Characteristics of Kale

All other varieties known today were derived from the cabbage type of cabbage. Curly cabbage is called Kale (or Cale) and is a type of leaf, it is most popular in Europe.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the head
  3. Use of the vegetable
  4. Care
  5. Watering
  6. Feeding <
  7. Diseases and pests
  8. Prevention
  9. Conclusion <

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Characteristics of kale

Characteristics of the variety

All types of cabbage Kale ( curly) were bred from wild plants. The variety is unpretentious, it can be grown in any region onet, because it is resistant to various pests and can withstand temperatures up to -18 ° C. The variety is also used in landscape design.

Curly cabbage got its name because of the specific shape of the leaves. They are:

  • flat with small wavy edges;
  • rounded with wavy edges of medium density;
  • rounded with elongated wavy edges.

Height plants can also be different: from 40 to 90 cm. Color varies from green to red. The most famous types of kale:

  • Black Tuscany. This kale is light green in color, its leaves have an unusual tuberous structure. It is mainly distributed in southern countries.
  • Reflex F. The variety is distinguished by dietary properties.Only 100 g are able to provide a person with a sufficient amount of nutrients.
  • Redbor F. Bush of unusual purple color, mild in taste. It is better to grow it in fairly bright areas. The more light, the more beautiful the bush looks.
  • Reed or reed. It has strong leaves, resembles lettuce bushes. It goes well in exotic dishes.
  • Siberian. It is resistant to disease, can produce crops at very low temperatures.
  • Tintoretto. This variety has the property of becoming even tastier after freezing.

Description of the head

A distinctive feature of this variety is the absence of the head.

Unlike the “stone head” variety, this plant is more like a salad. Some varieties are grown to decorate the infield, as they look very beautiful. The plant contains many useful substances: flavonoids, anthocyanins, antioxidants.

All modern varieties are derived from a wild plant, so they are similar in chemical composition. Grünkol contains many vitamins C and K, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E and omega-3 fatty acids.

Useful properties:

  • can replace meat dishes;
  • has a good effect on vision;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • optimizes digestion;
  • has a positive effect on coagulation blood;
  • reduces the risk of tumors.

It has a good effect on immunity, increases the level of protection of the body. This happens because regular consumption of Kale prevents viruses from entering the body and increases hemoglobin, gives oxygen access to the internal organs of a person.

Kale is stored in a cool place: high temperature negatively affects its taste. You don’t even have to dig it out for the winter, but just leave the roots in the ground and enjoy the harvest again next season.

Application of the vegetable

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The variety is suitable for salting

Kale curly cabbage along with broccoli is often used in the diet menu. Fresh fresh juices and juices are prepared from it. Thick leaves are suitable for pickling and pickling. Crispy kale is also added to lasagna.


One of the most unusual recipes is curly kale chips. Leaves are torn, add salt, pepper and mix with oil, then line on a baking sheet covered with parchment and placed in a preheated to 100 ° C oven. Keep until ready.

Curly green cabbage goes well with tomatoes, green onions and basil. It is better to season salads with pumpkin or olive oil.

One of the dietary options for a dish with kale is a salad with beans. For cooking, take 500 g of cabbage, a jar of beans, 200 g of tomatoes, oil, salt, 4-5 spices.Cut all the vegetables, tear the leaves by hand, mix the ingredients and add the sauce of oil and spices.


Despite the large number of useful properties of the product, kale also has a number of contraindications. Curly cabbage can be harmful to people with kidney or gall bladder disease. Overuse can cause flatulence, stomach cramps or diarrhea.


In order to grow a good harvest, it is important to water the seedlings in time, loosen and nourish the soil. When the plant reaches 20-25 cm in height, it is spudded, and weak leaves are torn off immediately. In order to facilitate care and protect the variety from root rot, soil can be fertilized with humus or compost.


It is important to follow the rules of watering. To avoid water spreading, a small furrow is made around each seedling, water is poured directly into it. In the heat, plants are watered more often and do not forget to loosen the ground. The soil should be slightly moist.

Top dressing

Characteristics of Kale

It is necessary to nourish the plant every 7-8 weeks. This is first done during the period of active leaf growth. For fertilizer, use an infusion of herbs. The fourth part of the container is filled with water, then fresh grass is added (10 kg per 100 liters of water) and 2 kg of chicken droppings are put. The solution is insisted for 2-3 days. Fertilizer is applied only under the root of the plant.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests of the variety:

  • aphids;
  • scoops;
  • whites;
  • flower beetle;
  • wireworms;
  • slugs.

You can protect the plant by sprinkling woody soil ash, tobacco dust or a mixture thereof, but after rain it is important to repeat this procedure. Spraying with a 70% vinegar solution diluted in water will be effective.

Chemical methods of control can also be used, it helps well:

  • Kemifos;
  • Aliot;
  • Bankol;
  • Kinmix;
  • Fury.

These measures should be applied only when folk methods are powerless and you need to save the crop.


To protect plants from diseases, you must adhere to crop rotation rules, pickle seeds before sowing, remove weeds and sucking pests from the plot in time.

Kale (kale, kale, kale) in early spring
Kale (Cale) Redbor F1
☘Most useful chips! 🍀


Curly cabbage is a nutritious unpretentious vegetable. Many years ago it was used for decorative purposes, but now it is confidently gaining a place in the kitchen.

Vitamins in its composition make her good cure for many b Despite the useful properties inherent in it, do not forget about contraindications and be careful with the use.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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