Characteristics of Habanero Pepper

Habanero pepper is one of the most popular among chili peppers. Another name is Chinese capsicum. Easy cultivated variety. Mostly grows in a tropical climate, but it can be grown in our climatic conditions. Used in cooking and medicine.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Appearance of fruits
  3. Composition of pepper
  4. Planting rules
  5. Seeds
  6. Transplanting seedlings
  7. Hardening seedlings
  8. Nursing <
  9. Diseases and pests
  10. Tick <
  11. Rot <
  12. Virus
  13. Nematodes
  14. Conclusion <

Характеристика перца сорта Хабанеро

Characteristics of the Habanero pepper

Variety characteristic

On the Scoville scale, the severity of a burning plant vari From 100 thousand to 475 thousand units, this is why Habanero pepper is used in Mexican cuisine as a seasoning.

Juice contains substances that help with pain, they also accelerate hair growth.

Types of Habanero pepper:

  1. Habanero White. It has a white color and is the least popular due to demanding care. The shape of the fruit resembles chewing sweets, which is why Habanero is called “candy chili.” Has a very high severity.
  2. Habanero Fataly. It has a pronounced peach and lemon smell. The fruits have an orange or chocolate color. According to the Scoville scale, the sharpness is from 125 thousand to 325 thousand units.
  3. Habanero Tigerpaw.Resistant to roundworms or nematodes. Acuity – from 265 to 368 thousand units. When ripe, the fruits turn bright orange.
  4. Habanero Red Caribian. Has a red color of the crop. Most commonly used in Mexican cuisine. He is very burning. The severity is 300-475 thousand units;
  5. Habanero Red Savina. The fruits of this pepper are very juicy and fleshy. On the Scoville scale, the sharpness reaches up to 400 thousand units;
  6. Habanero chocolate. The color is chocolate. Smoke and floral aroma. Color can range from light brown to rich chocolate. The sharpness reaches 425 thousand units. Grows slower than anyone. It coexists best in the tropics and grows up to 120 cm. The stem is branched, leaves are egg-shaped.

Habanero pepper variety is distinguished by high productivity. For a year, one bush gives a yield of up to 1 kg. When grown in tropical climates, it can be a perennial plant and produce crops all year round. In a temperate climate, it is an annual plant.

You can collect the first fruits after 90-100 days after planting. But before that, check them for ripeness.

Appearance of the fruit

The fruits of the burning Chinese capsicum resemble the shape of a heart. They have a glossy wax surface. Unripe fruits have a green color. During ripening, they gradually acquire color according to their appearance.

Description of the fruit:

  • weight from 30 to 50 g;
  • diameter about 2.5 cm;
  • length from 2 to 6 cm.
  • flower-citrus aroma.

The chocolate look has a more spherical shape and is larger than other types in size. It reaches 4 cm in diameter and 5 cm in length.

Pepper Composition

Healthy and delicious pepper

Habanero contains:

  • minerals (iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium);
  • vitamins (B, B4, B9, C, K, A);
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins.

The main chemical substance is capsaicin. In case of pain in the body, it blocks the nerve cells responsible for sending pain impulses.

Due to the acute taste, it is not used raw. Fruits are used for preservation or in dried form. When preparing dishes with this vegetable, peel the seeds and pulp.

Planting Rules

Habanero pepper is a heat-loving plant. When creating favorable conditions for growing, you can grow a vegetable at home.


First you need to soak the seeds for several days. To do this, they are placed in several times folded cheesecloth or between cotton wipes, which are moistened abundantly. When the seeds begin to germinate, you can plant them in the soil.

Transplant seedlings

It is better to use a small container – a pot or container. Plant the seeds to a depth of 0.5 cm.Provide constant watering and the necessary temperature conditions (20-25 ° C). After the first leaves appear, you can plant the seedlings in separate pots.

Hardening the seedlings

It is recommended to take the potted plant outside into the soil each time increasing the time . This will harden and the bush will be more prepared for climate change.


You grow poorly on the street

Like any plant, chili requires care. If you follow the following simple rules, the capsicum will please you with a good harvest:

  1. During flowering, some flowers must be cut. This is necessary to obtain large fruits.
  2. For feeding, it is better to use compost or mineral fertilizers. If the plant lacks vitamins, the leaves on the inside will turn purple.
  3. Watering should be moderate. Between watering the soil should dry. If the cultivation takes place at home, then this procedure should be carried out 2 times a day.
  4. To prevent aphids and ticks, they are treated with a solution of laundry soap. In the early stages, you can use solutions that contain fungicides.
  5. If the cultivation takes place at home, it is better to put pots with bushes on windows that look south.
  6. If there is insufficient lighting and heat, then for young plants you can install lamps.

To shape, as well as remove old inflorescences, spring pruning is performed. For bushes that grew in a greenhouse or garden, it is better to carry out autumn pruning.

Pollination of plants that are planted in open ground occurs at the expense of insects. You can use a soft brush at home.

Harvest must be done with gloves. The fruits are bitter and it’s hard to wash your hands after them.

Diseases and pests

Incorrect care, insects or fungal diseases can harm the plant. Excessive watering threatens the appearance of a fungal infection with a black leg. Insufficient watering and dry soil contribute to the withering of the ovaries and the appearance of aphids and spider mites.


To get rid of the spider mite will help infusion of wood ash or insecticides. It is better to apply organic origin. They will remove the tick, but will not harm the plant itself.


The most common disease is gray rot. It is formed due to damage to the leaves or trunk. To avoid this, you should carefully and accurately harvest, remove damaged leaves and petioles immediately.


Viral diseases (tobacco smoke virus and cucumber virus 1) are carried by aphids . Damaged bushes should be removed. To prevent the appearance of aphids, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil.Check it for the presence of ants, which are the main carriers of aphids.


If the roots are damaged by nematodes or ringworms, the roots should be lowered into the water (temperature 50-55 ° FROM). Such a water temperature will help get rid of pests, but will not damage the root system.

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Chinese Capsicum can be grown in houses on the windowsill and in the summer cottage. The main thing is to observe the temperature and light conditions when growing. You must regularly check the condition of the plant in order to prevent disease in time. The fruits are used as a hot spice. You can also add pepper to sauces.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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