Characteristics of Adam cucumbers

Adam cucumber variety will appeal to everyone.

  1. Description cultivars
  2. Planting rules
  3. Caring for the bush
  4. Pest control
  5. For <
  6. Tick <
  7. Prevention
  8. Conclusion <

Характеристика огурцов сорта Адам

Characteristics of Adam cucumbers

Description of the variety

According to the description, tomato Adam f1 is the most unpretentious and highly productive variety. This is an early-growing vegetable with a female type of flowering. Typically, the fruits of the Adam variety reach a length of 10 cm.

The variety is suitable for growing both on the balcony and in open beds.

The distinguishing feature of the variety is cold resistance, unpretentiousness in cultivation, rapid growth and long fruiting period. Gherkin retains its presentation for a long time.

The elastic consistency of the fruit, the resistance of the plant to diseases, the preservation of qualities after processing also distinguish Adam f1 in a number of varieties. It tastes slightly sweet, delicate, has a pronounced aroma.

Planting Rules

In order for Adam f1 cucumbers to bring a plentiful harvest, it must be planted correctly.

  1. Prepare a bed for planting cucumbers. The correct one will be where the fruits of turnips or peppers have already grown.
  2. Mark the bed before digging. The length of the bed can be any, the width is no more than 1.0 m.
  3. The digging depth should be a bayonet of a shovel.
  4. Adam welcomes heat, so after digging up the beds, it is covered with a film. After 10 days, when the bed is heated, you can safely plant.
  5. Use individual pots so that the seeds of the cucumbers are not in the same box.
  6. Next, make holes where seedlings are transplanted from the seedling pot along with the ground.
  7. The hole is closed soil and fill with water.
  8. On the prepared hole, make a furrow approximately 3 cm deep.

If sowing cucumbers falls in the second half, it is recommended to plant the vegetable with dried seeds in the grooves. Seeds are laid out at a distance of 30 cm and covered with a layer of soil. If planting is carried out in the second half of May or at the beginning of summer, the seeds should be soaked in water for 7-8 hours. Also, before the seeds are planted, the groove is well saturated with water, after planting it is covered with soil.

It is recommended not to disturb the bed before the seedlings appear.

Care for the bush

Adam must be watered in the evening. Water temperature 15-18 ° C. Weeding is better, of course, with loosening the soil.

On the 21st day, when the first shoots appear, the plant requires top dressing in the form of mineral and organic fertilizers. They feed the plant at weekly intervals.

  1. Mineral fertilizing: 25 g of settled urea, 50 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium are added to 30 l of warm water.
  2. Organic top dressing: 30 L of warm liquid add 3 kg of mullein.The mass is thoroughly stirred until completely dissolved, left to infuse for 3 hours, after which it is again stirred and watered bushes, as with ordinary irrigation.

Pest treatment

Infusions will help get rid of insects

An integral part of the work – pest control and plant protection against diseases. The most common pests are aphids and spider mites.


Aphids manifest themselves in August. Some infusions of plants help to cope with it.

Ash solution

First of all, the plant is treated with infusion of tobacco or wood ash with laundry soap.

It takes 3 cups of ash and half a bar of soap per 15 liters of fluid. The soap is finely planed and dissolved in water, then ash is poured into the soap solution and mixed well. The solution is used to irrigate the bushes.

Pepper solution

Red pepper infusion with soap and ash that needs to be treated with bushes is also suitable.

2- 3 medium pods of red hot pepper. The vegetable is finely chopped, added to the water, which is boiled and allowed to cool. The solution irrigates the stems and leaves.


The tick most often affects vegetables in greenhouses or under polyethylene.

Soap solution

To combat the tick, you can use spraying with a soap solution.

To prepare the solution, you need half a bar of soap in 15 liters of liquid. Soap finely planed and dissolved in water. The solution is used for irrigation of bushes.


The following simple growing rules will help protect Adam category cucumbers from diseases:

  • accurate temperature (from 18 ° C);
  • watering with exceptionally warm water (15-18 ° C);
  • fertilizing with special agents (organics: mullein, urea; artificial mineral preparations for plants: “ Agricola “);
  • getting rid of weeds.


Thus, Adam cucumbers have pronounced advantages and practically do not show nedos tatkov.

Cucumber Adam F1. AgroElite
Cucumber Adam F1.Your Farm

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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