Burnet, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

The burnet is also called: Bedrenets, Ogorodnik,
Gryzhnik, Headgear, Button, Wild Rowan, Twig, Owl Grass,
Cones, Chernotrav, Ryadovik.

Burnet is a herb from the Rosaceae family
with elongated generative and shortened vegetative shoots,
which develops in the axils of rosette leaves.

Has a horizontal rhizome with adventitious roots, tubers
and a taproot, which goes strictly into the depths of the soil, for more
stable growth and development of the plant.

It grows in glades, flood meadows, cliffs, along the banks of rivers and
swamps, as well as in thickets of bushes. The spread of this plant
very large. Scientists have found it all over Europe, in East Asia.
and North America, especially in temperate climates.

Stems in the upper part are branched, erect, 100 – 200 high

Leaves are pinnate, alternate with 8 pairs of serrate-toothed,
elliptical leaflets. Peri-root leaves are long-petiolate,
large, forming a so-called outlet. Stem leaves are sessile
smaller ones.

Inflorescences of complex shape, consist of many spike-shaped, oval-cylindrical
or oval inflorescences, about 25 mm long and up to 16 mm in diameter.
The flowers are dark red, bisexual, small, with a four-membered perianth.
They have 4 stamens and one pistil.

The fruit is a dry nut, light brown in color.

Propagated by seeds.

Burnet is a plant that is very fond of light.
and moisture. But at the same time, it remains in the ground for a very long time, even
in deep frosts or droughts, the seeds survive.

Digging or plowing a site with this plant,
you saturate the earth with a lot of useful minerals and vitamins,
which accumulate in the plant throughout the entire flowering time.

Burnet blooms in different parts of the country in different ways
time. In the northern part it blooms in August, but in the southern part it begins
bloom in June.

The plant is harvested in early spring before stem release. Of all
plants only harvest roots and rhizomes. Digging up the plant
shovel, shake off the earth and smooth it, forming small piles.
Then they are washed with running water and cut off small and rotten

The washed and cut raw materials are laid out in the sun to dry.
Thick roots are cut lengthwise and divided into pieces up to 20 cm long.
In the sun, the roots should stick a little. Then they collect and spread
under a canopy or in a dryer for further drying. Plant in dryers
dried at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C.

The finished raw materials are stored in a dry, dark place. Shelf life of the plant
can be up to five years old.

Burnet is a plant that is not very whimsical to soils,
but it grows especially well in humus-rich soil.

The plant prefers sunny areas. Planted with seeds
after 6 days at room temperature. Seated
plant in pits, 10 – 50 cm deep and up to 25 cm in diameter.
they are poured with water in advance, then allowing it to be absorbed, the seeds are planted.

Pits are made at a distance of about half a meter from each
friend. The plant sprouts 3 weeks after sowing. When seating
parts of the roots of the plant rises a week earlier.

After four weeks, a thorough
cleaning and weeding the site, since the plant is very weak during germination
and is easily clogged with weeds.

Burnet is a long-lived plant.

There are about 27 types of burnet, but the most famous
and not all are useful.

Useful properties of burnet

Burnet is harvested from the whole plant and further consumed
only the roots and rhizomes of the plant, namely the underground part.

Burnet contains substances such as: ellagic acid, tannins
substances, oxalic acid, pyrogallol, gallic acid, catechin,
flavonoids, gallocatechin, pigments, carotene, starch, saponin, sterols,
sanguisorbin, vitamin
Ah, vitamin
C, essential oil, flavonoids.

Burnet extract has vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory

When taken internally, the extract contributes to muscle contraction
uterus and inhibits intestinal motility.

It helps well with diarrhea and enterocolitis.

Liquid extract: 3 tablespoons of grated burnet root per 400 g
70% alcohol. Insist 7 to 10 days. Take 20 – 30 g for 10
min before eating.

Decoction of rhizomes: 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials for 2 cups of boiling water, all
place it in an enamel container. They warm the floor in a water bath
hours and cooled to room temperature, drain. Received
the volume is boiled for 5 – 10 minutes by adding 1 cup of boiling water. The broth is stored
up to 48 hours.

Prevents bleeding gums. Take 1 tablespoon each
4 hours. Drinking the broth only after meals.

Burnet preparations helps with various types of bleeding,
such as uterine bleeding, hemoptysis, stomach, profuse
menstruation, hemorrhoids, etc. Externally, burnet is used
as a means of promoting the healing of wounds, abrasions and cuts.

Burnet is prescribed for gingvitis, tonsillitis, hemorrhagic metropathy,
stomatitis and periodontal disease, with acute vaginitis, chronic dysentery,
cholecystitis, Trichomonas colpitis, flatulence, intestinal pathology,
hypermenstrual syndrome, chronic and acute enteritis, diseases
respiratory organs, irregular uterine bleeding, polymenorrhea,
menorrhagia, diarrhea, hypermenorrhea.

Some quite tasty dishes are also made from burnet.
The most famous are:

  • Kissel from burnet rhizomes.
  • Drink from a grub and mint.
  • Burnet and St. John’s wort tea.
  • Burnet rhizome salad.
  • Burnet and potato salad.

The underground part of the plant is used in the veterinary industry and is used
as an astringent, anthelmintic, hemostatic, agent. Aquatic
extracts from burnet are effective in the fight against foulbrood of European

Dangerous properties of burnet and contraindications

Due to the fact that burnet constricts blood vessels, before use
consultation with a doctor is required.

Contraindicated in breastfeeding, pregnancy and intestinal constipation.

Take with caution in case of hypertension.

Individual intolerance.

Burnet video

Video on how to use burnet for treatment.

Useful and dangerous properties of other herbs:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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