Characteristics of pickling cucumbers varieties

It’s hard to imagine winter preparations without fragrant, canned cucumbers. And if fresh they are all similar in taste and not particularly different from each other, then not all types are suitable for salting and preservation. The cucumber variety Zasolochny speaks for itself.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Care
  5. Choosing a place
  6. Watering
  7. Feeding <
  8. Garter <
  9. Diseases and pests
  10. Conclusion <

Характеристика огурцов сорта Засолочный

Characteristics of pickled cucumbers Variety

Breeders bred this variety especially for pickles. It bears fruit well, tasty fresh and great for winter harvesting. The pickling is in the characteristics of the best species for outdoor cultivation.

Characteristics of the variety

The pickling of the pickling variety belongs to the mid-season species. From seedlings to the first fruiting, an average of 55 -60 days.Grow it in open ground, since the plant requires pollination. It is not suitable for growing in a greenhouse. Characterization and description of pickling cucumber:

  • requires pollination;
  • seed germination 95 98%;
  • fruiting begins 55 to 60 days after germination;
  • high resistance to diseases;
  • stable yield of 4–5 kg / m²;
  • unpretentious to soil and weather.

Growing Pickling cucumber begins with sowing seeds.To obtain an earlier crop of cucumbers, it is sown under the film at the end of April. When the first sprouts sprout, the film is removed. Standard sowing dates are mid-late May. By this time, the threat of frost passes and the soil warms up well. The optimum temperature of the ground for seedlings and good growth is 15 ° C.

Description of the bush

The bushes begin to bear fruit by the end of July, beginning of August, weave strongly. They have large green leaves and long stems. Flowers of a mixed type require pollination by insects. Seeds are characterized by good germination, and the plant itself is endurance and a long fruiting period. Garter does not require.

Description of the fruit

A distinguishing feature of pickling cucumbers are greenbacks of approximately the same size and regular cylindrical shape. The fruits have a pleasant taste both fresh and in canned food. Description cucumber varieties Salting:

  • average weight 100-120 grams;
  • length from 10 cm to 13 cm;
  • increased content of vitamins;
  • bitterness is absent.

With proper care, the fruits have the same weight. The skin of Zelentsy is thin, dark green in color. The tubercles are large with black spikes at the ends. The fruits retain their color for a long time and do not turn yellow, even after being removed and stored indoors.

Despite the name, these cucumbers are good both fresh in salads and in winter preparations. The pulp is fragrant, crispy, small seeds. There are no voids.To obtain the greatest yield, Zelentsy is removed in the phase of technical ripeness, preventing them from overgrowing. Technical ripeness occurs when the fetus reaches about 9 cm in length. The longer the greenhouse will be on the bed, the more it will grow and become less suitable for harvesting. Harvest should be every 2 to 3 days. More frequent harvesting stimulates the plant to abundant and prolonged fruiting.


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Caring for the plant will not add to your hassle

The type of Ashing is quite unpretentious both in terms of the quality of the soil on which it grows and the weather conditions. Grow it under the strength and inexperienced gardener. For long-term fruiting and a good harvest, some rules must be observed:

  1. Choose well-lit areas for planting, avoiding dark places.
  2. Weeds should be pulled out by hand, the soil should be loosened gently, without touching the root zones.
  3. Regular watering contributes to the formation of fruits of the right shape and excellent taste.
  4. Be sure to feed the bushes, as the lack of mineral elements contribute to the deterioration of growth and resistance to disease.
  5. When the first signs of the disease appear If pests are detected or if pests are found, immediate measures must be taken to eliminate them.

Choosing a place

The best places for planting are those sites where there were previously potatoes, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes. They enrich the soil with certain elements necessary for the proper growth of the fetus.


For irrigation use settled water. It should be watered under the root in the evening to avoid possible burns to the leaves.


It is not worth feeding frequently. Enough 2, maximum 3 top dressing for the entire growing season. It is best to use organic fertilizers 250 grams of litter per 5 liters of warm water. The mixture should be used as a liquid for watering bushes.


Since the plant sprouts long shoots, the issue of tying is an individual matter.

The bush grows well on trellises, and just weaving on the ground. To attract insects, spray with a solution of sugar and water: 1 tsp. sugar per 1 liter of water. If the plant weakly lets out lateral shoots, then the upper, main stalk needs to be pinched over the last leaf.

Diseases and pests

Cucumber pickling has good resistance to typical diseases. Excess moisture can cause rotting of roots and leaves. In such cases, watering is stopped, the affected areas are sprinkled with ash, leaves and stems are lifted, improving air circulation.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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