Characteristics of salad pepper varieties Gift of Moldova

Breeders every year Bring out new hybrids. But there are varieties that have appeared for a long time and do not lose popularity to this day. Among them, one can distinguish pepper Gift of Moldova.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages of the variety
  5. Care
  6. Seedling care
  7. Care for adult plants
  8. Watering <
  9. Cultivation
  10. Weeding <
  11. Feeding <
  12. Diseases and pests
  13. Conclusion

Салатный перец сорта Подарок Молдовы

Lettuce pepper varieties Gift of Moldova

It was bred back in 1973. Gardeners grow the variety, noting its high productivity and unpretentiousness in leaving.

Characteristic of the variety

The plant has a medium early ripening period. 115-130 days pass from emergence to the ripening stage of the fruit. They are grown as in open areas land, and in greenhouse conditions. A moderately warm climate is best suited for cultivation, but can be grown in other conditions.

Carrots, peas, onions, gourds, and perennial legumes are good predecessors. Do not plant it after nightshade crops. It prefers light, loose soils saturated with nutrients. They must pass moisture and air well.

Description of the bush

The plant is half-stemmed, spreading.The size is small – up to 50 cm in height. The internodes are short, so a lot of fruits are tied. The root system is powerful. The stalk and shoots are elastic and dense. These characteristics allow the bush to withstand a large load of fruits.

Description of the fruit

Description of the fruit reads: vegetables are cone-shaped, even, drooping. Weight up to 70 g. Wall thickness – up to 6 mm. Peppers are all about the same size, reach a length of 10 cm. The surface is glossy. In the technical stage of ripeness, the color of the fruit is yellow-green, in the biological – bright red. The pulp is juicy, crispy. Taste is high. The aroma is delicate, pleasant. The seed box is even and smooth, so it’s ideal for stuffing. Also eat fresh in salads, canned.

Advantages of the variety

A gift from Moldova is sweet pepper, which has a number of positive characteristics:

  • high productivity – from 1 square. m. you can collect up to 5 kg of fruit;
  • resistant to diseases such as fusarium wilting;
  • tolerates bad weather conditions;
  • does not require the formation of a bush, thereby saving gardeners time;
  • unpretentious in leaving;
  • transportability;
  • safety for a long period of time.

The variety has no particular flaws. Problems in growing should not arise if the agrotechnical process is properly organized.


For a good harvest, you should follow some rules. Peppers are cultivated in the seedling method, so optimal conditions must be provided in two stages.

Seedling care

The description of the care of the bushes shows that in order for adult peppers to be strong , you need to grow healthy seedlings. First of all, in the room where the seedlings will be located, the temperature should be 22-25 ° C. After a few weeks, they begin to gradually lower it. Plants do not like sharp jumps of indicators. Also do not tolerate drafts. Therefore, ventilating the room, you must ensure that the seedlings do not fall under the cold air. Two weeks before planting, plants are hardened on the street (every day 1-2 hours).

Seedlings need good lighting, which should be scattered. Direct sunlight can cause burns on the leaves.

Watering should be regular but moderate. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out. An indicator of the need to moisten the soil is the dry top layer.

When the height of the seedlings reaches 20 cm, they are ready for planting in a permanent place.

Care for adult plants

Peppers grow juicy large

Pepper variety The gift of Moldova will give good yield indicators, if you follow the following rules:

  • watering;
  • loosening the soil ;
  • weeding;
  • top dressing;
  • timely collection of ripe fruits.


Watering is necessary as the topsoil dries up. Apply sprinkling method. After ovaries appear in sweet pepper, water is applied under the root. She must be warm. You can use rain or standing.


Loosening should be carried out regularly. It will provide good access of moisture and air to the root system. Only you need to loosen it carefully so as not to hook them.


Weeds should be removed as they appear. So prevent the propagation of pests and the spread of diseases. Weeding is done between the rows. In the bush, pulling out the plants is not worth it so as not to damage it.


If the soil is saturated with nutrients in the fall, some gardeners advise against fertilizing. If there is no confidence in their content, additional fertilizers can be added. The first feeding is done two weeks after disembarkation. The second – before the start of budding, the third – three weeks after the previous one.Before fertilizing, the plants are watered to prevent root burns.

Manure slurry is used as top dressing. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. You can use complex mineral fertilizer, which is dosed in accordance with the instructions.

Diseases and pests

With proper care and ungrounded plantings, the plant rarely affects diseases. But often they spread in bad weather. In order to identify diseases on time, it is worthwhile to regularly check peppers.

The culture is susceptible to the following diseases:

  • gray, white and black rot;
  • black, bronze, brown spotting.

fungicides are used to treat them. The desired dose is determined according to the instructions of the drug. The affected areas of pepper are burnt or buried. Sometimes you have to remove a whole bush.

Also, pests such as aphids, spider mites and slugs affect Moldova’s Gift. They are struggling with them using an infusion of garlic: 1.5-2 cups of crushed product is poured with hot water, the volume is brought up to 10 l, filtered. Processing is carried out at least 2 times with an interval of a week. It can be sprayed with insecticides.

Seeds Pepper sweet Present of Moldova Tomato
Sweet pepper, varieties


Despite the large selection of seed in the market ie, many gardeners prefer it sort Gift of Moldova. He’s happy harvest stable and does not require special care.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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