Characteristics of Beijing cabbage

Beijing cabbage is very tasty and healthy, because it contains trace elements and vitamins. Let’s look at the benefits of Peking cabbage, what harm it can cause to the body and how to grow it properly.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Composition <
  3. Nutritional value
  4. Benefits to the body
  5. Harm to the body
  6. Growing
  7. Using cabbage
  8. Recommendations for choosing the variety
  9. Conclusion <

Характеристика пекинской капусты

Characteristics of Peking cabbage

Characteristics of the variety

Peking cabbage is grown in China, European countries and America. Despite its origin, Peking cabbage adapted to the climate of our region.

Beijing cabbage has white-green or yellow leaves.

It grows best after onions and garlic. It is strictly forbidden to plant after radishes, mustard, turnip, radish All cruciferous plants suffer from the same diseases and are affected by the same Pests. For the same reason, you can’t plant a vegetable in the same place for several years in a row. It is necessary to change the area for planting plants at least once every 2 years.

Vegetable culture likes warmth. Therefore, it must be planted in a well-heated soil. The timing of sowing seeds depends on the region of cultivation. As a rule, Beijing cabbage is planted in late May or early June.But, thanks to the rapid maturation, the vegetable can be planted even at the end of June. When grown in heated greenhouses, vegetables of Chinese origin are planted year-round. In regions with a warm climate, summer-autumn planting of seeds is allowed under film cover or in unheated greenhouses.


The composition of Beijing cabbage contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is involved in tissue regeneration and accelerates the healing process for viral diseases. Vitamins K, B6, PP, B9, E, A, B2 are present in a slightly lower concentration. Beijing is rich in mineral salts and amino acids. It contains ascorbic, nicotinic and folic acid necessary for women.

Trace elements in Beijing cabbage: copper, iron, iodine, zinc, fluorine, manganese, selenium, potassium, sulfur, calcium. Also note that in the chemical composition of the vegetable there is lutein, which helps maintain vision, and zeaxanthin, which is also important for eye health. Peking is also rich in natural sugars, which, when absorbed by the body, do not harm the figure. Even in vegetable culture, fiber is present, which allows to remove toxins.

Nutritional value

Beijing cabbage is appreciated for its low calorie content. According to the calorie table in 100 grams, only 14 kcal. In other types of cabbage (cauliflower and white cabbage): 30 kcal per 100 g.


  • 31.5% protein;
  • 5% fat;
  • 64% carbohydrates.

The glycemic index is 15 units.

The low calorie content of Beijing cabbage allows you to use it when dieting. It helps to get rid of extra pounds, it normalizes the intestinal microflora.

Health Benefits

Употребление капусты оказывает лечебный эффект

Eating cabbage has a healing effect

Beijing cabbage has the following useful properties:

  • Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • It is an anti-allergen. But before use, you should consult your doctor.
  • Helps with stressful situations. Lactucin in the composition has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and strengthens sleep, helps get rid of migraine attacks.
  • Vitamin C enhances immunity.
  • It has a therapeutic effect on the body, normalizes the intestines and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Activates the process of forming blood cells (a prophylactic for anemia).
  • Lowers blood cholesterol.
  • Juice from fresh leaves is used to combat gum disease and oral cavity.
  • Doctors recommend using Chinese cabbage to people who suffer their arthritis, rheumatism, jaundice, hypertension, dementia and cancer. Helps to cope with acne and maintain a healthy complexion.
  • Vitamin K increases the body’s ability to absorb calcium, which is necessary for the formation of strong bones.

Extract from Beijing cabbage is used in the preparation of certain medications.

Harm to the body

Damage to Beijing cabbage:

  • Beijing cabbage is contraindicated in people who have pancreatitis, gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer or enteritis.
  • It will harm people suffering from heartburn or reflux.
  • Caution should be given to nursing Peking cabbage for nursing mothers.

Eat vegetable crops within reason. With excessive consumption of fresh Beijing cabbage or a vegetable that has undergone heat treatment, you can get an upset stomach. Even abuse leads to nausea and dizziness.

Although Beijing cabbage is extremely rare to cause allergies, this point should not be ruled out. Before using a Chinese vegetable, you need to make sure that it does not cause an allergic reaction.


Secrets of agricultural technology:

  • Beijing cabbage is a vegetable the culture that you need to grow from seeds. Its root system is not very well developed, so it rarely takes root in a new place after transplantation. Before the emergence of seedlings, be sure to cover the film, which experts recommend removing after the young plants have grown stronger.
  • You need to plant the seeds in well-moistened holes.If we are talking about late plantings, then the earth needs to be moistened several times, and only then put seeds in the wells.
  • Care for Beijing cabbage includes watering and loosening the soil. It is necessary to feed the crop at least 1 time and make sure that no weeds appear on the garden.
  • Harvesting in household plots is done manually. During mass cultivation, Peking cabbage is processed and harvested using special agricultural equipment (combine harvester, for example). Heads of cabbage are not damaged during mechanized harvesting.
  • Shooting of vegetables occurs at low soil temperature. If a cold summer is expected, we plant seeds under a film. The culture is still shooting at an untimely harvest. Therefore, it is important to clean ripened heads of cabbage in time. If Beijing cabbage has sprouted, then you should not remove the head of cabbage from the garden. It is better to leave it for seeds.

Selected vegetables in the winter should be stored in a basement or refrigerator. Apples should not be stored next to it; they will negatively affect the taste. When stored in the refrigerator, it is worth wrapping heads with cling film. You can still freeze Beijing. When defrosting, the content of useful substances in it does not change. Also, all winter you can eat leaves by pickling them in saline. This method of storage does not have a negative effect on the benefit of the vegetable.

Using cabbage

Капуста полезна в свежем виде

Cabbage useful fresh

Peking cabbage has been used in several areas. This is medicine, cooking and cosmetology. In cosmetology, juice or gruel from leaves is used. Still juice can be used at home for morning wipes of the face skin in a frozen form. We will not dwell on the medical aspect, as it was mentioned above.

The greatest benefit of Peking cabbage is manifested when consumed fresh.

Most often from Peking cabbage prepare fresh salads. It can also be baked, stewed. You need to cut the head out with a sharp knife. The lower part of the head is not used for cooking. When cutting, make sure that there are no rotten leaves inside the head.

Sometimes Peking is bitter. This is the result of improper care, violation of storage conditions or excess nitrates. To leave the bitterness, you need to soak in cold and pre-salted water. You can also remove the bitterness by boiling the leaves. But with this procedure, they lose a significant part of the beneficial trace elements and vitamins.

Recommendations for choosing a variety

The following varieties are recommended for growing on a personal plot: Monaco, Lyubasha, Spring Nephrite, Miss China, Spring Beauty, Ritchie F1, Shanghai, Nagaoka 50 days, Naina F1, Hydra F1, Mirako F1, Sprinkin F1, Sotsey, Thumbelina, Michelle, Pioneer F1, Glass, Khibinskaya, Manoko F1, Vorozheya, Magician F1, Tenderness F1, Orange Princess F1, Orange Mini F1, Nika. The leaves of the last two varieties, despite their names, are colored green. Only during the ripening period, on the wavy edges of the leaf blades, a narrow, sometimes yellow, or orange strip appears.

If you want to grow an unusual variety on a garden plot, then pay attention to the hybrid KS 888 F1. It looks unusual thanks to the lilac leaves

When buying seeds, a detailed description of each variety can be found on the packaging. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some are suitable for growing in open ground, others are designed for growing in greenhouses, and others can be grown even on the windowsill. On some plants, small heads form during ripening, while others have large ones. At the same time, the yield of almost all varieties is the same as the content of nutrients.

You need to choose those varieties that have been cultivated in this area for several years. They are adapted to the climatic conditions of the region, and give a stable harvest every year.If you want to try new varieties, then in the first year you should not plant a lot of plants. It’s better to plant 10-15 bushes, and see how they behave when growing, and which yield.

Chinese and Chinese cabbage 🌱 Review of the best varieties from HITSAD.TV
12 Hectares of Beijing Cabbage. Weeding.
Chinese cabbage: growing according to the rules


Now you know everything characteristics of Beijing cabbage.Finally, we note that this alkaline product can be grown from the stump, which sprouted. But this is not the easiest way. In addition, hybrid varieties give a good harvest only in the first year. Plants grown from seeds of hybrids do not possess resistance to common diseases.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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