Description of cabbage cyclops

Cabbage Cyclops of category f1 are appreciated by gardeners for their excellent taste when pickled. Its high yields and unpretentiousness in care are noted.

  1. Characteristics of the variety
  2. Features of growing
  3. Rules of care
  4. Control of parasites and diseases
  5. Conclusion <

Описание капусты Циклоп

Description of the cabbage Cyclops

Variety characteristics

The cabbage variety Cyclops is a Japanese selection product suitable for cultivation in all regions of the country. The variety is mid-season, its growing season is 3 months from the moment of planting in the village a secret place.

According to the description, the leaves are light green in color and round in shape. There is no wax coating on their surface. A medium-sized leaf rosette, about 60 cm in diameter. A medium-sized head of cabbage, its mass is 3-5 kg. High yields are observed. About 600 kg of selected products are harvested from 1 ha.

Cyclops f1 – a variety of white cabbage, which is characterized by excellent taste. Sweet taste prevails with a slight note of spiciness. Cabbage contains a large amount of sugar (8% per 100 g), vitamin C group (12 mg) and carotene (7%).

The variety is suitable for fresh consumption, it is often used for salads or main dishes (borsch, cabbage soup, stew, etc.).Due to the density of the head, large and long fibers are obtained during chopping.

Features of growing

This variety is grown exclusively in seedlings, so in early April seeds are planted to produce seedlings . Seeds of this variety do not need pre-treatment with disinfectants or stimulants. Planting seeds is carried out in a common container. Planting material is planted to a depth of 1 cm at a distance of 5 cm from each other.

After that, the container is transferred to a room with a temperature of 20-26 ° C. As soon as the first shoots appear, the daytime temperature is reduced to 16 ° C, and the night temperature to 8-10 ° C.

After 30 days, when 2-3 pairs of leaves are formed on the plant, plant: at the beginning or mid-May. The distance between the bushes should be 50 cm, and between the rows – 60 cm.

If you adhere to these recommendations, you can harvest at the end of August.

Rules of care

It’s easy to take care of plants

The variety requires standard care , which consists in weeding, watering and top dressing.

Watering is carried out every 5-7 days using warm water. It is recommended to pour at least 3 liters of water under each bush. It is advised to install a drip irrigation system so that moisture spreads evenly.After each watering, you need to loosen the soil and weed the area from ingrown weeds. The depth of weeding should be 6 cm, so as not to disturb the roots of the plant.

Fertilizing is carried out in several stages.

  • The first is carried out during planting in open ground. At this point, organic fertilizers are used (3 kg of humus or 2 kg of bird droppings per square meter).
  • The second is carried out during the flowering period of cabbage. At this point, it is preferable to use phosphorus components. 20 mg of superphosphate are diluted in 10 l of water.
  • The third – with the onset of fruiting. 40 mg of potassium nitrate should be diluted, diluted in 10 liters of water and poured about 2 liters of substance under each bush.

Fight against parasites and diseases

Variety Cyclops of category f1 are resistant to bacteriosis, but it can undergo black rot and keel.

It is impossible to cure black rot, so you will have to immediately remove the entire bush. In the fight against keels, a solution of Bordeaux liquid is used, which is sprayed (2 mg per 10 liters of water).

Among the main pests, beetles and fleas are distinguished. You can fight them with a solution for spraying from colloidal salt or manganese (2 mg of the drug per 10 liters of water). Spraying is carried out every 10 days until the parasites are completely destroyed.


The Cyclops variety is easy to care for, even beginners in agriculture can grow it. Growing will be a pleasure, because the variety is high-yielding and high-quality.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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