Chili pepper, Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits


Chilli (Capsicumfrutescens, potato) is the most
poignant character in a huge culinary story. The name itself comes from
from chilli, which means red in Aztec.

In Europe, chili seasoning appeared after expeditions to the American
the continent of the famous traveler Christopher Columbus, who
brought beans from there,
tobacco, a variety of vegetables and chili peppers.

The members of this expedition described this plant as follows: “it grows
it is on the island of Hispaniola, and the locals call it Axi.
Chile is very commonly used by the natives, and has a sharper taste than
from a simple pepper. It grows as a bush, just like a rose. The fruits are small,
inside which are rather sharp seeds. Chile in the Caribbean
is perceived as a fruit and eaten accordingly. Opening this
the spicy product brought huge profits to the Spaniards. You can be sure
claim that the European capital of chili is Hungary.
He appeared here during the invasion of the Turks. The appearance of this
pepper in the country cannot be called calm, as it was accompanied by
it is by murder and violence. Evidence has even been found that
that the plant is endowed with magical properties. Hungarians claim
that it was thanks to chili that they were able to maintain their special temperament.
The Hungarian national dance called “czardas” is obliged
pepper with its “fiery rhythm”.

Oddly enough, but chili and pepper have nothing in common, despite
on what they call them by the same name “pepper”. On sale it
indicate as a dark red fruit. Sell ​​dried and thoroughly
shredded pods like cayenne pepper, chili and turkish pepper.
The French know it as “cayenne pepper”, and they associate it
with a hard labor colony, because chili was grown there along with others

The name “chile” appeared thanks to the conquistadors who were engaged in
its distribution. This is due to the fact that they mistakenly believed
the homeland of this plant is the country of Chile.


  • Bird eye – it is very sharp and has an acute-angled
  • Poblano – large and medium hot peppers.
  • Habanero – the so-called “beast” of all varieties of chili.
  • Serrano – this variety is distinguished by its bullet-shaped form.
  • Jalapeno –It can be either red or green.
  • Anaheim – has a rather mild taste.

How to choose

When buying chili peppers, take a close look at the pod. In dried
form, it should have a uniform color. The fruit must be firm
without a single sign of cracking. If it has a spot of light orange
color, then this is a sign that germs attacked the pepper much
before you.

How to store

Fresh chili is firm to the touch and has a shiny skin. If a
You want to keep it in the same form, then it should be put
refrigerated, but should not be kept for more than five days.

For long-term storage, it can be processed in vinegar or
vegetable oil.

Store in pods, not ground. Ground pepper
loses its taste and is also provided.

It is recommended to make a kind of garland and dry it in such

Another way of storage is freezing, but first
peppers should be wrapped in a plastic bag. It should be resorted to
in exceptional cases, because in this form it loses very important

In cooking

Chile is the most popular spice all over the world. IN
cooking he simply has no equal. The smaller the pepper, the sharper it is.
If you do not know how hot the pepper is, put in the dishes first
only a little, and then add as much as needed.

It is very often used for making soups: fish, tomato.
It is an essential component of most meat dishes. Chile add
while cooking fish, sausages, beans, sauces, rice and cabbage.

It is also used for conservation. Never add pepper
into boiling oil because it turns black, loses its color and becomes bitter.

In culture

This hot chili is the most important seasoning ingredient with an identical
name, it is its main component. His journey
began in the tropical part of America, and from there it began to spread
around the world. Mexico opened new doors for him, because it was
there chili was made a symbol of national cuisine. This pepper was essential
part of the food of the Aztecs. It became popular because of Indian beliefs,
according to which, eating a huge amount of this
vegetable can not only affect sexual potency, but also endows
You have a magical power that allows you to influence people. Some
the tribes of the Mexican Indians Chile was equated with a deity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 2 0,2 1,5 6,5 90,2 40

The health benefits of chili peppers

Composition and presence of nutrients

Chili peppers are packed with vitamins, niacin,
choline, folic acid, thiamine, beta-carotene, pyridoxine, riboflavin
and ascorbic acid. In addition, it contains manganese,
and phosphorus.

Useful and healing properties

The benefits of chili lie in the vitamins and minerals it contains
and macronutrients.

Moderate consumption of it improves appetite, normalizes
work of the digestive system and speeds up metabolism. This is by no means
not the only positive property of hot peppers. Everybody knows
its positive effects on brain function
and liver.

It should be used by people suffering from insomnia, allergies,
colds, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, hepatitis
and atherosclerosis. It is very important to know that this burning plant is capable of
slow down the development of a malignant tumor.

With its help, the body produces endorphin, which increases
our resistance to stress, and also significantly increases pain
threshold. Chile improves blood circulation and affects the immune system.

As a result of the studies carried out, it was revealed that pepper
can be used to treat diabetes mellitus.

Dangerous properties of chili peppers

Be careful not to let it get on the mucous membrane
and an open wound.

Chile can harm people who have any problems
from the digestive tract. Also, doctors say that it is imperative to follow
so that the pepper does not get on wounds and mucous membranes.

This pepper can also cause heartburn. To not feel any
problems, it is advised to consume chili in small quantities.

Everyone knows that chili is not only very spicy, but also healthy.
The plot reveals the secret of his bitterness.

See also properties of other spices:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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