Clitoria is a flowering and very healing plant – care

The legume family includes about 700 genera and is represented by a wide variety of forms: from trees to grasses, including shrubs and vines. This family also includes the clitorium, numbering about 70 plant species. They grow in Southeast Asia, in the tropical zones of Central and South America, the temperate zone of North America, as well as in Africa and Australia. The trifoliate clitoria does not tolerate temperatures below 10 ° C, therefore, in regions with a temperate climate, it can be grown either completely indoors, or part of the year indoors, and some outdoors. The scientific name of the genus comes from the Latin word clitoris (“clitoris”). This name was given to the plant by the great Swedish scientist Karl Linnaeus – he found a boat in the corolla of this plant similar to the mentioned intimate female organ. Other names: clitoria ternatskaya, moth peas, pigeon’s wings, shameless flower, anchan.

Clitoria triple (lat.Clitoria ternatea) Farmer Forest & Kim Starr

Next, we will focus on the trifoliate clitoris. It is an evergreen herbaceous vine with thin shoots, reaching a length of 3,5 m. Its leaves are feathery, bright green, usually of three or five leaves. The flowers are axillary, relatively large, about 5 cm in diameter. The calyx is tubular. The corolla is of the moth type, while the sail is much larger than the other four petals.

Corolla color of various shades, from lilac to blue, excellent for different varieties; the center of the flower, closed with petals, is yellow. There are varieties with double-shaped flowers. The oars and boat form a dense ridge up to two-thirds of the diameter of the sail. Pollination is carried out with the help of insects, which penetrate the pollen into this comb. The flowering time of the trifoliate clitoris is from May to September. The fruits are flat beans 4-13 cm long.

Clitoria trifoliate (Clitoria ternatea)Trifoliate clitorium (Clitoria ternatea) Farmer Sengut2006

Cultivation and reproduction of the clitoris

The trifoliate clitoris needs good lighting, you can even accustom it to direct sunlight. So it is better to choose southern windows, warm balconies and terraces or sunny places for her if cultivation is carried out in open ground. The clitoria growing in the apartment can be taken out into the garden in the summer. The abundance of fresh air will only do her good. The culture needs regular watering, for which it is recommended to use well-settled soft water. However, moisturizing should be handled with care.

The humidity of the air does not really matter for the plant, but it will not be superfluous to sometimes sprinkle it with warm water as a prophylaxis against spider mites. The trifoliate clitoris grows well in nutrient-rich, structured soils. You can use a soil mixture consisting of peat, river sand, humus and sod land (proportion 2: 1: 1: 1). It is important that the substrate is well drained to avoid waterlogging.

The clitoria is responsive to fertilizing, which is recommended to be applied throughout the growing season, twice a month with fertilizers for flowering plants. If it is grown as a perennial, pruning and transfer to a larger pot is carried out in the spring.

Clitoria trifoliate (Clitoria ternatea)Clitorium triple (Clitoria ternatea) Farmer Joydeep

Propagated clitoria trifoliate seeds or cuttings. Cuttings cut from April to July root normally in peat pellets, wet perlite and vermiculite. Seeds are recommended to be sown in February-March. It is important that plants develop with increasing daylight hours. Before sowing, the seeds of the clitorium are soaked in water or a stimulant solution for 3-4 hours, then sown in a mixture of peat, river sand and leafy soil (1: 1: 1) or in peat tablets.

Sowing containers should be kept in a warm place (about 20 ° C), while keeping the substrate moist and ventilated should be kept in mind. Seedlings appear in about 10 days. When they get stronger, they dive into separate pots. Clitoria seedlings are planted in open ground only after the end of return frosts. She needs to provide support, regular moisture and feeding.

If the plant likes everything, flowering begins in the middle of summer. The liana is covered with expressive bright blue flowers that will adorn the garden until autumn. Before the onset of cold weather, the clitoris can be dug up, placed in a flowerpot, cut off and transferred to a room where it will survive the winter. Some gardeners grow this plant as an annual.

Clitoria trifoliate (Clitoria ternatea)Clitoria ternatea Farmer Bff

The use of the clitorium in medicine

The chemical composition and pharmacological properties of the clitorium make it possible to widely use it in medicine. Thus, the trifoliate clitoris has traditionally been used to treat sexual ailments. The extract from the roots of this plant is used for whooping cough. In India, for example, the roots of the trifoliate clitoris are considered useful for migraines, leprosy, bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, fever and many other diseases. In folk medicine, the plant is used as a means to improve memory and blood circulation in the brain, to treat insomnia and chronic fatigue, as a laxative, diuretic, and anthelmintic.

The positive effects of cliteria on the brain have been confirmed by scientists in animal experiments. Studies have found that the trifoliate clitoris also has a positive effect on the human nervous system, it strengthens the nerves and enhances the function of the brain. In the clitoris of the trifoliate, especially in its roots, substances have been found that have a strong stimulating effect and can be used as antidepressants, for the treatment of mental disorders, as well as for relieving stress.

The extract of this plant is able to lower cholesterol levels. Clitoria herb is effective in treating constipation. It acts as a mild laxative and treats ulcers. It also lowers blood sugar levels. Well, what follows is generally fiction, as they say, believe it or not:

  • clitoria herb has the ability to regulate the circulatory system, cleanses the blood in the body and gives new energy to the body;
  • extract from the roots of the clitoris serves as an antidote for the bites of poisonous insects and even cobra;
    a decoction of the clitoria trifoliate plant cleans wounds; it also prevents the formation of pus in the affected organ;
  • the clitorium is effective in the treatment of female genital disorders such as infertility, menstrual irregularities, etc .;
  • in addition, the flowers of the clitoris serve as a sexual enhancer or aphrodisiac;
  • Clitoria herb has medicinal value in the treatment of male infertility: it increases sperm motility and increases their reproductive capacity.

Clitoria flower teaTea from Clitoria flowers. Farmer FUN01

No less useful is the so-called “blue tea” from clitoris flowers. As a health drink, it can be drunk hot and cold throughout the day. This tea cleanses the vessels of the eyes, improves vision, prevents glaucoma, cataracts, and cleanses the blood. It prevents hair loss and gray hair, calms the nervous system, improves memory, helps to relax and relieve stress and anxiety, is a natural antioxidant.

Preparation: Brew 5-6 flowers with a glass of boiling water, add honey or sugar to taste. Take 2-3 times a day. The infusion has a very beautiful blue color, and if lime or lemon are added to it, the color will change to purple-pink.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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