Description of cabbage Losinoostrovskaya

Losinoostrovskaya cabbage is a fairly popular variety of white-headed culture. Its main advantages are high yields and resistance to most diseases.

  1. Feature
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Growing
  5. Compliance with temperature
  6. Landing
  7. Care recommendations
  8. Watering
  9. Feeding <
  10. Pest and disease control
  11. Conclusion

Описание капусты Лосиноостровской

Description of cabbage Losinoostrovskaya


This variety was bred in Russia in 1937. This variety was entered in the State Register of Russia. It is suitable for cultivation in the central, southern and northwestern parts of the country.

This crop belongs to mid-ripening varieties. The vegetative period of a vegetable crop is 120 days from the moment of the first germination .

Description of the plant

The leaf rosette is large in size, its diameter is 95 cm. The leaves are oval. The description indicates that they are characterized by a light green tint. Their entire surface is covered with a wax coating. Deciduous edges with wavy patches.

Description of the fruit

Head of cabbage of this variety is round with small flat patches along the edges.Its density allows you to harvest using mechanized equipment. On average, the weight of the fetus is 3 kg. With 1 m2 you can collect about 8 kg of selected high quality products. Good storage performance is noted. If you store the crop in the basement at a temperature of 4-6 ° C, heads of cabbage do not lose their presentation for 4 months.

The taste of the fruit is excellent. White cabbage Losinoostrovskaya 8 contains a large amount of sugar (about 8%), vitamin C group (5%) and other useful trace elements (carotene, chitin, magnesium and calcium). Suitable for universal use. You can use it fresh or pickled. The taste is preserved even when pickled or preserved.


Planting cabbage is carried out by the seedling method. At the beginning of March, you need to plant seeds to get seedlings. They do not need disinfection. They can be put in containers immediately after purchase. For landing use common containers. The seed planting depth is about 1 cm, and the distance between the seeds should be at least 5 cm.

Compliance with the temperature regime

It is important to observe the temperature regime

The best germination rates are manifested only under the condition of the optimal temperature regime:

  1. the first 10 days after planting, the container with seeds should be stored in a room whose temperature is 20 ° C;
  2. after this time, you need to lower the daytime temperature to 16 ° C, and the night temperature to 10 ° C;
  3. after 20 days, when the first shoots appear, you can lower the temperature to 6-8 ° C. This is necessary for hardening seedlings.

Planting in the ground

When the plant reaches a height of 20 cm, you can plant in open ground. It is better to do this in late April or early May. At this point, the risk of a drop in temperature is minimal, and the soil is warm enough to plant a crop. It is important to choose sites with a low content of acid and alkali (not more than 5%). If this is not possible, lime must be added to the soil.

The depth of planting is about 5 cm. The lower leaves should be located above the ground. Planting scheme 50×60 cm.

Care recommendations

Losinoostrovskaya cabbage needs quality care throughout the entire period of cultivation.


Watering should be carried out by the drip method every 3-4 days.It is necessary to adjust it so that puddles do not form near the bushes, because this will cause root rot. After each watering, loosen the ground (for better passage of oxygen and nutrients to the root system). Weeds must be removed so that they do not absorb the beneficial substances needed for cabbage and do not provide shelter for pests.

Top dressing

Top dressing is done in several stages . The first should be carried out 10 days after planting in open ground. At this point, it is recommended to use organic preparations (2 kg of humus and 3 kg of bird droppings per 1 m2). The second top dressing involves the use of mineral components (20 mg of ammonium nitrate, 30 mg of superphosphate and 10 mg of potassium per 1 m2).

Pest and disease control

Although this species is resistant to most diseases (keel powdery mildew and spotting), it can be exposed to parasites. In the fight against beetles and bl folk remedies will come to the rescue: you need to dilute 200 g of onion husk in 10 l of water, insist for 24 hours, and spray every 10 days.

You can get rid of aphids using a manganese solution (5 l of water 10 mg), colloidal salt (5 kg per 10 liters of water) or the drug Oksikhom (50 ml per 10 liters of water). Spraying with such drugs is carried out every 7-10 days until the parasites are completely destroyed.


Losinoostrovskaya cabbage is considered an ideal option for planting in a temperate climate. They grow it both for themselves and for sale, because it can be transported over long distances without the risk of loss of commercial quality.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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