Characteristics of hot pepper varieties Red Fat Man

Hot pepper Red the fat man is one of the favorites of many summer residents. It is worth growing it once to make sure the quality of the crop. This is an unpretentious, high-yielding variety. That is why many gardeners appreciate him and always find a place in the garden for his planting.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Care <
  5. Fertilizer
  6. Diseases and pests
  7. Conclusion

Острый перец сорта Красный Толстяк

Hot pepper of the variety Red Fat

Grow bitter varieties almost the same as sweet ones.The only advantage is that the bitterness in the stems and leaves is not liked by pests, and they bypass the plant.

Characteristic grade and

Red Fat Pepper has excellent characteristics – it is a universal variety because it can be grown at home, in the greenhouse and in the garden. It belongs to mid-season crops. It tolerates cold well, suitable for growing in the northern regions.

In terms of stiffness, the variety is quite sharp. Hotness – 39,000 SHU. The first crop is harvested 130 140 days after the appearance of the first sprouts. Productivity from 1 m² to 3 kg of fruit.

Description of the bush

Pepper bushes The red fat is medium-sized. Height 50-60 cm, branched stems. The leaves are elliptical, flowers are white or grayish with purple spots or stripes.

Description of the fruit

The fruits of hot red pepper Fat are appreciated for their taste. Peppercorns are drooping, cone-shaped.

Fruits have the following characteristics:

  • weight 60–90 grams;
  • length 16–19 cm;
  • wall thickness 4 mm;
  • the taste is sharp, with bitterness;
  • high in carotene and vitamin C.

Harvest in an open garden cleaned only at the stage of biological maturity. The color of the ripened fruit is red or dark red. If you harvest earlier, it will not reach the desired level of maturity. The hotness will be low, and it will not be stored. It is the red pigment that betrays the desired bitter taste and is a natural antioxidant.

Red Fat Bitter is widely used in cooking and home preservation. It is used raw in sauces, added to various dishes and winter preparations, as a seasoning and preservative.


Перцу не требуется обильный полив

Peppers do not need plentiful watering

Hot peppers Red fat ff1 requires timely and proper care. Growing stages include:

  • timely weed harvesting and loosening of the soil;
  • moderate periodic watering;
  • top dressing;
  • preventative treatments for diseases.

Grow a variety of pepper. Red fat seedling.Seeds are sown in mid-late February, two in a pot. After germination, the weaker plant is removed. Dive at the stage of two of these leaves. They are transplanted into open ground when the threat of frost passes, that is, by the end of May, beginning of June. The optimal temperature for proper development is 21 ̊ -25 ̊ C. When growing seedlings at home or in a greenhouse, bushes need to be added with artificial lighting, since daylight hours are still short. Watering is moderate, in hotter weather every 3 to 4 days.

When planting in a greenhouse or plot, pay attention to the quality of the soil. This crop grows well on light soils. The ideal composition of the soil includes turf land, peat and sand. It is sand that serves as a kind of drainage and does not allow water to stagnate. Loosening the earth must be done carefully, because the roots are very sensitive to mechanical damage.

Watering is moderate, as the bushes do not tolerate high humidity. It is enough to produce it every 2-3 days in hot weather and once every 3-4 days in cloudy or as the soil dries.


Top dressing begins immediately after the first leaves appear on seedlings.

For a plant, it is important to periodically receive organic top dressings. This not only enhances its growth, but also affects the quality of the fruit. They grow large, tasty and fragrant.Since pepper Fat is a plant with a long vegetation period, for the entire period two top dressings are made with growth stimulants. Organic fertilizers should be applied twice a month, alternating them.

The bushes respond well to feeding cow dung, diluted chicken manure, boric acid, humate, urea and superphosphate. Urea and superphosphate are mineral preparations, so you should not get involved in them. When working with these substances, the manufacturer’s instructions must be strictly observed.

Diseases and pests

Bitter varieties are practically not susceptible to viral diseases, insects and pests also bypass them. The variety of hot mid-season pepper Red fat has a good immunity to most diseases. It is enough to follow agricultural technology and fertilize the plant in time to get a good harvest.

Hot Red Fat Pepper. Search
Growing hot pepper
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Hot Red Fat Man is a great choice for both a beginner summer clerk and an experienced farmer. It is used both fresh and in conservation.

The fruits have good flavoring and commodity to -operation. Growing simple and reduced to the periodic fertilizing, watering and loosening the soil.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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