Characteristics of Mels cucumbers

Mels cucumbers are unique because of their high fecundity – up to 400 greens can be collected per year. A great option for gardeners who grow vegetables for sale.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Planting of the variety
  5. Seed preparation
  6. Soil preparation
  7. When and how to plant
  8. Care
  9. Formation of the stem
  10. Watering <
  11. Feeding <
  12. Pests and diseases
  13. Diseases
  14. Pests
  15. Conclusion <

Характеристика огурцов сорта Мэлс

Characteristics of cucumbers Mels varieties

Variety characteristics

Mels cucumbers are suitable for growing in greenhouses, greenhouses and open beds. This variety is classified as a bunch. Harvest brings a whole bunch of fruits: in each node 5-7 ovaries are formed.

Mels is precocious – literally 36 days after planting the bushes, you can start collecting the first cucumbers.

Description of the bush

The plant is very large, has powerful lashes and small leaves. Such a vegetable requires sufficient space and regular harvesting. Planting density of no more than 2 plants per 1 m².

Mels has a female flowering type. Pollination is not required for this plant.

Description of the fruit

The plant produces small fruits up to 10 cm long in bright green color.Zelenets is strewn with tubercles, has white spikes, it can be slightly prickly.

Juicy and crispy cucumbers are always perfect for eating both raw and salted. They behave very well when marinated – they remain strong, and the skin is thin and crispy.

Planting a variety

This vegetable crop is characterized by seed propagation, because seedlings can grow somewhat fragile due to the lack of sufficient space for seedling development.

Seed preparation

Seeds can be pre-soaked in phytosporin or potassium permanganate, then planted in soil heated by the sun .

Soil preparation

It is necessary to prepare the soil beforehand: dig it well and fertilize it. You can use compost, humus, ash will be a good feed. After sowing seeds in fertilized soil, it is recommended to mulch the soil, i.e. sprinkle with straw or dry mowed grass. This will save moisture in the soil, as well as additionally fertilize it after the mulch is rotted.

When and how to plant

If you plan to grow the plant in a greenhouse, it is better to organize planting in the first decade of March. For cultivation in open ground, planting dates are moved forward 2 months, that is, the first ten days of May.

In a greenhouse, the soil must be thoroughly heated. To do this, it is poured with hot water (not boiling water), and the liquid is completely absorbed into the soil.After three days, the soil is ready for planting seeds.

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When planting, it is important to keep the distance

Before planting in open ground, it is important to make sure that the ground warms up 10-15 cm in depth, otherwise there is a risk of not seeing a single shoot. Recommended planting scheme for greenhouse cultivation is that for open 70×70, as cucumber needs a lot of space – the plant is very powerful. It is extremely important to take this feature into account!


Care of the Mels variety can be divided into several stages:

  1. Formation of the stem.
  2. Care after the first harvest.
  3. Preventative care.

Formation of the stem

You can learn about the formation of the stem already from the description given by the manufacturer on the package: the plant must be formed strictly into one stem. When the first leaves appear, it is necessary to remove the flowers and stepsons, and then all the shoots.

To hybrid f1 brought maximum yield, ripened fruits must be picked daily. This will protect the stem from being broken, because there are many greenhouses in one bunch, and it may not be able to withstand such a large load. per m2. If the soil is previously mulched, then you need to water through the mulch.After the first harvest, intensive watering with warm water is required, preferably after sunset. When growing vegetables on open ground, it is better to water cucumbers on their own with warm water.

Watering is recommended to be carried out at the very root, without touching the lower leaves of the stem. Wet leaves are most susceptible to disease damage.


As soon as the first portion of tasty fruits is harvested, it is important to feed the plant. You can put a barrel or bucket with humus, which will give fumes containing carbon dioxide.

The most affordable feeding method is dry ash or ash infusion. Dry wood ash is enough to sprinkle the soil before watering. Ash infusion is prepared from 8 to 10 days. To do this, you need to dilute 10 tablespoons of ash into 5 ditches and regularly mix this mixture. It is enough to fertilize the soil with ashes once every two weeks.

Pests and diseases

Mels f1 variety is resistant to the defeat of the main diseases of cucumbers (ordinary powdery mosaic virus, olive spotting, powdery mildew, etc.). In order to protect the crop, simple measures are taken to prevent them: regular ventilation of the greenhouse, humidity control; if the greenhouse is glass, you need to periodically wash the glass with a rag dipped in a soap solution with a low alkali content.


A simple recipe for a solution of broth and water will save the root rot.

10 drops of brilliant green should be diluted in 5 liters of water and water the plant. If powdery mildew prevailed over the leaves of the cucumber, then a solution of water, non-skim milk and iodine will save: 10 drops of iodine and 1 liter of non-skim milk are diluted into 9 batches. The resulting mixture is treated on the affected areas of the plant.

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The most common pests are: whitefly, sprout fly, spider mite, gourd aphids.

Preventive measures should be taken even before sowing seeds. In March-April, after the snow melts, you can smoke the greenhouse with sulfur blocks (0.05 kg per m³). You can disinfect the soil with carbathion (2%), it is sold in gardening stores. poured over the entire inoculated pl area (5 L per m²). It is better to carry out disinfection 30-45 days before sowing the soil with seedlings or seeds.


Cucumber Mels f1 has many positive reviews. Mels will delight in the speed of fruit growth and high productivity. The hybrid is not afraid of cold, tolerates temperature extremes. Cucumber has excellent taste and fresh aroma.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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