Characteristics of bell pepper

Varieties of this culture have already been bred. Their differences lie not only in color, taste, but also in shape. Among the bitter varieties, bell pepper is worthy of special attention. A flower in the shape of a flower bud is its unique characteristic.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Features of the fruit
  3. Planting
  4. Seed preparation
  5. Germination
  6. Capacity <
  7. Soil <
  8. Sowing seeds
  9. First seedlings
  10. Planting on beds
  11. Care
  12. Feeding <
  13. Formation of bushes
  14. Conclusion

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Bell pepper

Variety characteristic

Bell pepper refers to perennial crops.

  1. During the period of active growth, it reaches two meters. Its ground part strongly branches. The shape of the leaves resembles spicy paprika leaves. The leaves of this variety and its stem are covered with a small fluff.
  2. The fruits are located separately from each other . Each ripened vegetable weighs 50 grams. Individual specimens weigh 100 grams. The variety of red bell pepper is classified as late ripening. From the time of first germination to full ripening of the fetus, 4 months pass.
  3. The crop is characterized by high productivity. Each bush gives two kilograms of the crop. During the ripening period, the fruits change their color scheme from dark green to bright red. You can shoot the vegetable in both yellow and green. The brightness of the burning or sweet notes of paprika depends on this.
  4. Variety Red Bell is suitable for cultivation in greenhouse conditions, in open ground, in pots for indoor ornamental plants.

The taste qualities of the Bell allow you to use it for cooking vegetable salads and cut. In canned form, the vegetable does not lose its taste characteristics.

Features of the fruit

Sweet bell peppers are classified as berry peppers. His homeland is South America. The gardeners of our region learned about this amazing vegetable relatively recently. But he gained popularity instantly, and they began to grow it everywhere.

In addition to its unique shape, the bitter bell impresses with its exotic taste. It especially combines a burning note of spicy varieties and shades of sweet and sour Bulgarian paprika. The part of the Red Bell near the stalk tastes piquant bitter. The bottom of the fetus has thickened walls. The pulp from this part of the fruit does not differ from the fleshy sweet juicy pulp of yellow pepper.


Growing sweet bell pepper in our region does not differ from the cultivation conditions of other varieties of bell peppers .

Seed preparation

It is better to grow this variety from seeds of five years of age. Fresh seeds do not possess all the properties of the mother plant.

Before sowing, the seed material should be treated with a pink 1% manganese solution.Soak the seeds in the liquid for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Then catch them and dry them.

Семена можно прорастить самостоятельно

Seeds can be sprouted independently


Paprika seeds germinate rather poorly. For good results, seed material is recommended to germinate. In a low capacity, put gauze or a piece of cloth folded in several layers. Put prepared seeds on it.

Next, carefully pour the liquids. For this, ordinary, standing room temperature water is suitable. Gardeners recommend using an ash solution prepared from one tablespoon of wood ash and one liter of water.

The liquid should moisten gauze or cloth well. Do not let the seeds float in water.

Place the container with the prepared material in a room where the temperature is maintained at 25 to 30 ° C, and cover the seeds with a transparent film. This will help provide the seeds with the air they need to breathe.

The first signs of germination appear after five days. Most of the seeds will hatch only after two weeks.


Start sowing paprika from the end of January. The normal period of crop development from sowing seeds to harvesting is five months.

Sow the seeds in prepared containers. It can be plastic cups.The culture of this variety does not like transplants. Therefore, take care in advance that you do not have to bother the seedlings with unnecessary processes.

In the bottom of the prepared cups, make holes to drain excess fluid.


Culture loves organically fertilized soils. Red Bell Pepper gratefully reacts to the addition of good compost or decayed manure, as well as wood ash.

When preparing the soil, use dolomite flour, it will reduce the natural acidity of the soil. Add it to the soil mixture at the rate of 150 g. flour for each bucket of earth.

It will be useful to add complex fertilizer, which will saturate the soil with other minerals. Its rate ranges from 50 to 70 grams per bucket of soil.

Thoroughly mix the resulting mixture, rub all the lumps with your hands.

Sowing seeds

Fill the prepared containers with soil mixture for the third part. Seeding depth 5 mm. If the seeds are planted in a large box, then keep the distance between rows of 4 cm. Seeds are laid out in grooves with an interval of 1 cm. If possible, make the distance between the seeds more.

Seeding is recommended with a mixture of soil and sand in the ratio 1 to 1. This will lighten the soil from above, nothing will interfere with the sprouts to germinate.

The container is covered with transparent food wrap and placed in a room where the temperature does not drop below 25 ° C.

First shoots

After the first shoots appear, remove the film and transfer it to a place with good lighting. Before planting at a constant place of growth, provide seedlings with twelve hours of light day. If there is not enough natural light, additionally install special lamps.

The plant feels comfortable at a temperature of from 20 to 25 ° C in the daytime and from 18 to 20 ° C in the night.

First carry out top dressing after the appearance of two true leaves on seedlings. To do this, mix urea, superphosphate and potassium salt in a ratio of 1: 4: 1. Then dissolve it in 10 liters of water. Pour the seedlings with a ready-made solution.

Planting on beds

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We plant seedlings

To plant mature seedlings in a permanent place, start when the soil warms up, frosts will cease to be a threat. Paprika needs to be grown on a site protected from the wind and well-lit.

Gardeners recommend planting healthy seedlings in the evening, when the sun does not have such an effect on the plant. Break holes for paprika at a distance of half a meter. Put a handful of ash at the bottom of the holes. Immediately after the transplant, pour the culture with a pink solution prepared at the rate of 1 gram of manganese per 1 liter of water.


Bell Pepper needs the following procedures:

  • proper watering regime;
  • providing the plant with heat and light;
  • timely pest control;
  • regular fertilizer application;
  • forming bushes.

Spicy pepper does not like frequent and plentiful watering. Water the plant at sunset. First defend water. Do not pour cold water on the pepper.

The bell is very fond of warmth and light. In order not to expose the culture to overcooling, use film cover on the beds with spicy pepper.

On hot summer days, do not allow overheating of the bushes. To do this, construct a shading canopy and do not forget to ventilate the greenhouses.

Hot peppers do not like dense soils, so do not neglect weeding and loosening the soil in the beds.

Hot peppers Red Campanians like aphids, slugs, ticks . In the fight against pests, use alternative methods and insecticides. The piquant variety is susceptible to Fusarium diseases, mosaic disease, late blight. For the treatment of plants, use special fungicides. Do not neglect the preventive means in the fight against insects and pepper diseases.

Top dressing

The first top dressing of bitter pepper is carried out two weeks after the seedlings are planted in a permanent place. For such feeding, use slurry diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:10.

Next time, apply fertilizer during the flowering period of the crop. At this time, use ash solutions and infusions. Prepare a classic solution at the rate of 150 grams of ash per bucket of water. Water the bushes with such a composition, spending 0.5 liters per plant.

Last fertilizing after three weeks. Use minerals this time. Give preference to potassium and phosphorus. The use of complex fertilizers is allowed. Use in dosages specified by the manufacturers.

Formation of bushes

Pay great attention to the formation of pepper bushes. Start working with the plant in two to three months from the appearance of the first seedlings. After the 10th leaf, the bell stem is bifurcated. Further, each of them will also begin to split. During this period, examine the plant. Small branches appeared on the bushes, which grow in the opposite direction from the main stems. Feel free to delete these processes.

They contribute to the thickening of the middle of the bush.

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Sweet pepper


The variety description shows that Bell pepper can be grown in our region with proper care. Bushes of this culture can become a wonderful decoration of a personal plot.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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