Characteristics of Kubyshka pepper

Kubyshka pepper deserves a special attention of modern gardeners. The Kubyshka variety is an industrial and table sweet salad pepper.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bushes
  3. Description of the fruits
  4. Care
  5. Care before planting
  6. Care after planting
  7. Diseases and pests
  8. Diseases
  9. Pests
  10. Conclusion

Перец сорта Кубышка

Pepper Kubyshka

Characteristics of the variety

The Kubyshka variety can be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground.

Description of the bushes

The dimensions of the bush exceed t 1 meter. The bush Kubyshka has wide-spreading branches. The leaves are medium in size and smooth. 100 days elapse before the first fruits appear. Up to 30 fruits can grow on the bush. It also has a high resistance to cold.

Description of the fruit

The fruit of the egg grow large. Weight reaches 260 gr. The fruit itself is red. The characteristic of the taste of the fruit is pretty good. The peel is thin, the pulp is soft and juicy. Inside the pepper is a lot of seeds. The fruit of the Pod is suitable for preservation, preparation of lecho, stuffing and direct consumption.


There are certain rules for the care of the variety Pod.

Care before planting

Even someone who has never planted peppers can handle the landing of Kubyshka. Seeds should be prepared 65 days before planting. Before planting, the seeds should be soaked in a solution of water and minerals. After they dry, you can begin to deepen. The distance between each seed should be 2 cm, also, you need to sow no deeper than 2.5 cm. The best temperature for growing seeds is 26 ° C. It is recommended not to transplant the Eggplant, as this negatively affects further growth. After deepening the seeds, they need to be slightly watered with water.

Care after planting

The Kubyshka variety is popular with gardeners because it does not require special care after planting. The main thing is to water the bush on time and feed it. Water the sweet salad pepper. The egg should be when the soil has dried, so that it is as wet as possible, but so that the liquid does not stagnate at the roots. For feeding, it is good to use a solution of water and urea (1 liter of water per half teaspoon of urea). Feeding is better to reproduce 3 times a month. In the process of growing the Kubyshka, you need to keep the area clean: destroy weeds, remove dirt and so on.

Diseases and pests

Care will protect against pests and diseases

Peppers are susceptible to fungal diseases. Also, they are not protected from pests.


There are many different diseases that can affect peppers.Consider the most serious diseases:

  1. Verticillosis – appears along with verticillosis fungi. Penetrate into the plant through the roots. Mushrooms suck the plant sap and poison it. The most unpleasant thing in this disease is that when the first symptoms appear, it is too late to save the bush, since it will be sufficiently damaged. Symptoms of Verticillosis – all leaves begin to turn yellow and become lethargic. It is impossible to cure Veticillosis, because the diseased plant must be destroyed immediately. Verticillosis can be avoided if pepper is grown at temperatures above 22 ° C.
  2. Stolbur is an infectious disease that causes yellowing of leaves in the bush. Then the leaves begin to curl. Fruits acquire a curved shape and cannot ripen. The column causes the death of the bush. It is impossible to cure the stolbur, because the diseased bush will have to be destroyed. For prevention, the remains of plants, weeds on the site should be removed. Also, you need to exterminate pests, because they can carry Stolbur.
  3. Cladosporiosis. The bush and fruits are covered with large brown spots. The bush begins to rot. Cladosporiosis causes the death of the plant. To cure the bush, you need to stop watering it for 4 days, remove the infected parts, treat it with the appropriate branded drug following the description of the application. Budget option for processing: 1 liter of water, 100 ml. milk and 3 drops of iodine.

Thus, many diseases can be avoided if all the necessary conditions are provided to the plant from the very beginning.


Pests always appear unexpectedly and you need to immediately deal with them. Consider the most popular types of parasites:

  1. Colorado beetle – a bug, 10 mm long. The body of the insect glistens. Usually it is brown, orange and with black stripes on the back. The Colorado potato beetle has developed wings, so it can fly long distances. These beetles eat the leaves of the bushes and cause their death. To combat, you need to use a solution of water and wood ash (0.5 kg. Ash to 2.5 liters of water). With this solution, you should spray the entire bush.
  2. Slug is a mollusk, looks like a snail, but without a shell. Moving crawling, leaving behind mucus. Slugs feed on the leaves of the bushes and spoil the fruits. There are a number of chemicals that are used to combat them, but you can inspect the bushes, especially in damp places, and if you find a pest, pick them up with your hands.
  3. Aphids are small bugs, green in color. This harmful insect drinks plant juice. Aphids are the fastest growing pest. Against aphids, you can use a solution of wood ash and water (1 kg of ash per 5 liters of water). This solution is used in spraying.
  4. The spider mite is a small, red beetle. Drinks the juice of plants. Received a name for its feature – to leave a web everywhere after itself. Spider mites are afraid of water. It is recommended to spray them with a solution of soap and water (50 g of soap in 1 liter of water).

It is very important in pest control – to begin their destruction before breeding. The characteristic of all harmful insects is that they reproduce very quickly.

The folk methods of pest control were listed above. There are a large number of pest control chemicals that will be more effective than traditional methods.

Pepper Kubyshka
Sweet pepper Kubyshka. Aelita


Kubyshka pepper may appeal to beginner gardeners, as it is easy to grow it. The main thing is to choose healthy soil, monitor the bush and then the result in the form of tasty and large fruits will delight consumers.

The fruits themselves are especially good for their versatility and taste. The Kubyshka pepper variety is an excellent choice.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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