Calendula, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Tinctures, decoctions and teas producing
therapeutic effect, prepared from inflorescences, petals and leafy
tops of calendula. In folk medicine, they are used for inflammatory
processes in the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, neuroses
and a number of other diseases. But medicinal products are also made from calendula.
drugs that are prescribed for anemia, stomach ulcers and 12-fold
intestines, gastritis, tumors. However, in the application of medicinal
calendula needs caution.

Useful properties of calendula officinalis

Composition and nutrients

What exactly is used and in what form

The petals of calendula flowers, whole
flower inflorescences, and leafy flowering tops. From inflorescences
calendula prepare infusion, tincture, tea, decoctions. Extract included
medicinal marigolds in the composition of tablets, ointments, lotions. Outwardly
tincture of calendula is used as a lotion, for lubrication
and healing of cuts, burns,
ulcers and wounds; for douching, rinsing. Marigolds are present
as part of numerous herbal preparations. Widely used
calendula and homeopathy.

Medicinal properties

Calendula officinalis petals contain volatile oils, flavonoids
(isorhamnetin heterosides), carotenoids (carotene, violaxanthin,
rubixanthin, flavoxanthin, lycopene), calenden bitterness, triterpene
saponins – calendulosides (faradiol, arnidiol and oleanolic glycosides
acids), sesquiterpene calenden, resins, mucus, tannins,
acids, phenol derivatives, antibiotic, sitosterol..

Calendula officinalis has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal,
wound healing, antispasmodic, hypotensive, cardiotonic
and sedative properties; helps to accelerate metabolic
liver function (increased secretory and excretory functions,
the concentration of bilirubin and cholesterol in bile decreases). Divorced
tincture of medicinal marigolds treat leg ulcer, pityriasis
deprive and oily seborrhea of ​​the face, eczema,
purulent skin rashes and frostbite, aphthous stomatitis (in
in the form of rinsing), gingivitis, pyorrhea, periodontal disease,
tonsillitis and sore throat. When
erosion of the cervix and Trichomonas colpitis are prescribed douching,
make baths and microclysters for proctitis, paraproctitis, anal
cracks. For blepharitis and conjunctivitis, compresses and
baths for the eyes. The use of calendula gives a positive therapeutic
effect on gastritis,
gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, colitis, enterocolitis,
diseases of the liver and biliary tract (especially in combination with chamomile
medicinal and yarrow). Justified application
calendula for cardiovascular diseases, accompanied by
rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath and swelling. In the gynecological
and obstetric practice, an infusion or tincture of calendula is prescribed
inside with incessant vomiting in pregnant women, dysmenorrhea, increased
pressure and insomnia in menopause. In folk medicine
medicinal marigolds are used for aphthosis, bronchitis,
scrofula, rickets, jaundice, diseases of the bladder and spleen,
nervous fever and dizziness..

In herbal medicine, calendula in the form of a suspension or tincture
used externally to treat acne,
reducing inflammation and soothing irritated skin.
Some sources point to the effective use of calendula ointment
or cream in case of treatment of radiation dermatitis (skin lesions
due to radiation exposure). Calendula ointment with radiation
dermatitis significantly reduces the pain of the victim..

In official medicine

Preparations based on calendula officinalis:

  • Tincture of calendula;
  • KN tablets (as a part of powder from flowers
    calendula and nicotinic acid). Prescribed to reduce the phenomena
    dyspepsia with oncological diseases of the esophagus, stomach,
    intestines. Symptomatic together with niacin calendula
    has a beneficial effect on malignant tumors of the stomach,
    which are not subject to operation;
  • Caleflon (purified marigold flower extract
    medicinal in the form of tablets) – used for ulcers
    stomach, duodenum, with chronic gastritis
    in the acute phase to eliminate inflammation and accelerate healing;
  • Kaferid (in the composition of the iron oxide
    and flowers of medicinal marigolds). Assign when
    anemia as a means of stimulating the processes of hematopoiesis..

In folk medicine

  • With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, half
    a tablespoon of calendula petals is poured with a glass of boiling water.
    Let it brew and take a tablespoon every 60 minutes..
  • With scabies,
    and swelling of the spleen drink 2 glasses a day of flower tea
    marigold and yarrow herb, taken in equal parts.
  • For diseases of the liver and biliary tract, take a tablespoon of herbal
    St. John’s wort mixtures,
    knotweed, chicory, immortelle, buckthorn bark and chamomile flowers
    and calendula (2: 1: 1,5: 2: 1,5: 0,5: 2), fill with raw water, insist
    night, boil for 7 minutes in the morning, insist for 20 minutes and take
    3 glasses a day.
  • For painful periods, a tablespoon of a mixture of calendula flowers
    and mallow flowers (wood mallow) in proportions of 6: 4 per glass
    boiling water, insist for 20 minutes and take 3 glasses a day.
  • With furunculosis, they drink tea from a mixture of marigold flowers, burdock roots,
    walnut leaves and wheatgrass root (4; 2,5: 1,5: 2).
    Pour a tablespoon of such a mixture with a glass of boiling water, let it brew
    a quarter of an hour and take 0,5 cups three times a day..
  • For hypertension, to reduce and stabilize arterial
    pressure, recommend long-term collection: 9 tablespoons
    spoons of marigold flowers pour 0,2 liters of vodka and leave for
    10 days in a glass container, in a dark and cool place, shaking
    occasionally. Then strain, take 20 drops
    three times a day with water.
  • With angina pectoris,
    hypertension, painful sensations in the heart and neurotic
    conditions useful collection: a tablespoon of valerian root
    and dill seeds
    and 2 tablespoons of licorice root, string herb and flowers
    calendula. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of a mixture of all the ingredients,
    boil for half an hour in a water bath, let it brew, strain
    chilled. Add boiled water, increasing the volume
    up to 0,2 l. Drink a third of a glass three times a day for
    three weeks, then take a break and continue the course for another
    2 week..
  • A good anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent is considered
    powder from calendula flowers: you need to take it three times a day,
    0,3 – 0,5 g each, washed down with water, or with honey.
  • In neuroses,
    as a sedative: take 2 tablespoons of inflorescences
    marigold and oregano herbs,
    a tablespoon of tansy flowers.
    Mix, pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the herbal mixture,
    and under the lid, heat in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then chill
    and strain. Drink a quarter glass 4 times a day, during
    3 weeks.
  • Tincture of calendula at home: for cooking
    tincture will need 40% alcohol. Two tablespoons fresh
    inflorescences of medicinal marigolds grind and pour into a glass
    dishes. Pour the flower mixture with 100 ml of alcohol. Close the container,
    leave in a dark place for 8 days. Then strain
    and store in a cool place..


  • For cuts, acne,
    boils, frostbite, ulcers, lichen,
    blepharitis is applied to the affected area with a pair of marigolds.
    For rinsing the cavity and throat with tonsillitis, gingivitis, stomatitis,
    amphodontosis take one teaspoon of calendula alcohol tincture
    half a cup of boiled water.
  • Freckles on the face and hands are removed by two times smearing the juice
    from calendula leaves, mixed in equal parts with lemon juice,
    currant berries and almond
  • If vision falls, lotions are applied to the eyes at night.
    such a mixture: calendula flowers, blue cornflower petals and herbs
    blooming eyebright take in equal parts. The course of treatment is long,
    at least six months.
  • For douching with erosion of the cervix, with Trichomonas lesions,
    pathological secretions, prepare an infusion of 4 tablespoons
    calendula per liter of boiling water..
  • For joint pain, rub a few drops of calendula tincture
    massage movements to the affected area, then wrap with warm
    a handkerchief or scarf. This treatment should be followed for
    weeks, daily before bedtime. You can also attach to the joint
    compress: moisten the cloth in tincture, “warm” the ready-made compress,
    withstand at least 3 hours. Repeat the procedure daily..

In oriental medicine

Indian physicians have long used calendula as an antiseptic
and a stimulant.

The properties of calendula were studied by Avicenna, who highly appreciated the medicinal
the value of the plant.

Calendula is used in Ayurvedic medicine.

In scientific research

The healing properties of calendula remain an object of modern scientific

J.M. Leach studied the healing properties of calendula officinalis,
its importance in therapy aimed at treating wounds of various etymologies..

Phytochemical and ethnopharmacological aspects of representatives
genus Calendula are highlighted in the work of D. Arora, A. Rani and A. Sharma..

M. Butnariu and C.Z. Coradini investigated bioactive components
flowers of calendula officinalis..

Scientific work of Sharova O.V. and Kurkina V.A. dedicated to flavonoids,
contained in the flowers of medicinal marigolds..

Diuretic effect of preparations based on calendula flowers analyzed
in the work of V.A. Kurkin, A.V. Kurkina, E.N. Zaitseva. and etc..

P. Pomier, F. Gomez and others substantiated the role of
calendula in the prevention of radiation dermatitis during irradiation,
used in the treatment of breast cancer..

In cooking

Calendula petals as a natural color, flavor and flavor
the additive is used in the preparation of salads, desserts, drinks,
varied vegetarian cuisine. Add calendula to
soups, pastries, herbal liqueurs, homemade liqueurs, sauces.

Rice with calendula

Ingredients You Will Need: 4 cups of water, 1/8 teaspoon
salt, half a finely chopped onion,
2 bouillon cubes, ./. cup chopped calendula petals,
2 cups long grain rice Boil water, add to boiling
water salt, onions, bouillon cubes, calendula petals and rice. Stir
and simmer, covered, for 18 minutes.

Calendula muffins

You will need: 1 and ¾ cups of flour, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 0,5
teaspoon salt, ¼ cup sugar, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons melted
butter, cups milk, ¾ cups chopped dates,
2 tablespoons of calendula petals. Preheat oven to 220
0. Mix the sifted flour with baking powder, salt and sugar. Separately
beat eggs. Combine the egg mixture with milk, butter, dates
and calendula petals. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
Pour the dough into muffin tins, half full. Bake
15-20 minutes. Decorate the finished muffins with calendula flowers and petals.

Omelet with calendula

To prepare an omelet you will need: 2-3 eggs, 2 tablespoons
milk, a teaspoon of butter or a tablespoon of any vegetable
oil, 2 tablespoons of fresh calendula petals, salt and pepper.
Beat eggs
with milk, salt and pepper to taste. Pour into egg and milk
mixture of calendula petals. Prepare an omelet in a preheated pan,
oiled and sprinkle the finished dish with calendula petals.

Calendula Custard

You will need 0,5 liters of milk, a cup of calendula petals, a quarter
a teaspoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar, vanilla on the tip
knife, 3 egg yolks, 1/8 teaspoon grated nutmeg
nuts and the same amount of allspice, ½ teaspoon pink
water. Grind calendula petals in a mortar and mix with milk
and vanilla. Add whipped egg yolks, salt to the milk mixture
and spiced sugar (nutmeg and allspice). On average
bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Without stopping stirring,
boil for 5-10 minutes until thickened. Add to the chilled cream
rose water. The finished custard can be used to prepare
desserts or serve as a separate baked dish. Baked
Serve the custard with whipped cream and calendula petals.

Herbal oil with calendula and marjoram

Required products: 200 g butter, 2-3 tablespoons
calendula petals and the same amount of marjoram leaves. Softened
mix oil with calendula and marjoram and bring the mixture until smooth
states in the blender. You can add a tablespoon of olive
butter, a little lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Finished
Put butter in a mold or oiler and freeze in the refrigerator.

Corn bread with calendula petals

Ingredients: 2 cups whey, 3-4 tablespoons fresh
calendula petals, 1,5 cups cornmeal, ¾ cup wheat
flour, ¾ cup unbleached flour, 1,5 teaspoons baking powder,
¾ teaspoon salt, 2 large eggs, ¼ cup vegetable oil
or melted butter, ¼ cup honey.

Soak calendula petals in whey. Preheat the oven
before 1900. Grease a baking dish with oil. Sift the corn
wheat and unbleached flour, baking powder and salt in
a large bowl. Beat eggs, add whey, vegetable or
melted butter and honey, whisk all liquid ingredients
at least a minute. Mix the whey-egg butter mixture with the prepared
flour. Pour the dough into a mold, bake the bread for 25-30 minutes, until golden
crusts. Cut and serve when cooled completely..

Calendula can be salted and pickled and used as
dressings for salads, soups, main courses.

To salt calendula, you will need: 1 kg of fresh flower baskets
medicinal marigold, 0,5 liters of water and 60 g of salt. Boil water
salt, pour boiling brine washed and dried from moisture
calendula flowers, cook for 5 minutes. Allow to cool, pour into a glass
the dishes together with the brine should be stored in a cool place.

For marinated calendula you will need: 1 kg of fresh calendula inflorescences,
0,5 liters of 3% vinegar, 40 g of salt and a few peas of black pepper.
Pour the prepared inflorescences with vinegar, add salt and pepper,
and cook for 5 minutes. Pour chilled into storage containers.
Store in a dark place.

Calendula drink with apple juice

Pour a glass of dry marigold inflorescences with 2 liters of water and boil on
low heat for at least 0,5 hour. Infuse the broth for about 8 hours.
Then add 400 ml of fresh apple juice to the calendula broth
and 200 ml of liquid honey. Pour the drink into bottles, leave it cool

In cosmetology

Calendula is an invariable component of many skin care products.
cosmetics. On its basis, tonics, creams, scrubs, rinses are created,
masks, herbal cosmetic ice and soap.

Softening calendula hand mask

To prepare such a cosmetic product, you will need:
2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice,
1 teaspoon of fresh calendula petals, a tablespoon of honey,
3 tablespoons of warm water. Mix all ingredients and puree
in a blender. Apply to cleansed and slightly damp hands. Withstand
5-10 minutes. Wash off the mask with water at room temperature and lubricate
hands with nourishing cream. Oatmeal cleanses and softens skin, lemon
juice evens out skin tone and removes age spots, calendula
and honey – soften and heal.

Hair rinse with calendula

You will need: 0,5 liters of strong herbal calendula tea, dining room
spoon of calendula tincture, 3-5 drops of rosemary essential oil.
Brew strong tea from calendula flowers. Let it brew and cool.
Add calendula tincture and rosemary essential oil. To apply
on washed and damp hair and scalp. Leave for a few
minutes, then rinse.

Facial scrub

Ingredients: a cup of oatmeal, half a cup of cornmeal,
1/3 cup dry calendula petals Grind all products on a coffee grinder
into powder. Store this scrub base in a container with a tight-fitting
cover. Before cleansing your face, mix one teaspoon of dry mixture
with a little water. Apply to wet face and massage
rub the skin with movements. Wash off with warm water.

Calendula balm

This balm is useful for lubricating scratches, burns, abrasions, bruises.
For cooking, you need to take 105 g of marigold oil extract
medicinal and 150 g of beeswax. Melt the wax in water
bath and combine with calendula extract. Warm up and pour into a small
glass container. Store the frozen balm in a dark, dry place.

Steam bath for the face

Take half a cup each of dried calendula petals, lavender flowers,
roses and daisies. Prepare an infusion, pouring about half a cup of this
flower mixture with a liter of boiling water. Steaming facial skin over herbal
bath for 3 to 7 minutes.

Calendula bath

For a full bath, prepare an infusion: a full cup of dry
pour calendula petals with 2 liters of boiling water. Boil
and let it brew. Add to bath water. Such a procedure
useful for eczema, urticaria,

Helps calendula with problem skin. For making at home
conditions of acne lotion will need: a tablespoon of calendula infusion
mix in a tablespoon of camphor alcohol, adding 10 drops
ammonia, stir everything thoroughly and store in the refrigerator.
Apply the lotion to the face with rubbing movements, with a cotton pad,
soaked in solution, up to 3 times a day..

In perfumery

The essence of calendula is traditionally used in perfumery.
The plant brings bitterness, spice, balsamic
note. Perfume with a well-perceptible aroma of calendula – Interlude
Woman от Amouage

Other uses

  • The juice of fresh marigold leaves is used to treat bee stings. Flower juice
    calendula is used as a natural colorant in the production
    cheese and butter. Previously, dyes from calendula were used
    and for coloring Easter eggs, added to chicken feed to
    the egg yolk was brighter.
  • Thickets of calendula prevent roundworms from reproducing in the soil
  • Marigolds are considered a natural repellent: calendula bushes planted
    under the windows of the dwelling, scare away mosquitoes. Also the scent of calendula
    braves insect pests from the beds of potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants.

In the Middle Ages, calendula symbolized envy. In artistic
works of J. Chaucer Envy is decorated with a garland of marigolds.
However, later the Christian tradition interprets calendula as a symbol
obedience and humility.

In ancient Rome, calendula was used for scorpion bites.

In Germany, there is a sign: if after 7 in the morning the flowers of the marigold
did not open – to the rain.

In Mexico, calendula is considered the flower of death. According to legend, a plant
rose from the spilled blood of local Indians killed by the Spanish

Due to its culinary value and economic benefits
calendula is called “poor man’s saffron”.

During the American Civil War, fresh calendula flowers were applied
directly to open wounds, they were used as a hemostatic
a remedy and as an antiseptic for wound healing. Later, calendula
used in the same way during the First World War..

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of calendula
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
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It is an annual herb of the Asteraceae family.

Among the people, the name “marigold».
Other naming options: solstice, oil color, golden
… The Latin word for Calendula is a diminutive, and
translates as “small calendar”, “small clock”, and even
as a “little barometer” as the calendula flowers close
and bloom at a certain time of the day, being the so-called
“Flower clock”.

In botany, from 12 to 20 types of calendula are distinguished, including:

Calendula officinalis is an annual herb, with a height of 0,3 to 0,5
m. The root system is pivotal, the stem is straight, branched, with
longitudinal ribs, densely pubescent with small and hard fibers.
The foliage is alternate (spiral), the lower leaves are larger,
petiolate, upper ones are smaller, sessile. Bright yellow or orange
flowers with balsamic aroma are collected in baskets. Along the edge of the inflorescence
ligulate flowers grow, in the middle – tubular. The fruit is achene.
Marigolds bloom from June to mid-autumn. Achenes ripen from July.
Grown in horticultural farms, in personal plots,
very rarely found as a weed..

Calendula takes root on any soil, but the highest yield
can be obtained in high humidity and well-lit areas.
Long-term use of the site where the calendula is grown is possible.
On the eve of sowing, the soil is plowed to a depth of 0,2 m.Seeds are sown
in early spring. On beds with formed seedlings produce
weeding and loosen the soil. Weeding and plowing the soil is repeated
another 2-3 times at the beginning of the summer period. Feeding is also advisable
soil with fertilizers (up to 2 times)..

Watering is moderate. Overly planted calendula can be affected
powdery mildew. Calendula is resistant to recurrent frost. Besides
spring sowing, it is possible to sow seeds before winter. Sprout well
marigolds and from self-seeding. The plant blooms about a month after
germination of seeds..

The collection of inflorescences-baskets is carried out from 8 to 12 times during the whole
growing season, since the flowering period of calendula lasts
pretty long. Raw materials are harvested in the phase of mass flowering. Rip off
those inflorescences in which the tubular flowers have partially opened, and the reed
– located horizontally. A part of the peduncle may remain at the basket.
up to 3 cm long.Calendula is harvested until frost, as
flowering with an interval of 2 to 5 days. After the fourth to fifth workpiece
inflorescences become much smaller. Dry the marigolds immediately
in the shade, under a canopy, scattering in a thin layer on a tarp or burlap
and shaking from time to time. The readiness of raw materials is determined by the degree
friability of inflorescences into parts. Allowable shelf life is 1 year..

The plant serves as food for butterfly larvae, representatives of several
common types. Among them are cabbage scoop, currant scoop,
large yellow ribbon, etc.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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