Carp, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Carp is a large freshwater fish similar to carp.
fish lives in almost all bodies of water. Looking wide and
deep areas with weak currents or stagnant water,
with a soft clayey or moderately silty bottom. Does not avoid
and a solid bottom if it is not rocky. Carp loves
warm water, prefers overgrown reservoirs.
Keeps deep.

The meat of the carp is dense, juicy, there are not so many bones, therefore
suitable for any cooking method. His
can be fried, baked, stewed, delicious minced meat is cooked
meatballs and cutlets. The domesticated form of carp is carp.

Useful properties of carp

By the taste and tenderness of meat, carp is considered one of the best
carp fish. The average commercial carp weighs up to 2 kg,
but in the catches there are specimens of 20 kg or more. IN
the abdominal cavity of feeding old carp contains
a lot of fat.

Culinary specialists fry and stuff carp, and also cook from
him food with a variety of sauces.

Sesan fish contains a little sodium,
therefore well suited for salt-free diets. Carp contains potassium,
phosphorus, magnesium,

The content of potassium and magnesium in fish meat is low, but
there are enough of them in the insides. The fish that
eat “whole” (sardines,
sprats), this need is satisfied. But the iron
in the carp there is a rather high amount. Swedish studies
showed that iron deficiency anemia cannot occur
with sufficient fish intake.

Due to the low content of connective tissue, the fish is lighter and
digests faster than mammalian meat, which is important
for people with a sedentary lifestyle. Fish is useful for children,
and young people with a high need for protein in the process
growth, as well as sick. Fish is also a good source of
vitamins A, D
and group B. Vitamins A
and D are found primarily in the liver (fish oil), and in oily fish
– and in body fat. Especially a lot of B vitamins are contained
in eel and salmon fish.

Dangerous properties of carp

Experts do not recommend overusing carp meat because of its
unpretentiousness in food. An adult can feed in contaminated
reservoirs, while she eats everything, including worms, mollusks,
insect larvae. This leads to the accumulation of
harmful substances.

In addition, allergies may occur.
for this type of fish. Therefore, it is especially important to inject with caution.
carp meat in your diet for nursing mothers, so as not to cause allergic
the child’s reaction.

The most delicious recipe for cooking carp is in the oven, with vegetables and lemon.

See also properties of other fish:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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