Camelina oil, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

It is obtained from camelina, an oil plant of the cruciferous family. The homeland of the cereal is considered to be the southeast of Asia and the east of Europe.
It is also often popularly called “false flax “… This plant is known
from the Stone Age, thanks to unpretentiousness, unique
composition and many useful properties. It has long attracted the attention of breeders,
as a result of which it is successfully cultivated today. (crops
concentrated in Siberia) and other European countries (in France,
Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden).

From small seeds of yellow-red color, for a long time, they obtained
valuable camelina oil with a pungent taste, competing in food
values ​​with a sesame product (hence another name for camelina – “немецкий
sesame, sesame
“). In addition to being consumed, this oil has been used
in ancient medicine (for the treatment of wounds, various burns,
inflammatory ailments of the organs of vision, ulcers),
and also used as a dressing for lamps.

… at the beginning of the .th century, camelina was cultivated as a raw material
for oil. However, after a while, due to the spread of sunflower,
Camelina oil eventually ceased to be popular among Russians,
and soon it was completely forgotten. But time has made adjustments and now
camelina is again considered a Russian agricultural crop,
and his oil occupies a worthy place in the nutrition of people who lead
healthy lifestyle.

The sphere of use of the camelina oilseed crop in the .st century is very diverse.
In addition to culinary use, there is a healthy camelina oil in
composition of many drugs, is widely used in perfumery and cosmetic
industry, soap production, paint production,
alkyd resins, drying oils, mechanical engineering. Miscellaneous by-products of production
this oil is used as feed for animal husbandry, and
the stems are used in the production of packaging materials and tassels.

How to choose

If you want to get the maximum of nutrients from camelina oil,
then it is worth choosing a product as fresh as possible, and most importantly – it should
be unrefined… During the refining process, it can break down
most of the antioxidants, and such a product will quickly oxidize after
bottle opening.

It is worth buying small bottles, since after opening and contact
with air, the shelf life of the product is greatly reduced. Do not forget
read the label carefully – the responsible manufacturer indicates
how much oil is usable after opening the bottle.

How to store

It is better to store camelina oil in the refrigerator, with a well-closed lid.

In cooking

Thanks to a well-balanced composition and extremely high value
Camelina oil has long been used in dietary and

Unrefined oil has a scent that stimulates the appetite,
and a spicy, pungent taste reminiscent of horseradish
and rarely.
It is because of these properties that camelina oil is used in cooking,
mainly for dressing vinaigrettes, salads, vegetables. Also this
the product is suitable for preparing various cereal dishes (cereals, side dishes,
pilaf), pastries, gravies and various sauces.

Both refined and unrefined oils are often used
and for frying meat, vegetables or fish: this oil is resistant to heat,
does not smoke at all and does not lose aroma and taste when
high temperatures. But in the culinary use of this oil does not
it is worth subjecting it to heat treatment, since when heated
useful substances in the composition of this product (vitamins,
polyunsaturated acids, etc.)

Unrefined camelina oil is produced using a special technology,
allowing you to save the maximum amount of the most useful components.
Like healthy mustard oil, it is highly persistent.
to oxidation due to the large amount of natural antioxidants.
But deodorized and refined oil, different from unrefined
less pronounced smell and taste, loses its resistance to oxidation,
due to which the shelf life is reduced by 2 times. This is due to the fact
that, due to refining, the oil loses a lot of nutrients,
which enhance the antioxidant properties of the vitamin

Caloric value

Like any oil, camelina product is very high in calories – per 100 milligrams
accounts for about 890 kcal. Therefore, they should not get carried away by people,
having problems with being overweight.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal – 99,8 – – 0,2 890

Useful properties of camelina oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

In terms of nutritional value and composition, camelina oil is similar to the famous
its healing power of cedarwood oil (both products differ
the highest content of fatty polyunsaturated acids, magnesium,
vitamins E, D and A).

The composition is distinguished by the optimal ratio of the necessary for the body
unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, as well as increased concentration
and omega-6.

By the amount of vitamin E it contains, camelina oil is considered
a leader among herbal products such as cedar, linseed,
sunflower and mustard oil (just one spoonful is able to satisfy
a person’s need per day for this important antioxidant).

According to the content of provitamin A, from which synthesis occurs in the body
vitamin A (beta-carotene), a product from camelina is superior to sunflower
and soybean oil.

A feature of the mineral composition of the oil is the presence
the amount of magnesium.

Camelina oil (like mustard oil and avocado oil) also
rich in a variety of biologically active substances – chlorophyll,
phospholipids, phytosterols.

The phytosterols contained in camelina oil have many
medicinal properties (bactericidal, antineoplastic, anti-sclerotic
etc.) and are quite effective in the fight against hormonal diseases,
prostate adenoma and prostatitis.

Useful and healing properties

Contains many vitamins and antioxidants, essential micro-
and macronutrients, invaluable biological active substances oil
camelina has a wide range of medicinal effects (bactericidal,
antitumor, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antihelminthic),
and therefore finds a variety of uses in prevention
and the treatment of diseases of various kinds.

So, they note the benefits of camelina oil for cardiovascular
systems. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in this product
acids in combination with other components help to strengthen
and increase the elasticity of blood vessels, as well as protect their walls from
deposits of “bad” cholesterol,
exposure to harmful free radicals and a variety of inflammatory
processes. Magnesium and vitamins E, K, F, D included in the oil help
stabilize the level of pressure and play a critical role in the regulation
coagulability. A complex combination of vitamin E, chlorophyll and
magnesium ensures the maintenance of normal white blood cell count
and hemoglobin. All of the above means that the introduction to the diet
Camelina oil is useful for prophylaxis and as part of treatment
hypertension, atherosclerosis,
as well as anemia, varicose veins, angina pectoris, ischemic disease, thrombophlebitis.

Oil is also used for diseases of the wound-healing gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to
a fairly high concentration of substances that have a bactericidal
action on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, this product
useful for the prevention and treatment of colitis,
gastritis, enterocolitis, ulcers. Vitamin F and phospholipids present
have a beneficial effect on the work of the biliary tract
and liver, which is why camelina oil is used in the prevention
and as part of the treatment of cholecystitis, gallstone disease, hepatitis,
cirrhosis and fatty degeneration. Pronounced antihelminthic properties
products allow you to effectively use this product in the fight
with different helminthiases.

Due to the high content of hormones that help normalize
background of substances oil is useful to introduce into the diet of pregnant and lactating,
as well as for those who are difficult to tolerate menopause or premenstrual
syndromes. Also, the use of this oil will be beneficial for diseases.
ovaries, mammary glands and a number of other gynecological ailments.
This very useful dietary product will also be useful for men,
suffering from various diseases of the prostate gland.

To the list of diseases for which it is advised to regularly use
oil, also include: obesity, diseases of the organs of vision, sugar
diabetes, urolithiasis, reproductive disorders,
osteoporosis, weakening of the immune system, cancer.

In addition, due to the high content in the composition of Omega-3 and Omega-6
camelina oil is an excellent product for removing radionuclides,
toxins, heavy metal salts.

Use in cosmetology

Possessing anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, bactericidal
and wound healing properties, camelina oil is effective
in the complex treatment of various skin diseases.

Due to the content of a complex of components that have a beneficial
effect on the skin, the product is included in many cosmetic
products and is used in home cosmetics (used
refined and deodorized oil).

The presence of a large amount of vitamin F, “vitamins of youth”
A and E, chlorophyll and phytosterols cause a number of such cosmetic
oil properties:

  • When applied, it is quickly absorbed and penetrates the skin, contributing to
    its softening, nutrition and moisturizing;
  • Gives the skin elasticity and firmness, improves the condition of the capillaries
    and helps to maintain the water-lipid balance of the skin;
  • Perfectly protects hair follicles and skin from irritation
    and the negative impact of aggressive factors, preventing
    the occurrence of allergies;
  • Prevents premature appearance of age spots and wrinkles,
    protects the skin from UV-related or hormonal
    aging disorders;
  • Used as a moisturizing and nourishing component in the composition
    creams for face, body and neck skin, hair care products,
    lip balms, sunscreens and anti-aging products.

In addition, the oil is used in cosmetology as a base
for aromatherapy and a transport component for massage oils.

Possesses bactericidal, emollient and moisturizing effect,
camelina oil is great for delicate, sensitive babies
skin (for example, it can be used to lubricate diaper rash
in infants).

Dangerous properties of camelina oil

Oil should not be consumed by people who have cholecystitis or
It is the use of this oil inside that is contraindicated, when the disease
is at the peak of development. They associate this with the fat content of the oil. It renders
a very heavy load on the organs, and this leads to
disease progression and deterioration.

It is clear that the properties of camelina oil will not give the desired effect.
and those who are allergic to any of the components of this
herbal product.

Remember that commercially available oil is usually refined,
therefore it has much less vitamin E. Yes, and refined
oil is faster, so instead of good it can be harmful.

The video will tell you about the beneficial properties of camelina oil and its beneficial effects on health.

Other popular oils:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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