Characteristic Wild Wild Garlic

In the spring, small sprouts with a pleasant garlic aroma appear in many forests. This is nothing but wild garlic. It grows in central Russia, as well as in America and Europe. You can meet him along the rivers or in the lowlands.

  1. Plant description
  2. Appearance
  3. Application in cooking
  4. Application in agriculture
  5. Properties wild garlic
  6. Use <
  7. Harm <
  8. How to grow wild garlic in the plot
  9. Landing
  10. Care <
  11. Transplantation to the open ground
  12. Conclusion

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Characteristics of wild garlic wild garlic

wild garlic is famous for its high content of vitamins, and since If the first green after the snow melts, then including it in your diet you can fight spring hypovitaminosis.

Description of the plant

Wild garlic belongs to the onion subfamily and is a perennial herb Some of its species are also called bear onions. This unusual plant has another name – dusay.


Wild garlic grows up to 20-30 cm in height. Its leaves have an elongated shape and are attached at the very base. The color of the leaves can vary from light green to dark. It depends on the age of the shoots. During flowering wild garlic releases an arrow on which fragrant white flowers appear in mid-May.

The underground part of the bear bow is a small onion up to 5 cm in diameter. It is located quite close to the surface of the earth, and numerous long roots go deep into it, where they absorb water and the nutrients dissolved in it.

Application in cooking

From April to in mid-May wild garlic can be harvested. At this time, it contains the maximum amount of vitamins, which means its maximum benefit, and the shoots themselves are still tender and juicy. After flowering begins, they become harsh and do not use them for food.

It is best to eat fresh wild garlic. It is added to salads, pastes, and snacks. It is also salted and pickled in order to prepare useful greens for the future. Ramson is an invariable component of many national dishes. Kutaby – fresh cakes stuffed with greens, traditionally cooked in the spring, when there is a lot of young wild garlic in the forests and estuaries.

Forest garlic contains only 36 kcal per 100 g, which makes it a dietary product . It can be consumed by people watching their figure.

Application in agriculture

This unusual plant is used not only by people, but and livestock. It gives cows and small cattle wild garlic to normalize digestion and eliminate colic.

But you should be very careful with this plant.An excess of it in the diet of the animal gives its meat a very specific taste. And dairy cows, having tasted bear onions, give yellowish milk with a pronounced garlic taste.

Properties of wild garlic

The main advantage of wild garlic is the presence of a large number of vitamins and minerals in it . But, despite this, it can harm the human body.

Garlic very useful


The composition of wild garlic is in many ways similar to garlic. Its spicy taste and aroma stimulate the production of gastric juice and increase salivation, which in turn stimulates appetite. All this thanks to the essential oils contained in the shoots of the plant.

The onion contains a huge list of vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamins – A, PP, B1, B3, B6, B9 , C;
  • minerals – potassium, fluorine, sulfur, calcium;
  • microelements – iodine, iron, selenium, copper, boron, manganese, zinc, fluorine;

Among other things, wild garlic is rich in essential amino acids and omega fatty acids. It acts as an antiviral agent due to its high content of vitamin C. It is also considered an excellent anti-sclerotic agent and also helps to remove toxins from the body.

Wild garlic has a diuretic effect and also destructively affects kidney stones and gall stones bubble.It is also worth noting that the substances contained in it help to reduce pain in women during menstruation, as well as to avoid headaches associated with them.

Vitami PP contained in young herbs helps to improve heart function, and also lowers blood pressure. Wild garlic is also used in the fight against cough. It helps thin the sputum even in chronic coughs.


Wild garlic can be harmful in spite of so many beneficial properties. It is not recommended for women to use it during lactation, because breast milk can get an unpleasant taste and the baby will refuse to breast. You can’t eat it to people with individual intolerance of a bear bow. This can lead to an allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock.

Wild garlic is contraindicated in people with the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis during exacerbation;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • inflammation of the intestines.

Children are recommended to give young shoots in moderation in order to avoid irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and oral cavity. When dried, the plant can not do harm, but it doesn’t have any useful properties.

How to grow wild leek in the plot

Not everyone has the opportunity to go into the nature behind the young shoots of a bear bow.It can be successfully grown on your personal plot. It’s not so easy to do, but it’s worth a try.

Wild garlic is hard to grow on the plot


You can plant wild garlic wild seeds or bring adult plants by digging them in the natural place of their growth. The second option is simpler and gives almost 100% success, but if there are no such places nearby, then you will have to grow a plant from seeds.

Seeds can be purchased at any seed store. When buying, pay attention to the year of collection of seeds. The fact is that wild leek grows only the next year after ripening. If the seeds are stored for longer, then seedlings will not appear.

Seeds are sown in the fall in the ground or in February in seedlings. Crops require stratification, and if the winter landing gives a natural drop in temperature, then in another case you will have to recreate it yourself. The container is covered with polyethylene and placed on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for 1.5 – 2 months.

After stratification, the seedling box is taken out of the cold and placed on the south window. Soon, the first shoots begin to break through the ground.


Seedlings are kept in a warm place with high humidity, if it is impossible to create such conditions, it is recommended to periodically spray plants from the spray gun .Due to excess moisture, mold may appear on the surface of the soil. To avoid this, the soil is shed with Fitosporin.

A week after the appearance of the first sprouts, they need to be fed. To do this, use:

  • superphosphate;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • potassium sulfate.

After watering the soil in pot is recommended to gently push. You can do this with a wooden stick or knitting needle. It is important not to touch the delicate roots of wild garlic.

Transplanting into open ground

At the end of April, grown shoots of wild garlic are transplanted to a permanent place in open ground. It is necessary to choose a site for landing with special accuracy, since wild leek grows quite quickly. Each year, one plant gives 5-7 new shoots. This can lead to the fact that in the country it will be difficult to get rid of thickets of wild garlic.

When a place is chosen, you can start planting. Seedlings are divided and planted in shallow trenches. Pre-beds can be fertilized with rotted manure and wood ash.



The benefits of wild garlic are undeniable, it can compensate for the lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, and also helps to deal with many problems in the functioning of internal organs. when collecting it in the forest, you should be extremely careful not to accidentally pick a lily of the valley, which is very similar to wild garlic in the form of a leaf. It is poisonous and can lead to severe intoxication of the body.

It does not matter where wild garlic grows, in the country or in wildlife his own This fact doesn’t change. Another important point is that in some countries this plant is listed in the Red Book, and it is forbidden to pick it in the forest belt.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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