Causes of feathers in chickens and treatment methods

Every person who breeds poultry wants their animals to be healthy and the productivity of their breeding to be as high as possible level. But sometimes it happens that birds drop feathers in different parts of the body. This process has received a scientific name – alopecia. The causes of the phenomenon can be different, therefore, before starting to take any measures, the owners should find out why the chickens drop feathers.Only then can we begin to fight alopecia.

  1. Distinctive features of the problem
  2. For what reasons feathers
  3. Symptomatic picture of alopecia
  4. What are the ways to solve the problem
  5. What to do with insufficient nutrition
  6. What will help stop loss when the content is wrong
  7. What to do with parasites
  8. What else can help
  9. Conclusion <

Почему у кур выпадают перья

Why do chickens drop feathers

It is important to remember that self-medication of animals, like self-medication of people, can only be carried out by coordinating the methods with a specialist. It is also important to remember that the use of official medicines does not always give an instant effect.

Distinctive features of the problem

It’s no secret that chickens, like any other birds, goes through seasonal molt . During this period, feathers fall out of the tail of birds, foci appear on the neck, feathers from the wings pour in. Therefore, a person who first encountered such a phenomenon as feather loss can confuse the plumage and alopecia.

When feathers fall out in chickens, which is not caused by a seasonal change in plumage, certain areas of the bird’s body are affected by the problem, namely:

  • neck and chest area;
  • less often – the back and tail.

If the fallen feathers are discolored, this clearly indicates that the bird fell under the influence of alopecia. Also, due to the development of a problematic situation, fluff can also fall out, which does not happen during seasonal molting.

Hens grow bald due to alopecia at any time of the year. This is one of the main distinguishing features that helps breeders to determine the moment when they need to worry about the health of their birds.

As soon as the owner notes that the feathers of his pets began to fall out too abundantly, discolor and cause baldness in certain parts of the body, it’s worth find out what is the cause of alopecia and take measures to eliminate the problem, otherwise the chickens may completely lose their plumage. In most cases, it can be argued that complete baldness due to alopecia threatens representatives of meat or meat and milk breeds, for example, broilers .

For what reasons feathers may fall out

For In order to provide timely and proper assistance to your household, it is important to correctly determine the cause of the plumage falling out of the many possible ones.At the current time, the following reasons for the development of the problem are known, due to which the plumage may fall out in the hens:

  • incorrect diet;
  • violations in the conditions of detention;
  • the presence of parasitic organisms in poultry organisms.

Feathers drop in domestic chickens due to the fact that the diet of birds is not balanced enough. Deviations in bird feeding become the main reason why such a problematic situation as alopecia develops, the skin rejects the feather. Here you can draw a fairly simple analogy with a person: if in the human body any vitamin or important element is not present in sufficient quantity, this begins to affect its state of health and appearance, the skin becomes pale and dry. Chickens with a similar deficiency begin to lose their plumage on the neck, chest or tail.

Baldness of a bird on the neck and other parts of the body can develop if there is a lack of the following elements obtained through nutrition:

  • calcium;
  • iodine;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur.

However, feathers fall from the tail or other part of the body, not only when it is not properly fed. Under the conditions of laying hens, there is yet another reason why the plumage rapidly falls out.Chickens can lose their plumage if, when kept at home, the owners provided them with insufficient lighting, did not organize ventilation well , or did not maintain proper cleanliness.

Another factor affecting the appearance and the development of alopecia in poultry is the presence of parasitic organisms that feed on feathers and down of chicken. Parasites settle on the skin and in the sub-feather layer.

If there are no violations in the conditions of keeping and caring for birds that can cause a problem, and the feathers continue to fall on the back, neck or pope, you should think about whether there is enough Pets get food, maybe they have a lack of vitamins. During the seasonal change of plumage, birds feed 2 times more than the rest of the time. For this reason, with insufficient feeding, the chicken may lose those feathers that it needs.

Symptomatic picture of alopecia

You can find out that the bird is prone to plumage a few signs. Once they are identified, it is worth starting to determine the cause of this phenomenon and the corresponding treatment measures, otherwise the bird’s health will weaken so much that it will become vulnerable to all possible diseases.

Alopecia is not only the evidence of feather and fluff deprivation, but also a decrease in the egg laying of pets, a decrease in immunity and weight loss. Cases of chicken cannibalism are also known due to the development of this problem.

In alopecia, basically the right cover falls on the neck, back, root of the tail, on the stomach and chest. Launched cases can lead to complete baldness of feathered. An initial examination of a sick animal also shows that the affected areas of the code have become inflamed and bruising can sometimes occur.

Why do chickens fall out of feathers, how to get rid of a fluff-eater (tick) without costs
disease – feathers fall out

What are the ways to solve the problem

To cure your pets, it is important to understand as clearly as possible why the feathers fall on the pope or neck as chicken and rooster. Each specific case of the development of alopecia requires individual measures, so the owner needs to clearly know what to do when the plumage falls out on the back, neck or tail, depending on the cause.

What to do with insufficient nutrition

As mentioned earlier, the causes of plumage loss begin with an unhealthy diet. An auxiliary symptom in this case is that the feathers are not shiny enough. Egg laying may also decrease. In this case, the problem can be treated as follows:

  1. Add more minerals and vitamins to the feed. You can do this by buying special additives in the store.
  2. In addition to vitamins, add sulfur to the feed in the amount of 0.3 g for each meal. Instead of sulfur, it is possible to use glauber’s salt.
  3. The use of iodine or potassium permanganate solutions will help restore the balance of minerals. To prevent the loss of plumage such solutions are watered in the morning 1 time in 2 days.

What will help stop loss when the content is incorrect

If the reason for the development of feather loss lies in the conditions in which the birds are kept, it is quite simple to correct the situation: remove all contaminants in the poultry premises and then disinfect . Also to check the problem will help checking and normalizing the ventilation system and ventilating the premises.

In order not to carry out regular disinfection with chemicals, it is possible to provide for the natural destruction of infections with the help of sunlight.

To do this, just make the window large enough in the building where the hens are. A large window will allow sunlight to freely enter the building for natural disinfection.

Also, to solve the problem, it is important to provide your pets with the opportunity to walk in open space for at least 1 hour per day. Regular walks allow you to strengthen the immune system, stretch the feathered muscular system.

What to do with parasites

If the rooster periodically drops feathers, and the conditions and diet are normal, it’s worth considering about whether pets have parasites. In the presence of organisms that lead a parasitic lifestyle, hygiene comes to the fore in those rooms where birds are kept. It is important to regularly and timely air the chicken coops, as well as conduct regular disinfection in them.

To help your feathered pets from dropping feathers on their neck and other parts of the body, using ash will help.

You don’t need to do something complicated: just put a container, filled with ash. Birds will bathe in it, peeling their feathers. Using this simple method can help prevent the development of lice and other organisms that are accustomed to parasitizing.

What else can help

It’s important not only to stop the plumage from falling out on the neck and other parts body of the chicken, but also restore the lost cover. It is also necessary to return the fallen indicators. To do this, you can buy lamps that emit ultraviolet light, with sufficient financial ability. This will increase the level of egg laying in the winter, as well as make up for the missing amount of vitamin D.

Also, the use of the following foods helps in restoring the health status of alopecia:

  • legumes;
  • bone meal;
  • cabbage;
  • root vegetables;
  • cake;
  • oats.

Also, stabilization of adult hens and chickens with feathers will contribute to a decrease in the amount of fatty foods in the diet. Sometimes a violation in the feeding system of birds can cause molting.

To understand what exactly causes a molting, one needs to monitor the pets, observing whether changing the diet helps. If changing the diet does not help, you need to look for a specialist veterinarian.


Alopecia is a serious enough problem. It leads to the fact that the birds not only lose their feathers on the neck and in other places, they turn into a state of general weakness and vulnerability to diseases due to weakened immunity.

Before you do anything to stop this process, It is important to distinguish between alopecia and regular seasonal molting. The distinguishing features are:

  • the feathers lose their luster, and the fallen plumage is discolored;
  • with alopecia, not only feathers can fall out, but also fluff;
  • the skin in the affected area turns red, bruising is possible;
  • egg laying is reduced, immunity is weakened.

So, if the pets are balding, and the skin at the place where the feathers fell out, turns red – it’s time to run as much as you can to the veterinarian for advice, although there are many folk remedies that will help eliminate the existing problem and stabilize the condition of the pern ty pets. However, before using them, it is important to correctly determine the cause of alopecia, otherwise the measures taken will not be effective enough and will not be able to completely eliminate the problem. In case all of the above methods do not help, you need to change the place of keeping the birds.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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