Also known as “salad cabbage“- the plant, as follows
from the name, originally from China. There, this variety of cabbage was domesticated
and selection back in the fifth century AD, after which he gained a quick
popularity in Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia. In Europe and the USA
Peking cabbage gained wide popularity relatively recently.
The second name “Peking”, under which it can be found – “pitseye».
The main difference between this variety of cabbage is its shape and structure.
leaves. Heads of cabbage “Peking” variety are oblong, with tight-fitting
leaves, white and fleshy at the beginning, and green and tender at the top,
the taste is absolutely not inferior to salad.
Peking cabbage does not have such a pronounced stalk as white cabbage
cabbage, which allows you to use it almost completely.
How to choose
When choosing Chinese cabbage, preference is given to mature, not
heads of cabbage that are too small, without rot, damage and dry leaves.
Storing Chinese cabbage
When the temperature of the refrigerator is low, Peking cabbage can
stored without losing the taste and consumer qualities of the order
one and a half weeks. If at the same time they are hermetically sealed, then
the storage period will increase to fifteen days. Especially long
storage of this culture is able to provide a cellar with the required temperature and humidity
characteristics (2-3 ° C and 95-98% humidity, respectively).
In it, a vegetable can “live” up to four months. By the way, another one
a reliable storage method is to freeze previously separated leaves.
The undoubted advantage of Peking cabbage is the ability
long-term preservation of vitamins.
Useful properties of Chinese cabbage
Composition and presence of nutrients
Raw Chinese cabbage contains (in 100 g):
Calories 16 Kcal
The usefulness of the Peking cabbage variety is due to a wide range of
vitamins and microelements contained in its leaves. There are
B-group vitamins, vitamin A, vitamins C, E, K. Contains iodine,
manganese, copper, zinc, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and potassium.
Useful and healing properties
Due to its low calorie content, Chinese cabbage firmly occupies
leading lines in diet menus. Its presence in the diet will help
successfully fight headaches, depression, nervous disorders
and diabetes mellitus,
will also serve as the prevention of the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases,
in particular atherosclerosis and hypertension. Contained in cabbage leaves
has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines, “Peking” is recommended
with ulcers and gastritis.
The phytoncides found in cabbage juice help
in inflammatory diseases, treatment of purulent wounds.
In the homeland of this variety, as well as in Japan, petsai is considered one
from the sources of longevity. This is due to the content in the leaves
cabbage with a large amount of a special amino acid – lysine
(purifies the blood by dissolving foreign proteins, directly affects
on the formation of immunity). Also, lactucin was found in the leaves,
which has a beneficial effect on metabolism, normalizes blood pressure
and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
In addition, petsai acts as a stimulant for the formation of red
and white blood cells, which is very important for anemia,
regulates cholesterol levels,
reduces the likelihood of tumors, protects the liver from
fatty degeneration.
Another valuable feature of Peking cabbage is the ability
removal of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.
In cooking
Petsai is a component of a wide variety of dishes. Of course, most often
this cabbage is found in various salads, of which the popularity
enjoys Korean kimchi. “Pekingka” is used in soups, borscht,
vegetable stews, side dishes, acts as a substitute for white cabbage
when cooking stuffed cabbage. Also this variety has proven to be excellent.
yourself in pickled, salted, fermented,
dried. Petsay is used for stewing with meat and mushrooms.
Dangerous properties of Chinese cabbage
Exclude “Peking” from the diet should be with increased acidity,
bleeding of the gastric tract, exacerbations of various diseases
stomach or intestines (eg, pancreatitis).
Frequent excessive consumption of fresh petsai can become
cause of diarrhea,
cause nausea and headache. Cabbage is poorly compatible with dairy
products, with simultaneous use, can provoke
severe stomach upset.
Video about the conditions for growing Peking cabbage in a temperate continental and continental climate and the benefits of this plant (the composition of nutrients and their effect on the human body).