Characteristics of the variety of peppers Big Mama

Sweet pepper Big Mama is quite popular among other types of bell pepper. The variety was bred about 7-8 years ago.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bushes
  3. Description of the fruits
  4. Growing rules
  5. Transplant <
  6. Care
  7. Watering
  8. Feeding
  9. Diseases and pests
  10. Spider mite
  11. For
  12. Conclusion

Характеристика сорта перцев Биг Мама

Characteristics of the variety of Big Mama peppers

Characteristics of the variety

Variety Big Mama are grown both in the open area and under covered Fruits are distinguished by taste, useful and universal in use.

The species refers to early ripening, fruits ripen 120 days after planting seeds. Due to the orange color, the fruits contain many useful substances:

  • Vitamin A. It contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system. It has a good effect on vision.
  • Vitamin C. Iron is well absorbed by it. This helps restore blood vessels.
  • Phosphorus. It promotes the growth of bones, teeth, muscle tissue, takes an active part in the metabolism.
  • Potassium. It controls the nervous system, is responsible for regulating the water balance in the body.

The main advantage of this vegetable is its high yield. With 1 sq.m under the shelter collect about 7 kg of the crop.

Big Mom’s fruits have good transportability and cold resistance. When the temperature drops, the culture does not stop growing and developing.

Description of the bushes

The root system of plants is well developed. Stems are stable, but easily damaged.

One of the main characteristics is its height. The growth of Big Mom bushes reaches 60-70 cm. In the greenhouse they grow to 100 cm. At this height, plants require garter to support. The leaves are small, with a smooth surface, dark green.

Description of the fruit

The shape of the vegetable is similar to a cylinder, slightly flattened on the sides. According to the characteristic, the surface of the fruit is smooth, with a pronounced shine, slightly ribbed on the sides. The color of the peppercorns is bright orange, in the period of incomplete maturity – dark green.

The fruits grow quite large sizes. Their average weight is about 120-150 g. It happens that the fruits reach 200 g.

According to the description, the flesh of the Big Mama pepper is juicy and fleshy. The walls are quite thick – about 7-8 mm.

Growing rules

Big Mama sweet peppers need quality care and timely weeding, because it helps to accelerate plant development and is a pest prevention.

In the southern regions, Bulgarian pepper Big Mama is grown in seedlings. Seeds are planted at the end of February, if the sprouts are then transplanted into the greenhouse.The plot is planted at the openings at the end of March.

Seeds need:

  • a lot of light (the first 6 days around the clock);
  • constant heat;
  • moderate watering.

Seeds germinate in 7-10 days. To make this happen faster, they are soaked for a couple of hours in any product to stimulate growth. As home remedies, use aloe juice or a mixture of honey and water in equal parts.

Обработка стимуляторами повышает иммунитет растений

Stimulant treatment enhances plant immunity

There are growth stimulants available at garden stores:

  • Zircon. This drug regulates the growth and development of the root system of the plant, helps the culture to be more resistant to diseases. For watering, use 10 drops of the drug per 1 liter of water.
  • “Novosil”. It accelerates the growth of bushes, increases fertility, increases the growth of the root system. This product in the form of an aqueous emulsion is used for sowing grains.
  • “Epin”. This drug contributes to the development in vegetable crops of resistance to different weather conditions: drought, frost, severe temperature extremes. Crops treated with this product yield 10-15% higher than average.


Big Mama sweet peppers are transplanted through 60-80 days after sowing seeds, when the stems reach 20 cm and have 8-12 leaves. It is planted according to the scheme 30 by 50 cm.The main thing in this procedure is the choice of the correct depth, because the plant does not tolerate strong deepening.

It is good to plant the vegetable on the garden where such vegetable crops as

  • cabbage;
  • squash;
  • pumpkin;
  • peas.

A crop planted after potatoes or tomatoes is highly susceptible to disease and pests. Also, pepper does not tolerate neighborhood with cucumbers.



Sweet pepper Big Mama does not tolerate drought. It is better to plant seedlings in rainy weather, otherwise the plants will not be accepted.

After planting, the plant is watered 2 times a day, morning and evening. On hot sunny days, you should not water it: the rays passing through the drops of water burn the leaves.

During fruiting, the vegetable needs special care. If he is not given enough water, the fruits will lose their marketable appearance, dry out and become small.

Watering the plant is also not worth it: moisture attracts slugs.

Top dressing

Fertilizing is needed starting from the seedling period, when the first 2 leaves have already appeared on the plant. The soil is fertilized with a urea solution. For it, you need 5 liters of water, 0.5 tsp. urea and 2.5 ml of sodium.

Растения нуждаются в регулярном удобрении

Plants need regular fertilizer

The next top dressing is carried out on the 10th day after the first, when 5 leaves have already appeared on the bushes. For top dressing in water, dissolve 0.5 tsp. urea and 1 tsp potassium monophosphate.

You can also use micronutrient fertilizers:

  • “Ideal”. Fertilizer has a good effect on seedling growth and promotes quick adaptation after transplantation. To fertilize the plants, take 10 ml of the preparation under the root and dissolve it in 1 liter of water.
  • “Aquadon-micro”. This drug significantly increases fruit yield. It is most often used for foliar top dressing. For the solution, take 100 ml of the drug and dilute it in 10 l of water.
  • Orton-Fe. This tool increases the resistance of the culture to various diseases. It also speeds up all metabolic processes. For spraying use 5 g of the drug and 5 l of water.

All these micronutrients are used strictly according to the instructions, so as not to harm the culture. In the spring, phosphorus fertilizers are added to feed the vegetable. They will need 30-40 g per 1 square. m.

With the same calculation make potash fertilizers. These top dressings have a good effect on the growth and development of the root system of bell pepper.

Nitrogen fertilizers are used for early growth. They need 20-30 g per 1 square. m. They are used in most cases during the flowering period.

To increase productivity, pollinating insects are attracted. To do this, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of 100 g of sugar and 2 g of boric acid. The mixture is diluted in 1 liter of water. When the fruit ripening period begins, ash is put into the ground (2 tbsp. Per 1 sq. M.)

Diseases and pests

Each vegetable crop is susceptible to different diseases and pests . The Big Mama pepper variety is no exception.

Spider mite

The spider mite is difficult to notice because this small creature is hiding under the leaves, but still the main sign of a tick attack bronze or white color on the leaves.

To prevent the negative impact of this pest, vegetable crops are constantly watered. To combat the tick, plants are sprayed with “Malathion”. It is a colorless oily liquid.


Tobacco control helps get rid of this pest. To prepare it:

  • take 300 g of tobacco crumbs;
  • dissolve in 10 liters of water;
  • insist 3 days.

The plant is watered with fertilizer in the morning.

Description and characterization of the variety. Sweet large-fruited pepper fat: Big Mama
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When combating spider mites and aphids use infusion of dandelions. Take about 300 g of greenery and insist it in warm water for 3 hours.Prepared vegetables are treated during flowering.

For the purpose of prevention, the plant is treated with milk: it repels insects.


The Big Mama sweet pepper variety is popular due to its excellent taste and presentation. To get a good harvest, you need to conduct quality planting, watering and top dressing. Particularly important are the prevention and control of diseases and pests.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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