Characteristics of Golden Hectare Cabbage

Cabbage Golden hectare 1432 is an early variety. It is ideal for both agricultural production and home growing.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the head
  3. Growing and care
  4. Selection of high-quality seeds
  5. Processing
  6. Landing
  7. Pick-up <
  8. Temperature
  9. Feeding
  10. Watering <
  11. Mulching <
  12. Conclusion <

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Characteristics of the cabbage cultivar Golden hectare

Characteristics of the variety

Cabbage Golden hectare has a short growing season – from 100 to 110 days. The seeds are sown in March. The ripening period of full seedlings is 35-45 days. The harvesting period is from July to August. The yield per square meter is 5-8 kg, from 1 hectare receive up to 900 c. following all the rules of agricultural technology, productivity is 95%.

The variety tolerates transportation, has resistance to cracking, to diseases and insect pests. Shelf life – up to 1 month. It is recommended to use it fresh.

Description of a head of cabbage

The leaves of the cabbage are golden hectares rounded, large from the bottom, green in color with a gray tint, smaller, light green from above. The outer poker is short, thick, and very leafy. Heads are small, medium in size.

The variety has an excellent taste and a high content of useful nutrients.

Head structure:

  • the shape is aligned, rounded;
  • the color is light green;
  • the surface is smooth;
  • average weight – 1.5-2.5 kg;
  • the color on the cut is white;
  • high density;
  • the inner poker is short.

Cultivation and care

According to the description, the cultivation of cabbage Golden hectare occurs by sowing . First, seedlings are grown, after which the seedlings are transplanted into the open ground. The technique of growing this crop is simple, it is enough to follow some rules.

Selection of high-quality seeds

From the beginning of March, sowing of seeds for seedlings begins. A mixture of soil for growing seedlings should consist of sod land and humus. To enrich the soil with additional trace elements, ash is added to this mixture at the rate of 10 tbsp. l ash per 10 kg of the mixture.

High-quality seeds are selected, for this they are poured for 5 minutes. 3% salt solution. Surfaced drained with water, the rest washed and dried. Sow selected material of medium and large size.


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Processing will temper seeds

If the seeds are not processed (this is indicated on the packaging), the treatment is carried out: for 20 minutes, lower the seeds in water heated to 50 ° C, then – for 5 minutes in cold. There is another way: the seeds are kept for 1 hour in a solution of garlic (30 g of crushed garlic is dissolved in 0.5 tbsp of water). After the seeds are washed and dried well. These measures disinfect the material and increase resistance to fungal diseases.


Seeds are planted in containers (boxes, cassettes, pots), the surface of the soil is covered with a film. The first shoots are noticeable already on the 4th day. Boxes with seedlings should be in a well-lit place. Watering is carried out moderate, as the soil dries up.


14 days after seedlings emergence, plants from the boxes are transplanted into separate containers or other boxes according to the 5 x 5 cm pattern During a dive, 1/3 of the main root is cut off. This helps the roots to branch better, the root is gaining volume. Sprouts are deepened to cotyledonous leaves.

Temperature conditions

In order for the seedlings to grow strong and quickly develop, it is necessary to observe the temperature conditions. Before the first shoots, the room temperature should be at the level of 18-20 ° C.After seedlings sprouting, the daytime temperature is kept at 15-17 ° C, the night temperature is 7-10 ° C.

2 weeks before transplanting into the open ground, the seedlings harden. At the first stage of hardening, plants are gradually accustomed to cool air, starting from 2 hours a day.

At the next stage, the seedlings are taken outside, making sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the plants, for this they shade. The last few days, seedlings remain on the street. After the appearance of 4-5 leaves, the seedlings are moved to the open ground.

Top dressing

During seedlings ripening, three top dressings of vegetable crops are carried out: the first – a week after picking, the second – 2 weeks after the first, the third – a few days before transplanting into open ground. Seedlings are watered with a solution based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

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Cabbage is one of the most hygrophilous vegetables. Water consumption depends on the type of soil and air temperature, on average, young plants consume 2-4 liters of water, and adults – 10-15 liters. At the initial stage of the growing season watered p 3 days, later once a week. It is also important to loosen the soil, to sprinkle seedlings.


When mulching the soil, the number of weeds decreases, the number of irrigations decreases, water consumed sparingly. Loosening is not necessary. Mulching helps increase soil fertility – productivity increases. Costs of time and labor are reduced.


The golden hectare is a variety of white cabbage of an early variety. It has excellent taste, has an attractive presentation and immunity to diseases. Good and regular care of the vegetable helps to get a healthy and strong harvest.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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