Caterpillar cabbage processing

Insect larvae are one of the main pests. These creatures are attracted by the substances rich in cruciferous crops. Their eggs appear on the fruits, thanks to butterflies. Folk remedies for caterpillars on cabbage are aimed at reducing the number of creatures born and destroying eggs.

Table of Contents
  1. Caterpillar Tracking Methods
  2. Fighting the green caterpillar
  3. Sugar solution
  4. Soda solution
  5. Ash solution
  6. Fighting with the scoop
  7. Pepper <
  8. Wormwood
  9. Litter
  10. Other tinctures
  11. Pheromone traps
  12. Fight against aphids
  13. Prevention
  14. Conclusion <

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Processing cabbage from caterpillars

Ways to deal with the caterpillar

The pest represents it’s a larva that later turns into a butterfly. This stage of the butterfly’s life cycle is a time of nutrition and formation. During this period, creatures eat a lot of food. A dozen of these creatures can eat a whole head of cabbage in a few days. They gnaw through it in numerous passages where traces remain their vital activity, which leads to decay of the fetus. Leaves after insects become unsuitable for food and very toxic.

You can spray cabbage from caterpillars with the following chemicals:

  • Enobacterin;
  • “Butisan”;
  • “Splender”;
  • “Triflurex”.

These products are very easy to use and give results, but treating cabbage from caterpillars with folk remedies is better for the environment and people.

Pest control with vinegar is one of the most popular methods. The plant is treated with a solution of 1 tbsp. vinegar in a liter of water. The operation should be carried out on a warm day in the absence of wind. The advantage of this method is that with correctly executed processing, the problem will disappear once and for all. The liquid is introduced from the watering can.

Fighting the green caterpillar

If green caterpillars have already appeared on the cabbage, use eggshells. Between the plants set small wooden sticks. A white shell is put on top of them. The creature takes this design as its relative, and it is not accepted to take food from this species.

Sugar solution

The fruit is poured with water with a kilogram of sugar diluted in it. Such a bait attracts wasps that do not harm plants to the bed. Wasps catch insects for feeding. Such protection can permanently rid the bed of harmful creatures. The fight against green caterpillars on cabbage begins even before they appear on the plant.

Soda solution

Cabbage is eaten by caterpillars emerging from butterfly eggs. To process the culture, soda is used against them. The powder is poured onto the leaves, after which the butterflies do not sit on them.

A solution of ash

It is very effective to use ash against caterpillars on cabbage. Prepare a solution of ash and water with the addition of soap or shampoo. This fertilizer not only eliminates insects, but also additionally fertilizes the soil. This means not only processing cabbage from caterpillars, but also preventing their spread.

Fighting the scoop

Совка реагирует на запахи

The scoop responds to odors

To combat this pest, use herbal tinctures. The scoop does not perceive specific smells.


One of the most effective means is red pepper. To prepare the tincture, 100 g of capsicum is boiled in 1 liter of water for an hour. The resulting liquid is filtered with gauze and closed in a jar for 2 days. With this tool, the leaves are sprayed on a warm day. The composition is diluted in 10-12 liters of water.


The fight against the scoop is carried out using wormwood. To do this, add 400 g of wormwood flowers in a flowering stage to a bucket of boiling water. Plants are ground in advance. Liquid or shabby soaps are added to the solution.


An alternative method of using wormwood is a solution with bird droppings. To prepare 1 kg of wormwood, boil in 3 liters of water and let the liquid infuse.2 days before use, 100-120 g of bird droppings infused in water are added to the solution. The tool is used once a week.

Other tinctures

For infusions also use:

  • tomato tops;
  • yarrow;
  • burdock;
  • ash;
  • hellebore.

Pheromone traps

To create pheromone traps, you need a bait of molasses or sweet jam. Sweet liquid is added to a small disposable glass. You can use 50 g of yeast mixed with 1 liter of water. Such a product should be fermented for an hour, after which jam or molasses is added. The solution is poured into glasses and hung at a height of 1 m from the ground. The scoop flies in for a sweet smell and falls into the trap. It is better to change the bait once every few weeks.

Fight against aphids

От тли помогают избавиться другие растения

Other plants help to get rid of aphids

Against the appearance of harmful creatures in the garden, you can use plantations, the smell of which will interrupt the smell of the crop. Such plants may be tomatoes or celery.

Next to the plant or on it are sheets of black elderberry. This prevents eggs and larvae from getting on heads.

Together with celery, wormwood grows, which blocks the smell of a growing crop.A pungent odor is also possessed by:

  • onions;
  • garlic;
  • dill;
  • chamomile;
  • peppermint;
  • rosemary;
  • sage.

Legumes and strawberries cannot be planted next to cruciferous plants. Such crops reduce the intensity of development of the head.

If the caterpillar appeared on the cabbage, processing is carried out using hostile insects. One of the easiest ways is to sprinkle the bed with earth from an anthill. Ants eat insects without harming the fruits. After a day, there will not be a single harmful insect in the bed, and the ant will leave themselves.


It is necessary to process the bed from pests at all stages. To do this, seedlings are planted as early as possible. Every week, the leaves are carefully inspected in the evening and destroy all insects found.

To prevent the spread of the pest, the beds are kept clean. Weeds are a food source for butterflies.

The soil on the bed is regularly loosened. The depth of cultivation is not less than 10 cm. This helps to destroy the laying of eggs and the creatures themselves.

The appearance of harmful insects is prevented by the use of fertilizing. Colored culture is fed with superphosphate or potassium chloride.


Correct and timely care helps protect the culture from the pest. To prevent planting, you can water it with a normal hose using a sprayer.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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