Camel meat, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

general description

The first mention of camel meat brings us back to the biblical
times. According to the laws of Moses, it was forbidden to eat camel meat,
although they drank the milk of these animals then, they drink it now.

Camel meat has been the mainstay of nomad cooking for centuries.
They could only use products for long-term storage or eat
the meat of those animals that went with them: usually these were camels.
Traveling, the nomads also exchanged the meat of these animals for others.
items and products. This is how the spread of the camel took place.
meat around the world.

In Persia and Ancient Rome, camel meat was considered a delicacy. IN
Mongolians melted valuable healthy fat from it. Wide use
meat also received in the Middle East, North Africa
and Central Asia. And in the Arab countries, camel meat is still considered
an excellent tool that increases

How to choose

When choosing camel meat, you should consider the differences in properties
taken from different parts of the meat carcass, as well as its age. For example,
in adults, it has increased rigidity, which is significant
complicates the cooking process due to the need to use special
processing technology. Therefore, the most delicious and appropriate
an option is the obtained meat of young animals.

How to store

Fresh camel meat should only be stored in the refrigerator,
using it for several days. Longer shelf life
has frozen meat. Subject to a certain regime (not
above -18 degrees), it can be stored for six months. Besides
this, camel meat can be dried.
In this form, this product can be stored for 1-2 months. Wherein
dried camel meat is not recommended for freezing, because when
defrosting meat may taste bitter.

In cooking

In ancient Rome, camel meat was considered a real delicacy, and
in Persia (Iran) it was served at various folk festivals.
In some states, it was the basis of the diet, and even now it remains
the main ingredient in the daily menu. Especially willingly
the Arab peoples inhabiting the Middle East are prepared from camel meat.
The meat goes well with herbs, any cereals, vegetables,
soy sauce, hot spices and Indian spices.

North Africa traditionally prepares a popular Moroccan dish
called Tajine – camel baked with potatoes.
Extreme tenderness and special taste of this food delight
not only visiting tourists, but also the local population. In Asia enjoys
considerable demand for camel meat, smoked
with any hot spices. Especially popular with such peoples
stews of camel with vegetables and smoked humps are considered. Besides
In addition, the fat of humps contains a layer of fat in its pure form: it is overheated
and is used in cooking, and where camels are common,
such fat is appreciated above beef and lamb.

Many parts of the carcass are eaten: from the tongue to the tail, which looks like
on the whip. The camel meat tastes like beef, and the younger it is,
the tastier and more valuable. Camel meat, like other meat, is suitable
for frying, cooking, stewing.
Stews, barbecues, pates, burgers, whites and

Caloric value

The calorie content of camel meat is 160,2 kcal. Moreover, in boiled
meat contains 230 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, the meat of the camel is
dietary product, and it is advised for people who
monitor their weight, since there are no internal fat layers in it.
Pi this in stewed and fried form, the calorie content rises to 205
and 281 kcal, respectively, which is also not a lot.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g
Fats, g
Ash, g
Water, g
Calorie content, kcal
Raw meat
Braised stew

Useful properties of camel meat

Composition and presence of nutrients

Camel meat contains large amounts of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
Among the vitamin composition, one can note the presence of B1, B2, PP, B9,
C, A and E.

Useful and healing properties

The most valuable properties of camel meat are due to a rather specific
the chemical composition of this product, which is characterized by a low content
increased – protein, as well as an almost complete absence of fats. Together
with the presence of a number of biologically active substances, this feature makes
meat is one of the best options for inclusion in the dietary
power supply.

Camel meat is rich in heme iron, which is well absorbed
the body. Such meat is very useful for children and adults, because
it contains this trace element protects against infectious diseases
and prevents the formation of anemia.
In addition, meat is rich in potassium and zinc, which are involved
in the processes of cell renewal and affect growth. With their shortage
growth slows down, hair begins to chop, and nails lose their natural
shine and become brittle.

Camel meat is useful for the skin and mucous membranes, nervous and digestive
systems. Its constituent trace elements regulate blood sugar.
In addition, camel meat has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,
immunostimulating effect.

And in the liver and kidneys of the carcass, the maximum concentration of riboflavin,
B2, which affects the work of almost all body systems.

Use in cooking

Camel meat is easy to cook in both large and small pieces.
Humpback meat is considered the best, it is usually just fried with spices.
or added to a stew. Thigh meat can be twisted into minced meat
and cook meatballs or cutlets by baking them in a marinade. Cook and
soft camel feet that fry
over an open fire, seasoning with spices. And the heart and stomach are usually
just stew with vegetables.

Also camel meat is part of the Moroccan dish – crown.
To prepare it, the meat is mixed with any vegetables and baked.
in a clay pot.

A very popular stew with vegetables. The thigh is suitable for this
and hump, but the most commonly used are the heart, entrails and stomach. For
stewing camel meat is cut into pieces (the larger they are, the longer
you need to extinguish them). Vegetables are peeled, cut and mixed with meat,
adding spices, and then stew until tender.

In order to just boil the meat of an adult animal, you need
cook it for at least 4 hours. If you want to fry small pieces
meat, then in advance they can be marinated for 3 hours in vinegar, after
why it softens and tastes better.

And for frying, the tenderloin of a young camel is well suited.
The carcass is cut into medium-sized pieces, and fried with the addition of
oils, traditional seasonings and herbs can be added to improve the taste.
Wine is often added for refinement. Can also be added to
dish of root vegetables and seasonal fruits.

Interesting recipes with camel meat

Meat pate:

  • 250 g of meat;
  • 40 grams of dried mushrooms and dried seafood
  • 30 g thinly sliced ​​ham;
  • coriander, ginger root, salt and pepper;
  • onion noodles;
  • soybeans;
  • rice wine;
  • I am willow;
  • vinegar.

For the pate, wash the meat and boil for 30 minutes. Extract the bones
and cook for a couple of hours with knotted onions and chopped root
After that, cut the meat into slices and simmer for 45-60 minutes with a new
a serving of onion and ginger root until a fairly thick mass is obtained.

Boil dried scallops until tender with onions, ginger
and wine, then mix with pieces of mushrooms, ham and soy
for meat. Then you need to add salt, pepper, wine, soy sauce, vinegar
and simmer for another 20 minutes. Add the coriander at the end and the dish is ready to serve.


This is a Kyrgyz dish using camel meat. To make him
you will need to cook:

  • 2 kilograms of meat;
  • garlic head;
  • 2 bulb bulb;
  • 350 grams of ghee;
  • 150 grams of water;
  • salt pepper.

Wash and chop the camel meat. Heat the oil in a frying pan
sauté the chopped onion. Put the meat in there and fry until the meat
will not be crusted. Now add the garlic and stir the contents.
Add water and simmer over low heat until tender.

Dangerous properties of camel meat

Camel meat is not recommended to be consumed only with individual
intolerance. Otherwise, there are no contraindications to use.
there is no camel.

An interesting video about camels and their milk in the program “Heads and Tails. Shopping ”

See also properties of other products:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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