Characteristics of cucumber varieties in the letter W.

At the moment, 1354 cucumber varieties are listed in the State Register, among which 27 positions are occupied by cucumber varieties in the letter Ш, which are allowed for cultivation and sale. Among them there are high-quality, high-yielding hybrids with different ripening periods, parthenocarpic and bee pollinating, suitable for growing under different conditions.

  1. Bumblebee F1
  2. Chic F1
  3. Shakti F1
  4. Cartoon F1
  5. Espagnolette F1
  6. Skipper F1
  7. Shiraz F1
  8. Shusha F1
  9. Conclusion <

Характеристика огурцов сортов на букву Ш

Characteristics of cucumber varieties with the letter Ш

Bumblebee F1

The hybrid variety was bred for pollination of hybrids with a female flowering type. A large number of male flowers are formed on the bush, they are located in the internodes of the central stem. in person 1-2 pollinator bushes. The neighborhood of the Bumblebee F1 variety can increase the productivity of other varieties by 50-60%. To fully pollinate the main hybrids, it is sown for seedlings a week earlier from the other varieties.

Bumblebee gives stable crop Zelentsy are even, with thin black spikes, reach a length of 10 cm, are covered with dense skin and have a homogeneous pulp structure. They are used for canning, salting and cooking fresh salads. Bumblebee cucumbers can be grown in the open garden, as well as in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Chic F1

Partenocarpic early ripe (40-42 days) hybrid, which recently appeared on domestic market. It has a high yield even under stressful conditions.Chic F1 stably forms an ovary, starting from the first internodes. 2-4 fruits are tied in one node, more than 4 cucumbers in leaf sinuses are broken in good light in a sunny area.

Characteristics of the fruit:

  • length 12-14 cm, size ratio 1 to 3.2;
  • the shape is cylindrical, even;
  • the thorns are black, short;
  • the tuberosity is medium;
  • the seed bed is small ;
  • crisp flesh.

Among the merits of the variety, in addition to high productivity, long fruiting is noted. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases. Chic cucumber cultivated in film tunnels, unheated greenhouses and open ground. Seeds are sown for seedlings in mid-April, and in open ground – starting from the first of May. The soil must warm up to a temperature above 14 ° C.

Shakti F1

This is a self-pollinated hybrid variety of the Dutch selection, resistant to disease and having a high yield. The variety is new, but it is rapidly gaining popularity. The fruits ripen quickly, on the 46-50th day from sowing seeds, the fruiting period is long, which results in high productivity per season. On one bush, during the growing season, 5-7 kg of cucumbers ripen. The fruits grow even, uniform in size, their maximum length is 9 cm, width is 3 cm. Zelentsy are of a uniform green color, bumpy, of universal culinary purpose, are not inclined to overgrow and deform.

The variety grows well in open ground, can be used for double crop rotation in greenhouses. It has a presentation, well transported. These characteristics allow us to grow Shakti for sale.

Cartoon F1

The hybrid variety belongs to parthenocarpic (self-pollinated) cucumbers. According to the description, he is early. This is confirmed by practice: the first Zelentsy harvested after 40 days from the date of emergence of seedlings. Sharzh bushes are medium-sized, with powerful stems, grow well and grow on trellises, suitable for two-time planting per season in greenhouses and under film shelters.

More than 4 fruits are tied in the nodes of the main and side stems. Cucumbers grow to a length of 15 cm, even in a cylindrical shape with distinct tuberosity and short spikes, have excellent taste, pronounced fresh cucumber aroma.

Данный сорт порадует ранним урожаем

This variety will appreciate the early harvest

Among the advantages note:

  • high yield, 12-15 kg / sq. m;
  • transportability;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • long shelf life (up to 14 days at 3-7 ° C);
  • resistance to root rot, olive blotch, powdery mildew.

Among the disadvantages are susceptibility to parasporosis, which requires careful disinfection of seeds, and especially soil in the greenhouse.Cucumbers are planted, avoiding their thickening, between them should be 0.5 m, the same distance is maintained between the rows.

Espagnolette F1

Self-pollinated variety, refers to mid-season (55-58 days). On peduncles, female-type flowers are formed. In leaf sinuses 3 and more green leaves are tied. The bushes are tall, the central stem is powerful: reaches 2.7-3 m in length, side stems are limited in growth. The variety is grown by tying it to supports or trellises.

Cucumbers Espagnolette medium-sized (7-9 cm in length), saturated green with a dense but unstable skin with clear tubercles and white spikes. The fruits are genetically spared from the tendency to accumulate bitterness during the drought period; they have the highest quality appearance when harvesting every 3-4 days. The variety has a high yield, allowing you to collect 5-6 kg from one bush when planting 3 plants per 1 square. m. Harvest is 15-17 kg / sq. This variety is especially appreciated for its fresh taste characteristics and the maximum preservation of taste and structure during preservation and salting.

Skipper F1

Refers to ultra-early varieties that allow harvesting first crop in 35-40 days. The fruiting period is long, which allows you to collect cucumbers until the fall. One of the few that easily transfers the transplant, so it is permissible to grow it in seedlings. Seedlings are sown in mid-April. It is suitable for cultivation in greenhouses and in open beds.Skipper refers to parthenocarpic hybrids with a female type of flowering and does not require pollination by insects. 5-7 cucumbers form in the internodes.

Gherkins of small size, with limited growth, are suitable for picking at the stage of 4-5 cm pickles.

Characteristics of the fruit:

  • average weight 85-90 g, length – up to 10 cm;
  • green tuberous skin;
  • thorns are black, short;
  • small seeds , in a small amount;
  • the flesh is crispy, dense.

The taste of this variety is highly appreciated, it is used for the preparation of various salads, preserves and salting in barrels.

Shiraz F1

The variety will appeal to the garden Ikam who prefer to grow salad cucumbers. Shiraz is an early hybrid of parthenocarpic type. Fruits ripen in 42-47 days from the moment of seed germination. The variety is undemanding to care, gives high yields in greenhouses, as well as in open ground under shelter.

The bushes grow strong, well-developed, with powerful side shoots, well cling to vertical supports. To form smooth and beautiful fruits, the bush is recommended to be grown in a vertical position by the method of tying. 6-8 fruits are tied in the internodes.

Shiraz cucumbers grow to 18 cm in length, with an average weight of 200 g, with a smooth surface of even green color. The skin is thin, without tuberosity and spikes.Productivity is high: up to 10 kg of greens are collected from one bush.

Shusha F1

An early ripening self-pollinated hybrid characterized by high productivity and stable fruiting. It was bred for cultivation in greenhouses and in beds.

Shusha is a stress-tolerant variety that is suitable for cultivation in the regions of the middle zone, in the northern regions it is successfully cultivated in greenhouses.

Bushes are medium-sized, 1.5 -2 m in height, have medium branching. In knots 2-3 fruits are tied. The fruiting period begins in 42-48 days.

Cucumbers of cylindrical shape, the same size, weighing 70-80 g, length up to 11 cm. The surface is hilly, green. The pulp is juicy, crunchy, with a sweet taste.

Shusha is a highly productive variety, yield indicators are 15-18 kg / sq. m.

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Main advantages:

  • high productivity;
  • sustainability to a complex of diseases;
  • high quality fruits;
  • transport nality.

Shusha is a hybrid suitable for industrial cultivation and private gardening.


A large number of modern varieties allows you to choose one that satisfies the quality, will be suitable for cultivation in certain conditions and will appreciate a high harvest.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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