Characteristics of Octopus cucumbers

Beginning summer residents and even professionals in each new season are looking for new varieties of vegetables that can meet all the requirements. The assortment of cucumbers of modern selection is huge, which complicates the selection process. Agronomists who specialize in growing this crop are advised to pay attention to the Octopus cucumber variety and its characteristics.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Care
  5. Sowing seeds
  6. Feeding <
  7. Watering <
  8. Pests and diseases
  9. How to handle
  10. Conclusion

Характеристика огурцов сорта Октопус

Characteristics of Octopus cucumbers

Variety characteristics

Octopus f1 is a bee pollinated variety from the Dutch selection, produced by the Dutch company Sengenta. proved to be a reliable producer of high-quality seed material.

The variety has a medium early ripening period. Harvest can be harvested after 43-48 days. Has a long fruiting period, which ensures high yield. 50 ripenes per hectare. -65 tons of cucumbers. Suitable for cultivation in open ground and greenhouses. The variety is resistant to high temperatures and drought, which allows it to grow in all regions of the middle lane. Used for production cultivation.

Octopus for universal use, suitable for fresh and canned consumption. It has high taste characteristics.

Description of the bush

The bush is medium-tall with a well-developed central and lateral stems. The leaves are round-pentagonal in shape, large and medium in size, the edges are distinct, slightly dissected. The color of the leaf plate is green with a clear vein pattern. 3-4 fruits are formed in the internode.

Description of the fruit

Gherkin fruits of small size. Cucumber grows up to 8 cm long with an average weight of 50-70 grams. The proportional ratio of length to width is 3: 1. They have a neat shape and high-quality presentation.

Characteristics of the fruit:

  • dense skin of green color;
  • the shape is even cylindrical;
  • tuberosity large;
  • thorns are absent;
  • the ribbing of the surface is traced;
  • the pulp is dense and crispy;
  • the seed box is small, the seeds are small.

Cucumbers of this variety are ideal for providing a market for fresh produce. Well-harvested fruits are stored at 3-8 ° C


Sowing seeds

for this variety nutrient soils with a pH level of 5.5-7 are suitable. The Octopus planting bed should be well-loosened and thoroughly prepared.

Sow the seeds for seedlings or directly in the ground. Sowing seedlings is carried out starting in mid-April and at the age of 25-30 seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse or open ground.The optimal time for planting is mid-May, when the soil temperature reaches 15 ° C, and night frosts will no longer threaten young plants.

At the same time, the tomatoes are sown in a non-seedling way directly into the soil. It must be remembered that cucumber seeds at a temperature below 12 ° C do not germinate and may die. Between the plants you need to leave enough free space, given the strength of the growth of bushes. Optimum would be 30-40 cm between the seedlings and from 60 cm should be the width between the rows. Thickening should not be more than 3 plants per 1 sq. M.


Растение нуждается в удобрении

The plant needs fertilizer

To ensure full growth, development and fruiting, cucumbers will need fertilizing with fertilizers.

During the growing season, it is enough to hold it three times.

  1. 2 weeks after planting in the ground or the emergence of seedlings. Use complex fertilizers for pumpkin. Soluble balanced fertilizers (Master, Kemira, Viva) will do. Instructions apply accordingly.
  2. At the beginning of flowering, the bushes are sprayed with a urea solution (5 g per 10 l of water), and after a week with a preparation to stimulate the ovary (Ovary, Phytocarpine, Boroplus).
  3. After 14 days after the previous one, spray with carbamide, or with a complex chelate fertilizer (Plantafol, Clean sheet).


In order for the bushes to grow well, the fruit should be tied, and the crop should reach maximum marks. Watering should be regular and correct.

On hot days, the bushes are watered twice a day. The best time for watering will be morning and evening. It is also beneficial for plants by spraying with clean water.

On cool days, watering should be reduced. Excess moisture adversely affects the growth of cucumbers and leads to the development of fungal diseases. It is also forbidden to irrigate with cold water, this is unacceptable for cucumbers.

Pests and diseases

According to the description, the variety Octopus is resistant to such diseases:

  • powdery mildew;
  • cladosporosis;
  • cucumber mosaic.

Requires preventive treatments for fusarium and paresis. To protect against these diseases, bushes are sprayed every 10 days with Trichodermin, Phytosporin or other biofungicides and enzymes. They are environmentally friendly and protect shrubs well from fungal diseases.

Pests may be affected, especially if the summer is hot and dry. Aphids, spider mites can be found on the bushes. These are parasitic pests that deplete cucumbers and can prevent them from developing at full strength. To control pests, it is advisable to use industrial insecticides, bioinsecticides, as well as well-known folk recipes.

What to process

Recommended preparations for treating cucumbers from pests:

  1. Insecticides: Mospilan, Actelik.
  2. Bioinsecticides: Bioreid, Actofit.
  3. Folk remedies: onion husk, garlic husk, tobacco dust, ash.

Cucumbers Octopus F1 Seeds and seedlings buy at the best prices
Cucumber Amur F1: short hybrid and photo specifications
Ecol F1 parthenocarpic cucumber ( Syngenta)

All these tools show their effectiveness in the control of garden pests on cucumbers and can easily cope with them.


By choosing Octopus f1 for growing in a greenhouse or open field, you can get a good harvest for a long time from a small garden. And the taste of fresh hand-grown cucumbers will please even the most fastidious gourmet.

This variety and gardening professionals who have practice in growing a variety of cucumbers for industrial purposes will not disappoint with their characteristics.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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