Characteristics of eggplant Siberian Prince

There are a lot of varieties of eggplant, so choosing the most suitable variety is not a problem. One of the best types of eggplant of the early variety is the Siberian prince eggplant.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the fruit
  3. Growing
  4. Rules for planting seeds
  5. Proper sprout care
  6. Planting seedlings and diving
  7. Fertilizing soil
  8. Watering the Siberian prince in open ground
  9. Diseases and pests
  10. Pest control
  11. Pest control
  12. Prevention
  13. Conclusion

Характеристика баклажана Сибирский Принц

Characteristics of Sibi eggplant Sky Prince

Characteristics of the variety

Siberian Prince is one of the most fruitful eggplant fruits. Vegetables with a high degree of resistance to weather conditions can easily withstand summer Siberian cold .

The bush of this variety is low, from 45 to 50 cm. It sets the fruit perfectly. Good yield (about 3 kg).

Description of the fruit

The plant produces about 10 large fruits of a cylindrical shape.

The length of the fruit is 30 cm or less, and the weight is about 300 g. Outside it is covered with a smooth, glossy peel of dark color. Inside is a light flesh that does not have bitterness in taste.


To grow the prince, open ground is best, but you can also use a film coating. Cultivation is carried out by the seedling method. The variety of this vegetable is quite early ripe, that is, approximately at the end of July or at the beginning of August you can already harvest. It’s not worth worrying about climatic changes, a vegetable of this variety is very resistant to all weather conditions.

Seeding rules

Sowing of seeds occurs in late February or early March . First you need to perform the seed sterilization procedure. After the seeds are washed with water and placed in a bowl with a nutrient solution. Then for a couple of days it’s worth putting them on a plate and proceed with the landing. Soil temperature should be from 22 ° C to 26 ° C. The depth for sowing seeds is from 1.5 to 2 cm.

Soil requirements:

  • loose;
  • light;
  • permeable;
  • neutral;
  • fruitful.

Proper sprout care

For a couple of months Before the plant is placed in open ground, its seeds are sown in a special container. Usually, plastic glasses or ordinary pots are taken for this. After 6 days, the vegetable sprouts appear, it is very important to provide them with bright daylight, since they really need it. At the same time, lower the temperature to 16 ° C.

Further, watering the sprouts is very important, since the culture likes high humidity.Watering eggplant depends on weather conditions. During a hot climate, watering takes place every 3-5 days, and in cloudy weather you should not water the plants more often than 8-10 days. During watering, you can not wet the leaves of the vegetable, it is watered only under the root. Water temperature should not be higher than 28 ° С and not lower than 25 ° С. After moistening the soil, it must be loosened.

Transplanting seedlings into the soil occurs in early summer, when weather conditions normalize. The beds in which the eggplants will be placed should be high with a wide passage between them.

Planting seedlings and diving them

Хороший урожай при правильной высадке

A good crop with the right planting

For proper planting of seedlings, it is important to mix the soil with sawdust, peat, humus or garden ground. It will also be good to disinfect the earth with a manganese solution and add mineral fertilizers – superphosphate, potassium salts.

It is difficult to tolerate pickling seedlings. All due to the fact that its root system is quite fragile and therefore difficult to recover. If there is a need for a pick, then follow several rules during the procedure. Together with diving seedlings, the container into which the planting will be carried out is filled with a soil mixture. At a distance of 6 cm from each other, furrows are made, they are watered with water, and then seeds are placed.After the furrows are densified, and in order to retain moisture, the seeding is covered with a film. Sprouts appear already on the 7-10th day. After that, instead of water, it goes a little, watering with fertilizers under the root.

Fertilizer soil

The root system of the Siberian prince is developing quite quickly. Already 15 days after the plant was placed on the bed, it is able to absorb the maximum amount of useful elements from the soil, placed there outside. Soil enrichment is carried out in 4 stages:

  1. Vegetation stage.
  2. Budding stage.
  3. Stage of fruit ripening.
  4. Stage of fruiting extension .

Fertilizing the soil is most useful with tincture of green grass, it is rich in nitrogen and vermicompost. In the period of intensive growth and fruiting, the best fertilizer for him is a complex of preparations with microelements. They feed the plant with the compounds it needs. You can buy such preparations in specialized stores or do it yourself.

Irrigation of the Siberian prince in the open ground

During eggplant flowering, watering occurs no more than 2 times a week, on hot days 5 times. You can water the plant only under the root, in no case do not wet the vegetable bushes. Water should be at the same temperature as the ground. During the fruiting period, watering is reduced, but not stopped at all.

Diseases and pests

The Siberian prince is resistant to disease, however, if the plant is disturbed, the plant may be prone to root rot. If you notice that the eggplant is yellowed, it begins to curl or rotting leaves, these are sure signs of disease. The variety is also susceptible to pests. Consider the description of the fight against them.

Disease Control

If rot has appeared on the plant, it is urgent to disinfect bleach. Twisting the leaves means that your soil has acidified, oxygen has stopped flowing into it. Lime or chalk will also help here. Yellowed leaves indicate a fungal disease. It is necessary to cure the root of the plant with a chemical fungicide, which can be bought in a specialized store.

Pest control

If you notice that the edges of the leaves are damaged in your plant, this Colorado beetle. It will have to be assembled manually. If the diameter of the holes on the leaf is about 1 cm, then this is a whitefly. It is necessary to treat the seedlings with Confidor. If you notice small black dots on the underside of the leaves – this is an aphid, Fitoverm will help against it. When the leaves are bitten both at the edges and in the middle – these are slugs, bears. It will be necessary to pour ash on the root every two weeks. If there are a lot of small yellow dots on plants, these are midges. Acetic solution can overcome them.


Disinfection with a weak manganese solution will be the best prevention against any pest.

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Eggplant varieties Siberian prince unpretentious plant resistant to any climate. Such a variety is better to choose if you first decided to grow eggplant.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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