Cherimoya, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Cherimoya is a tree with a height of 5-9 m with two-row leaves
up to 7-15 cm long and 4-9 wide. Flowers are arranged
along the branches on short pedicels and consist of three
fleshy outer petals and three much smaller
the size of the internal.

Cherimoya begins to bear fruit at the age of 4-5 years. BUT
after the age of 6 years, the tree will delight you with 2 dozen
and even more aromatic and tasty fruits.

A complex segmented fetus has a heart-shaped or
conical shape, 10-20 cm long and up to 10 cm wide
and contains a fragrant white fibrous cream inside
pulp and about twenty black shiny seeds. Weight
the fetus ranges from 0,5 to 3 kilograms.

Cherimoya is also known as the “ice cream tree”
which she received thanks to its consistency, reminiscent
frozen consistency of ice cream, and
for its delicate sweet taste, which serves as an addition to this
kind of dessert. In general, if you describe the taste of cherimoya,
then we can say that it resembles a pineapple, papaya,
strawberries, mango, banana and
cream at the same time.

Cherimoya is a subtropical or mild temperate plant
climate. The tree prefers a fairly dry environment, so
spraying is not recommended even in summer heat. IN
during the winter months, tubs are brought into a room with a temperature
from 10 ° to 14 ° C, where they rest until spring. Crown of a tree
can be shaped by trimming.

The birthplace of this fruit is considered to be Ecuador, Colombia.
and Bolivia as well as Peru. Currently exporters
cherimoya are Thailand, Malaysia, China, Australia,
Spain, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia.

Cherimoya has been introduced into the culture since ancient times.
Its seeds have been found in excavations in Peru for thousands of
kilometers from its place of origin, its fruits were depicted
on pottery of the pre-Inca era. Wild trees
distributed in the Loja region of southwestern Ecuador,
where in sparsely populated areas there are its vast groves.

When you cut this large, green, heart-shaped
the fruit into parts, the white pulp with black seeds opens.
The pulp has a soft, creamy texture.
it resembles a tropical sherbet. In Chile, she is
your favorite waffle cup filler for ice cream
and cakes, it is also added to yogurt.

Cherimoya pulp is eaten with a spoon, after cutting the fruit along
in half. Cherimoya is added to salads, drinks, desserts. To prevent
darkening, pieces of cherimoya are sprinkled with lemon or orange
juice. Be careful – cherimoya seeds are inedible, they are spit out.

Useful properties of cherimoya

Fresh cherimoya contains (in 100 g):

Calories 75 Kcal

Vitamin C 12,6 Potassium, K 287 Vitamin
B3 0,644 Phosphorus,
P 26 Vitamin B5 0,345 Magnesium, Mg 17 Vitamin E 0,27 Calcium, Ca 10 Vitamin
B6 0,257 Sodium,
On 7

Full composition

Cherimoya fruits contain many beneficial substances:
proteins, carbohydrates, folic acid, calcium,
thiamine, riboflavin, glucose, fructose, sucrose, cellulose,
lingin and pepsins, as well as organic acids – citric
and amber.

Cherimoya contains vitamin
C, vitamins of group B.

Thanks to the perfect combination of cherimoya acids and sugars
easily digestible, nutritious and very tasty
product. Eating these fruits normalizes acidity
stomach, improves liver function, helps to reduce

Cherimoya has applications as a medicinal
plants. In recent years, the plant has been found
substances with high antibacterial activity.
Its stems and leaves are rich in specific alkaloids
– liriodenin, annonin, michelalbin and reticulin.
Cherimoya leaves and seeds contain many essential
oils, which are excellent insecticides. Alcoholic
juice solution obtained from them kills lice and others
parasites. In the tropics, extract from seeds, stems and leaves
used as an excellent natural repellent.

The bark and leaves in South America are used to make a soothing
and a relaxing tea that improves digestion and has
in addition, a mild laxative effect. Indians believe
that cherimoya leaves prevent the development of tumors.
Two tablespoons of dried fruit, crushed, is excellent
antidote for food poisoning.

Dangerous properties of cherimoya

Cherimoya is high in sugar and carbohydrates, so
diabetics should use these fruits with caution. Other serious
this product has no contraindications, only individual intolerance.

Those who first decided to try cherimoya should know what to eat
its seeds (bones inside the fruit) in no case – they
poisonous. In the homeland of cherimoya, with proper handling, the bones are successful
used as an antiparasitic agent, and they
help with food poisoning. However, for those who are not familiar with such
original recipes, do not experiment. Although nature
took care of safety, creating cherimoya bones extraordinarily
hard, there are those who want to taste this part of the fruit.
Therefore, it is worth remembering that they absolutely cannot be crushed,
chew and consume.

In addition, it is worth knowing that due to eye contact with seed juice
Cherimoya, a person may even go blind.

The video talks about cherimoya, especially its taste, is shown
sectional view of the fetus.

See also the properties of other fruits:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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