Characteristics of the variety of cucumbers Claudine

The modern market for vegetable seeds offers a wide selection of varieties and hybrids of table cucumbers. One of them is especially popular with gardeners – a variety of cucumbers Klodin, hybrid F1. p19>

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the bushes
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Care
  5. Planting care
  6. Planting care
  7. Pests and diseases
  8. Pests
  9. Diseases
  10. Conclusion

Характеристика сорта огурцов Клодин

Characteristics of the variety of cucumbers Claudine

Characteristics of the variety

The belonging of this variety to hybrids of category F1 gives the following advantages: resistance to external good weather tolerance, F1 hybrids do not need pollination.

Description of the bushes

The size of the plant reaches about 1-1.5 m. The bush forms up to 7 fruits in one node. The bush has an average degree of branching. 39 days after sowing the fruits are already harvested.

The variety, according to the description, is characterized by high productivity. The bush has a long fruiting period.

Description of the fruit

The length of the fruit is up to 9 cm, weight is 80-90 g. Cucumber Claudine F1 has a peel covered with light stripes and medium sized tubercles. Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals that cleanse the blood of cholesterol, and the stomach – of toxins, restore the gastrointestinal balance.


Most gardeners make mistakes at the stage of plant care.

Care during planting

Planting cucumbers begin in the spring. Seeds are pre-treated with a solution of water and minerals. After drying, the seeds are sown in small pots with high quality soil. After planting, the cucumbers are watered, but there is no need to overdo it so that the soil does not acidify.

Care after planting

To properly care for the Claudine variety, you need to follow some rules:

  • do the cleaning on the plot;
  • destroy the weeds;
  • tie the grown bushes to the trellis to give support;
  • water the cucumbers each day, but in moderation;
  • fight pests.

Cucumbers have a good appetite, so frequent feeding with mineral fertilizers will not hurt (20 g of fertilizer per 1 liter of water).

Правильный уход обеспечит хорошим урожаем

Proper care will ensure a good harvest

Pests and diseases

If the Clodin cucumber treatment is started in time for illness, the plant will not have time to suffer much damage.


  • Whitefly is a small white midge. She drinks plant juice and leaves behind sooty mushrooms and sluggish leaves. A solution of garlic and water helps against whiteflies. Dosage – 150 g of garlic per 1 liter of water.
  • Aphids – small green bugs.She settles in colonies on the leaves and eats them. The effects of sabotage are leaf wilting. Against aphids, a solution of wood ash, soap and water helps (2.5 liters of water per 50 g of wood ash and 20 g of soap). It can also help the demise of ladybugs.
  • Spider mites leave a cobweb under themselves under the leaves. Against them, spraying with a soap solution in a dosage of 10 g of milled soap per 1 liter of water helps.


When treating a hybrid from diseases, it is recommended to correctly observe the dosage preparations and do not overdo it with spraying.

  • Powdery mildew. White spots appear on the leaves, gradually spreading to the rest of the plant. Because of it, the leaves dry out and fruiting stops. For treatment, the infected parts are cut off and sprayed on the whole plant with fungicides (10 g of fungicides in 5 l of water). If the disease has gone too far, the plant is destroyed.
  • Cladosporiosis. Brown ulcers appear on the bushes and fruits. The fruits look rotten. To combat, stop watering the plant for 5 days and treat it with foundationazole (10 g of foundationazole per 0.5 l of water). Affected parts are removed.
  • White rot. Viscous consistency of white color, leading to rotting of the plant. Removing the affected parts of the bush and treating it with a solution of urea, water, zinc sulfate and copper sulfate (10 g of copper sulfate, urea, zinc sulfate per 2 liters of water) will cure the plant.
  • False powdery mildew.Small yellow spots on the leaves. The disease causes the leaves to dry, and then the whole plant. Stopping watering and feeding for 3-4 days, as well as subsequent treatment with polycarbacin (10 g per 5 liters of water) help in the fight against this disease.

cucumbers sort KURAZH growing cucumbers
APRIL cucumber variety
Autumn cultivation of cucumbers indoors. Cucumbers cultivar Masha F1 and Lyalyuk, first experiment.


To summarize, we can note that the cucumber Claudine (F1) is really good.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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