the floors with slaked lime. The Hungarian is quite resistant to various infections, but it will never hurt to be safe again. In the room where the birds live, you need to enter in removable shoes so as not to bring in germs and spread dirt.

Feeding chickens

Special requirements presented for feeding chickens. The best food for them is specialized feed with a high protein content, then the bird grows quickly, like a rabbit. If this is not possible, you can make your own grain mixture, which includes:

  • corn – 40%;
  • wheat – 22%;
  • barley – 18%;
  • peas – 12%;
  • other ingredients – 8%.

By other ingredients we mean animal proteins, which are many in meat and bone meal, and you can also give meat broth to chickens. In addition, herbal flour, oilcake, mineral additives (chalk, salt, shells, fine gravel or pebbles) are necessarily added to the feed. If the bird does not eat feed, it must be fed with prepared vitamins. In summer, fresh vegetables are included in the diet, in winter you can give boiled potatoes, kitchen waste, but in small quantities.

Breeding chickens

Unlike many broiler breeds , Hungarian chickens breed well at home. In laying hens, maternal instinct is well developed, they hatch eggs on their own, chick survival is close to 100%. Before placing the hatching egg under the brood, an ovoscopy is necessary, the unfertilized material is discarded.

Artificial incubation of eggs is also acceptable, and the survival and hatchability of chickens is as high as with natural ones. It is important to adhere to all the basic rules of incubation: temperature should be 37.6-37.8 ° C, humidity – 55-65%, as well as normal ventilation of both the incubator and the room where it stands.

Chicken hatched for 21 days. At first it is wet, and then it becomes fluffy, like a little rabbit, weighs 45 g. The first three days should be kept chickens with round-the-clock lighting and a temperature of 28-31 ° C.Then daily reduce lighting for an hour, and reduce the temperature by 1-2 °. Humidity in the room should be maintained at 55-60%, there should be normal ventilation.

Chicks can be fed with standard compound feed for broiler chickens , for example, Tetra. You can alternate it with natural food, which includes an egg, cottage cheese, green nettle, grass, porridge and steamed grain. A week after the birth of the chicks they are allowed to walk, and after 3-4 weeks they can safely live with adult birds and eat standard food.

Cost of hens

How much do the eggs cost for incubation, chickens and adult hens Hungarian giant? The breed is quite expensive, an incubation egg costs 80-100 rubles. The price of daily chickens is 150-200 rubles, monthly – 250-300 rubles. Half-year-old hens cost 500-600 rubles per head. With bulk purchases, you can lower the cost a little.

The Hungarian giant is constantly receiving positive feedback from farmers. It is not difficult to breed it even for beginners, therefore it is worth trying to buy these fast-growing chickens. Universal breed quickly pays for itself.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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