Characteristics of Gloria f1 cabbage

Cabbage Gloria F1 is a popular hybrid species that was bred by Holland breeders. The high-yielding variety is resistant to adverse weather conditions and has high immunity.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the head
  3. Use of the vegetable
  4. Planting
  5. Seedlings
  6. Reckless way
  7. Care
  8. Watering
  9. Weed removal and hilling
  10. Feeding <
  11. Pests and diseases
  12. Prevention
  13. Conclusion <

Характеристика капусты сорта Глория f1

Characteristics of Gloria cabbage varieties f1

Variety characterization

This variety is distinguished by early peri ripening house, approximately 70-75 days from the moment of seedling planting, but even for such a short period the seedling forms a firm head.

Description of Gloria cabbage:

  • pleasant taste;
  • attractive appearance;
  • disease resistance;
  • withstands various temperature extremes;
  • is stored for a long time;
  • does not require a large amount fertilizer;
  • high yield;
  • well tolerates transportation.

Description of the head

Gloria F1 has a head of round shape, quite dense, sheets are thin. The average weight reaches 3-5 kg. It has a white color in section. The advantage of the variety is also that it has a short stump inside and an average outer one.Heads of cabbage do not crack and are well stored. Since the variety has a high leg, it is convenient to assemble it mechanically.

It can be stored in a cool room all winter, retaining its useful qualities.

The use of vegetables

Gloria f1 contains many nutrients, vitamins A, B, a lot of iron and calcium. Gloria has a sweet bite. The variety is well suited for home cooking, large leaves are well suited for the preparation of cabbage rolls and salads, often used in harvesting for the winter.

The vegetable retains its taste even when frozen. You can not be afraid to store it in the basement, heads of cabbage will retain their appearance until spring. The optimum temperature is 0 °, but slight deviations are allowed, humidity should be about 90-95%. During storage, the top sheets may turn a little yellow, but you do not need to remove them. They prevent the spread of diseases.



Через 50 дней рассаду можно высаживать в грунт

After 50 days, seedlings can be planted in the soil

You can sow the seeds of gloria cabbage in April in closed soil. The soil should be moist, and the box should be covered with film or glass. A week later, when the seeds begin to germinate, the film must be removed.

When the seedlings grow, they are hardened for several days. After 50 days, seedlings can be planted in open soil.

The seedling method

Seedlings must be planted in a well-lit area and monitor the fertility of the soil. The best option is to plant cabbage in the garden where beans or potatoes used to grow. The soil structure should be lumpy and shallow. Care must be taken to monitor humidity. It is also necessary to correctly adjust the sevalk so that the shoots are simultaneous. With this method of planting, seed consumption is 40-70%. The distance between the rows should be 70 cm.



Water the plant every 4-5 days. In very hot weather every 2 days. Water must be poured directly under the root so that it does not fall on the leaves. After watering, you need to loosen the soil, so that the plants better absorb moisture and useful trace elements.

Weed removal and hilling

It is important to prevent weeds from overgrowing and remove them in time. Gloria cabbage needs to be buried in 2-3 weeks after planting, this contributes to the formation of a good root system. Hilling is repeated after 10-15 days. To preserve moisture, mulching is done with peat, this also prevents weeds from growing.


  1. The first feeding is done when the plant is in the seedling stage. To do this, make a solution of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. Each ingredient is taken in 2 g. After about a couple of weeks, the procedure is repeated and the concentration of fertilizer is increased.
  2. Immediately before planting the soil, the cabbage is fertilized with a mixture of potassium and superphosphate. This accelerates root growth and strengthens it, improves the resistance of cabbage to adverse environmental conditions.
  3. A few days after planting in the soil, the plants are fertilized with a solution of urea, using a proportion of 1 g per 1 liter of water. When the head of cabbage begins to form, the dose is increased, 10 g of urea and superphosphate are taken by 10 l.

There are some symptoms that signal a lack of useful trace elements in the plant:

  1. Old sheets become cream-colored, but new ones do not grow, and the head does not ripen. The plant does not have enough iron.
  2. The leaves do not develop, as it should, their edge curls. The plant needs calcium.
  3. The leaves of the cabbage are pale gray in color, die off early. So she lacks nitrogen.
  4. The veins of a reddish leaf and necrosis. Phosphorus is needed.
  5. Yellowish spots appear, which darken, and the leaves fall off. Not enough magnesium.
  6. The old leaves become cup-shaped, the head is poorly developed. The plant needs molybdenum.

Pests and diseases

E that variety is resistant to furyosis, a disease that develops in the heat. But if the plant is still infected, it is removed. You can distinguish a sick head of cabbage with dark spots on the stem and yellowed leaves.

If the temperature is low, and humidity is high, Gloria risks falling ill with gray rot or powdery mildew. To avoid this, it is important to adhere to the rules of planting, to disinfect garden tools.


For Gloria, an infusion of tomato tops and onion husks is useful.

It is infused for several hours and then plants are sprayed with it, you can add rubbed laundry soap to it, then the infusion will be better to hold.

In order to prevent aphids, chafer beetles and caterpillars, plant sage, mint or rosemary plants between the beds of cabbage. Their smell repels pests.


Cabbage f1 is one of the most popular varieties with many advantages. It is necessary to take care of the plant in a timely manner, follow the rules of planting, watering and feeding, then you will be able to harvest the best possible crop. Continuation of the article …

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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