Care rules for growing cabbage in the garden

Each cabbage variety has its own benefits and timing of landing. Appropriate care accelerates the growth and fruitfulness of the plant. Proper cabbage cultivation is the key to a good harvest.

  1. Ways to grow
  2. Preparation of seeds for sowing
  3. Terms of planting seeds for seedlings
  4. How to prepare seedlings for cabbage
  5. Planting seedlings in garden
  6. Schemes for planting seedlings in the garden
  7. Care <
  8. Fertilizers <
  9. Cabbage diseases
  10. Pests
  11. Harvesting and storing cabbage
  12. Conclusion

Правила ухода при выращивании капусты на огороде

Rules for leaving when growing cabbage in the garden

Methods of growing I

Cabbage is grown in the following ways:

  • seedlings;
  • seedlings.

Seedling seedlings are quite simple The root of the vegetable crop becomes pivotal. The plant tolerates drought well. The seedlings ripen already 10 days after planting. This method is suitable for early ripe and mid-ripening varieties. The seed consumption will be quite large.

Preparing seeds for sowing

The main agrotechnical measures for growing cabbage by the seedling method:

  • calibration;
  • hardening;
  • disinfection;
  • heating;
  • micronutrient processing;
  • seeding for seedlings or in open ground.

Preparation of seeds for seedlings begins with placing them in warm water at about 45 ° C for 20 minutes. After they are dipped for 4-6 minutes in cold water. This helps harden seedlings in the future.

You can also sprout a little material by simply wrapping it in a damp cloth and leaving it at home for 2-3 days at room temperature on a windowsill. From time to time you should not forget to moisten the surface of the fabric, a spray bottle is good for this.

Seeds for seedlings are sown 2 cm deep using a container of 6 × 6 cm or 7 × 7 cm. Top with a film or paper. Plants contain at a temperature of 15-20ºC. The time for planting a seedling in open ground is 40-50 days after sowing seeds for seedlings.

For good growth, the seeds are dipped in the following solution: “Humate”, “Silk” or “Epin”. Before wetting the seeds and hardening them, you need to carefully read the instructions. Humidification is contraindicated for some seeds from the store.

Seedling dates for seedlings

How to prepare seedlings for cabbage

Для рассады важен температурный режим

Temperature is important for seedlings

After sowing seeds for seedlings, seedlings appear on days 5-6. In order to independently grow good seedlings, it is necessary to monitor the temperature regime. After removing the film, the temperature is lowered to 5-10ºC. As soon as real leaves appear, the temperature is increased to 16 ºC during the day and 10ºC at night.

Features of cabbage seedling care:

  • A week after emergence, the soil is treated with a potassium permanganate solution: 3-4 g per 10 liters of water.
  • A pick of a plant is carried out with the appearance of the first leaf. First, the soil is well watered with plenty of water, after which the seedling is removed with the soil and planted in an individual container, while trimming the root by 3-5 cm. It is recommended to use plastic cups 5 × 6 cm in size or peat-humus pots (sometimes you can use cut plastic bottles ).
  • Ventilate the room for 2-3 days. The windows open for 3-5 hours.
  • It is advisable to cover the seedlings with gauze if direct sunlight is exposed to it. Any lightweight fabric can be a covering material.
  • 3-4 weeks before transplanting into open ground, watering is stopped.

Planting seedlings in the garden

You need to plant seedlings in a permanent place in the garden when 4-5 leaves appear. The height of the plant should be 13-20 cm.

Dates of transplantation in open ground:

  • for early ripening – early May;
  • for mid-ripening – late May June;
  • for late varieties – mid-May.

It is recommended to prepare the soil before planting. You need to choose a sunny place. The secret of growing cabbage in the right type of land. Early ripening best grow in sand with loam. Middle and late – in the soil with clay. The soil with a high level of acidity is badly affected.

The soil for planting is dug up in the fall, and after that it is leveled. All weeds are destroyed.


Обеспечьте капусте правильный уход

Provide the cabbage with proper care

You need to take care of the plant both at home or in the country, and in greenhouses or greenhouses. 2-3 weeks after planting a seedling in open ground, the bush is spudded.

To provide the cabbage with appropriate care, weather conditions are taken into account. If hot days are predicted, plants are covered with newspapers or other material, watered abundantly throughout the week.

Seedlings for 10-15 minutes are taken out to the street or left on the windowsill for 2-3 hours. Plants should take in a lot of sunlight: approximately 11-14 hours a day. Regular cultivation of the soil does not allow drying out or waterlogging.

Caring for white cabbage involves several agricultural measures:

Care of cabbage requires compliance with the rules of watering, loosening, weeding the soil and selecting fertilizers. For disinfection and prevention, a vegetable crop is treated with special means from insects and diseases.For large heads of cabbage, it is important to observe not only the appropriate conditions for growing seedlings, but also good care during development and vegetation.


8 days after the dive, the first fertilizer is applied : 2 g of potassium, 4 g of superphosphate, 3 g of ammonium nitrate and 1 l of water. You need to spray moistened vegetables. Top dressing is repeated after 2 weeks. It is also recommended to fertilize the soil with manure: 1 kg of litter per 10 liters.

3-4 days before the seedlings are planted in a permanent place, quenching is applied. 1 l of water is mixed with 7 g of potassium, 3 g of ammonia fertilizer and 5 g of superphosphate. They also use store products, for example, Kemira Lux.

To grow cabbage in spring, organic and mineral fertilizers are added to the soil (per 1 sq. M):

  • wood ash – 4 -5 st .;
  • rotted organics – 1 bucket;
  • urea – 19-23 g;
  • superphosphate – 40-50 g.

Diseases of cabbage

Болезнь может погубить урожай

A disease can ruin a crop

Most plants die due to inappropriate care due to illness or pest attacks.

Diseases of cabbage are quite dangerous not only for the crop, but also for the soil in which they grow. After the destruction of diseased plants in the place where they grew, vegetables cannot be grown for another 2 years. You can grow cabbage culture both at home and in the greenhouse, taking into account all the rules of hardening, sowing and care. To grow cabbage, follow the characteristics of each giant variety of vegetable culture.


Pests of the crop:

  • slugs;
  • caterpillars;
  • cruciferous fleas;
  • babanuha.

Most of the pests eat the leaves, after which they curl into a tube and fall off. This applies to leaf beetles, moths and cabbage bugs. Pollination is used to combat them. Mix wood ash and tobacco dust. Lime is also used, mixing with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Before the formation of heads of cabbage, cabbage is treated with Aktellika 2%. To combat slugs set traps, collect pests. Moth is afraid of bacterial preparations, which include “Dendrobacilin” or “Dipel”. They are used according to the instructions.

Butterfly-cabbage leaves larvae. For prevention, cabbage is treated with a mixture. It can be cooked at home.10 g of white mustard is added to 1 liter of water, insisted for 2 days and dissolved with water.

Harvesting and storing cabbage

It is correct to harvest at a temperature of -2ºC, when technological maturity comes. 2 weeks before harvesting the heads, the beds are not watered. This allows the fruit to lie longer and maintain a fresh look.Heads of cabbage are dug out together with the root system, folded under a canopy so that they dry out a little. 2-3 cm from the head are cut off by stumps. After that, the cabbage is placed in a storage.

Most of the gardeners store heads of cabbage in the cellar or in the country at a temperature of 4-6 ° C. In the room where the cabbage is stored, there should be no mold. Good ventilation or weekly ventilation is required. If heads are kept at home, they are wrapped in paper material and placed in the refrigerator.


Cabbage gives a good harvest for 2 years in a row, but only with proper care. Each variety has its own characteristics and advantages. It is recommended to grow cabbage in a garden or in a greenhouse. The best way is seedlings. Cabbage crops need moist and fertilized soil.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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