Characteristics of Westri F1 cabbage

Cabbage Westry is popular among gardeners. It is grown all over the world due to its high yield, good taste and uniformity of head of cabbage.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the head
  3. Use of the vegetable
  4. Care
  5. Watering
  6. Loosening <
  7. Weed removal, mulching and hilling
  8. Feeding <
  9. Pests and diseases
  10. Conclusion <

Характеристика капусты сорта Вестри F1

Characteristics of Westri cabbage F1

Characteristic of the variety

Cabbage Westry F1 – a hybrid bred by Dutch breeders.

The variety is intended for cultivation in the Central, Volga-Vyatka, Ural regions, in the Western and Eastern parts of Siberia. The variety is planted in open ground.

The variety is mid-season: from planting plants in open ground to the stage of technical ripeness takes 85-95 days.

According to the description, the variety has the following advantages:

  • high yield indicators: 550-740 centners per 1 ha, in the Smolensk region the maximum numbers are fixed – 870 centners per 1 ha;
  • yield of marketable products – 95%;
  • excellent preservation s;
  • to be transported over long distances;
  • immunity to Fusarium wilt;
  • resistance to cracking.

Recommended planting density is 30-35 thousand per 1 ha. Scheme – 60 * 60. For middle-ripening cabbage, dried peat soils or low sections with medium loamy soil are chosen.

Description of the head

The rose leaves are raised. The culture is powerful, vigorous. Leaves are medium and large. The color is green with a characteristic waxy coating. The edge is slightly wavy.

The inner stoker is short, the outer is of medium length. The head of cabbage is very leveled. The shape is round, flattened. Weight is from 4 to 8 kg. Cabbage is distinguished by thin leaves inside, which form a dense structure. The sizes of all vegetables are approximately the same. Preservation is small: up to 4 months. The palatability is good: the culture is juicy and sweet, it contains a lot of solids and sugars.

Use of the vegetable

The Westri cabbage variety is universal. It is used in fresh and processed form, left for storage for the winter. Most often used for fermentation.


За капустой нужно хорошо ухаживать

You need to take good care of the cabbage

To achieve a high yield, the crop is provided with optimal conditions.


Westri cabbage – hygrophilous plant, therefore, during the growing season produce abundant watering. Water is taken warm. It is better to water in the evening, then the evaporation will be less.Withering leaves must not be allowed. This leads to the death of fibrous roots. Excess moisture threatens the cabbage with rotting of the roots and the development of diseases. In rainy weather or heat, watering is corrected. Watering is done every 2-3 days. A month before harvesting, it is reduced (once by 7-10 days), and completely stopped after 2-3 weeks.

Especially the vegetable requires water to be added during the formation of the head of cabbage. The more leaves are formed, the more the crop needs moisture. During this period, each plant requires about 10 liters of water every day.


Each time after wetting, the soil is loosened to a depth of 5-8 cm. Light the ground can be loosened finer, heavy – deeper. For this purpose use a hoe. Loosening provides additional oxygen access to the root system, as a result of which it strengthens.

Weed removal, mulching and hilling

Weeds are regularly removed so that they do not suppress plants and do not create beneficial environment for the development of diseases. Such a procedure as mulching with peat or humus can also stop their growth. An effective agrotechnical process in the cultivation of cabbage is hilling. It is produced 20 days after planting. The stump of plants is short, it is enough to make a hilling 1 time. Manipulation contributes to the development of adnexal roots. This allows you to increase the nutrition of heads of cabbage.


To improve yield stimulate the growth and growth of vegetative mass. Cabbage Vestria F1 needs at least 2 top dressings:

  • The first time fertilizers are applied 2-3 weeks after transplanting seedlings to a permanent place. For this purpose, use infusion of mullein (proportion 1: 8) or bird droppings (proportion 1:12). The product is poured under the root so that the liquid does not fall on the leaves. Consumption – 0.5 l per plant.
  • The next top dressing is done 20 days after the first. Use the same substances, but increase the dose to 1 liter per 1 head.

You can do foliar top dressing. To do this, prepare the following solution: in 10 l of water add 1 g of ascorbic acid, 60 g of urea, 4 g of superphosphate. The leaves are sprayed with liquid. Fertilizer is applied several times per season (every 20 days), reducing the amount of urea.

Pests and diseases

In order not to lose the crop, they monitor the health of the crop. The most common disease affecting white cabbage is keel. They fight the fungus by removing damaged leaves and adding lime to the soil. The next 5 years, cruciferous plants are not planted at this place.

Tricks of growing cabbage, Pests and diseases of cabbage
White cabbage. The secret to growing good cabbage seedlings
Cabbage Seedlings / Secrets of growing strong healthy cabbage seedlings you

The following pests can also affect cabbage:

  • Aphids: An ash-soap solution or an infusion of potato or tomato tops is used against it. They are used to spray plants.
  • Cruciferous flea. After planting seedlings produce pollination with wood ash. Later use a tobacco-ash solution: 200 g of tobacco per 10 liters of ash water.
  • Butterflies. The leaves are sprayed with this product: 4 kg of infusion of potato tops and stalks of tomatoes per 10 liters of water, 100 g of chopped laundry soap.

You can fight insect infestations with insecticides. The drugs are used according to the instructions.


Vestry F1 variety with good care will appreciate the high yield and excellent taste characteristics. There is the possibility of selling vegetables on the market. Cabbage is universal in application.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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