Cucumber variety ant

The variety of cucumber ant is an early ripe gherkin type hybrid, designed for cultivation in open ground, greenhouses and under film shelters.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Nursing <
  5. Diseases
  6. Conclusion

Сорт огурца Муравей

Cucumber variety Ant

Variety characteristic

Cucumber Ant f1 is cultivar with a female type of flowering (parthenocarpic form). Fruiting of the crop begins after the emergence of mass seedlings (about 1.5 months from the time of planting).

To the characteristic features of the variety are:

  • early ripeness (the first crop ripens within 37-38 days from the time of emergence);
  • high yield;
  • unpretentiousness with respect to the external conditions of growth , cold resistance (easily tolerates short-term temperature drops);
  • lack of bitterness in the fruits, laid down at the genetic level;
  • immunity against common diseases (cucumber mosaic, olive spotting, powdery and pseudomuscular dew) .

The only drawback of the hybrid is the inability to growing a new generation from their seeds, as seedlings will be significantly inferior in quality to their mother plants.

Description of the bush

Ant bushes f1 are characterized by medium height, short lateral shoots and a powerful main stem. The variety can be planted in tight spaces, as the culture does not grow.

Features of the structure and development of the plant:

  • parthenocarpic flowering form (only female flowers are formed);
  • medium degree of climbing (lateral shoots are short, the plant is quite compact);
  • the plants do not need pollination by bees (the variety is suitable for growing in a greenhouse) and do not risk being pollinated by other varieties;
  • the growth of the central stem is not limited by a flower brush, strength medium growth;
  • bunch formation of ovaries (from 3 to 7 fruits in one node);
  • srednekr leaves stubborn, painted in dark green color, their surface is slightly wrinkled, the edge is slightly wavy;
  • when removing fruits from the plant in the gherkin stage, the total number of greens increases.

Description of the fruit

The external parameters and taste of cucumbers Ant f1 are due to their specific characteristics.

Description of the fruit of the cucumber Ant:

  • the fruits are small (about 8-11 cm long), oval;
  • the weight of the fruit averages 100-110 g ;
  • large tubercles on the surface of the fetus, ribs are weakly expressed;
  • bright green thin skin with parallel white stripes running from the top to the middle of the fruit;
  • light -green juicy pulp, medium-dense, without bitterness, crunchy and fragrant;
  • pubescent, with white spiked fruits.

The fruits of this hybrid ripen a week and a half and a half earlier than other varieties but also finish bearing fruit earlier about for Basic. On one node, up to 7 fruits are formed and mature at the same time. This leads to a high yield of seedlings: up to 12 kg per 1 sq. Km. m.

Cucumbers have good transportability and retain their presentation even during long transportation.


Подкормки увеличат урожайность растения

Top dressing will increase the yield of the plant

This hybrid is usually grown in greenhouses, but also in open ground it also shows high indicators. Cucumbers are planted with dry seeds or seedlings (which accelerates fruiting) in fertile and warm soil up to 10-12 ° C.

When planting, it is important to monitor the density of crops for optimal light transmission.

Hybrid is classified as unpretentious plants, but for better growth it requires:

  • at least 3-4 fertilizing during the vegetative period (you can use chemical or natural fertilizers);
  • timely plentiful warm watering (preferably drip irrigation);
  • weeding and removing weeds;
  • loosening the soil for better breathability;
  • mulching soil (allows you to reduce the number of weeds and reduce water consumption during irrigation).

For good growth and full development it is important to carefully It is easy to control the degree of thickening of seedlings, removing diseased and improperly formed. It is recommended to plant 3-5 seedlings per 1 square. m in open ground and 2-3 seedlings per 1 square. m in greenhouses.

Seedlings tolerate various weather conditions, but their fertility depends on the abundance of sunlight: the more it is, the more ovaries form on the plant.


The most common infection of cucumbers with fungi. These include:

  • dry spotting (alternariosis);
  • copperfish (anthracnose);
  • root and root rot;
  • black stem rot (ascochitosis);
  • cucumber wilting (tracheomycosis).

Most often, these diseases manifest themselves as spots on the leaves (on the inside of which the mycelium appears) or ripening the fruits.

The fight against fungal infections is carried out by disinfecting the soil, controlling its moisture capacity, maintaining optimal air temperature and prophylactic treatment with special preparations.

Ant cucumbers possess genetic immunity against powdery and false powdery mildew, cladosporiosis and peronosporosis, dangerous for other varieties.

Of the bacterial diseases, the greatest danger is angular leaf spot (bacteriosis), which affects almost all visible parts of the bush Nika. The best prevention of bacteriosis is the choice of a healthy planting material and thorough disinfection of the soil and crops.

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Variety Ant F1 – a hybrid of universal use. Miniature size, excellent taste, resistance to many diseases, early ripening of fruits, high productivity and transportability – all this brings him well-deserved popularity and love of many gardeners.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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