Calorie content of cucumber

Cucumbers are considered a summer vegetable, although it can easily be bought in the winter. They are bought for cooking various dishes. The calorie content of cucumber is small, so it is widely used in nutrition. Consider how many calories there are in a cucumber with different ways of cooking it.

  1. Chemical composition and BJU
  2. Calorie content of vegetable
  3. In fresh
  4. In salted
  5. In lightly salted
  6. In pickled
  7. In cucumber juice
  8. Daily intake
  9. Useful properties cucumber
  10. Conclusion <

Калорийность огурца

Cucumber calorie content

Chemical composition and BJU

Soil fruits are useful, because they are grown in home greenhouses or beds. the amount of harmful chemicals, as opposed to purchased ones. Imported cucumbers can contain metals and concentrates, so when choosing vegetables in the store it is better to give priority to the producer of your country.

95% in green cucumber is water. The vegetable has a high content of enzymes that accelerate the metabolism. Therefore, it must be eaten with meat. The fruits have vitamins: C; A, B5, B9, PP, but the maximum values ​​for vitamin K (in 1 piece 20% refers to the necessary intake per day). The fetus is a source of fiber, which stimulates the intestines.

The accumulation of trace elements in it is small, and trace elements – much more. We are talking about Ca, H, Na, Mg and K. In 100 grams of fruit, 147 mg of potassium, which is 7% of daily intake. Regarding the BZHU.The content in fresh fruit of fats is only 0.1 g, proteins occupy 1 g. Carbohydrates 2.8 gr. Are the leaders.

Calorie content of vegetable

To find out how many calories are in a cucumber, turn to the table.

ViewCalories (kcal)

100 gr

Cucumber juice14
Cucumber pickle12

Calories Cucumber is determined by its chemical composition. After all, as fats, carbohydrates and proteins accumulate in small quantities, this makes BZhU small. It is not necessary to worry about a set of calories: the calorie content of fresh cucumber remains small, regardless of its preparation. And no matter where the fruit is grown: in a greenhouse or in a garden, it still will not change its energy value.

In fresh

Огурцы подходят для диетического питания

Cucumbers are suitable for diet food

Calorie content of a fresh fruit is only 15 kilocalories per 100 g .Often it is not included in the diary of the diet, following a diet. You can safely use the vegetable for those who carefully monitor their weight. Many are interested in what calorie content of vegetables is in the composition of ready-made dishes. For example, the calorie content of rolls with a cucumber without a kappa maki peel is only 90 kcal per 100 g and fat is 0.85 g.

In salted

After the salting process they are often used for salads, hot dishes, side dishes, and even added to sauces. The calorie content of cucumbers by this method of preparation is even less than that of fresh ones. A total of 11 kcal per vegetable.

Small dense fruits with delicate skin and without large seeds are considered a special delicacy.

In lightly salted

Salted cucumbers can be found in different cuisines around the world. They are prepared using short-term salting. Salting time and distinguishes them from salty. Keep this product should be in banks. The calorie content of light-salted cucumbers is only 11 kcal per 100 g.

In pickled

Pickled cucumbers are often used for snacks. After all, they are combined with both meat and fish. The nutritional content in the pickled is 16 kcal per 100 g. Protein in this case is 2.5 g, fat is 0.28 g, and carbohydrate is 1.79 g.

In cucumber juice

Cucumber juice is used as freshly squeezed fresh. The juice itself is rich in vitamins and minerals. It should be drunk with gout and joint pain.It stabilizes blood pressure and helps improve vision. And at the same time, its caloric content of juice is only 14 kcal.

Daily intake

Nutritionists prescribe a diet for some patients, in which it is necessary to eat green vegetables. But it is necessary to combine it with meals, which contains a large amount of protein. If this balance is disturbed, irritation of the walls of the stomach may begin.

If the equality between green vegetables and cereals is observed, then fresh cucumbers must be consumed in large quantities. As for pickled and salted, their number should be limited. A day is allowed to consume no more than 200 grams.

Ksenia Borodina’s diet cucumber diet
Useful properties of Cucumber to lose weight

Useful properties of cucumber

  • nourishes the skin of the face, which gives the effect of some cooling ;
  • relieves puffiness of the eyes;
  • treats mild sunburns;
  • helps to saturate the body with water in the summer, which helps to stop dehydration living;
  • cleanses from various harmful deposits, and also removes toxins and toxins;
  • is part of a complex with the prevention of urolithiasis;
  • with the help of fisetins affects the work the brain, thereby entering into the rejuvenation process of its cells;
  • has anti-cancer properties;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • improves blood circulation in the blood vessels;
  • has antibacterial properties.


Cucumber calorie content is an important indicator when following a diet or diet niya proper nutrition. In addition, there is a beneficial effect of cucumbers on the body, which is caused by the presence in their composition of a large number of vitamins and amino acids.By including one cucumber per day in your diet, you heal your body.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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