Description of Cockatoo Pepper

Sweet pepper, also called Bulgarian pepper, is characterized by a huge number of different species in the modern market. Not all of them have large sizes, pleasant taste and commercial quality. Fortunately, there is 1 hybrid that fits this description – this is Category 1 cockatoo pepper.

  1. General characteristics
  2. External features of the plant
  3. Type of fruit
  4. Rules for growing seedlings
  5. Seedling care
  6. Planting in open soil
  7. Features of care
  8. Parasites and diseases
  9. Conclusion <

Перец Какаду

Kakadu pepper

General characteristics

Bell peppers Kakadu got his place in the State Register of Russia. Both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground conditions, the Russian company Gavrish was engaged in the development of the variety.

Several varieties of the Kakadu sweet pepper variety were immediately created – yellow and red. The taste and planting characteristics of these varieties are similar. .

External characteristics of the plant

Description indicates an unusual structure of the bush. The height of the bush reaches 150 cm. The stem has no branches in its lower part, so the bush is a bit like a stunted green tree. An important feature of the variety is that the bushes do not need a garter. Due to the fact that the stem is strong and is characterized by a high content of dense fibers, the trunk does not bend from large fruits.

The openness of the open type, with a moderate characteristic. The foliage is large and has a dark green color. There are small wrinkles on the surface of each leaf.

Fruiting occurs fairly quickly, literally 90 days after planting the seeds. Agrofirma Gavrish assures that the first fruits begin to ripen only 115 days after planting. But, most gardeners are convinced that with proper care, this period can be reduced by 10-15 days.

Fruit Type

Kakadu pepper f1 has the following appearance characteristics fruit:

  • the shape of the fruit is a bit like a bird’s beak, that is, it looks like a cylinder with a small curved nose, for this reason the name Kakadu arose;
  • the walls of the sweet pepper Kakadu are thick and reach 10 mm;
  • the color of a sweet Bulgarian vegetable is red;
  • the length of an individual fruit can reach 30 cm;
  • in the initial period of pl the bearing weight of the fruit can be about 500 g, but in the main ripening period the weight does not exceed 350 g;
  • high yield indicators: from 1 m2 gardeners collect about 12 kg of produce.

Kakadu pepper f1 has a pleasant sweetish taste with a small proportion of spicy bitterness. Belongs to universal varieties. From this variety, you can prepare delicious salads, preservation or use it fresh.

Rules for growing seedlings

If you buy seeds of this variety from an official distributor, you can skip the stage of decontamination and seed treatment, because the Gavrish company warms up and pickles the planting material in advance , which is then released to the market. Seeds should be planted in early February. It should be noted that this month there is not enough light for the proper germination of seedlings, so you need to take care of buying a phytolamp in advance.

It is important to prepare the soil before planting. Kakadu pepper f1 category needs a light and fertile land. You can prepare the land for planting yourself, if there is no way to buy ready-made. For this, humus, garden soil and sand are mixed in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. The soil must be treated in advance with Fitosporin in order to destroy all harmful bacteria. The seeds must be immersed to a depth of 2 cm so that the root system can form correctly.

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Proper soil and seed preparation is mandatory

Seedling care

Once the seeds have been planted, you need to water the soil in a container and compact it. It is necessary to carefully monitor the moisture of the soil so that it does not dry out. Watering is carried out in the morning and only with warm water. It is better absorbed by the root system.Do not forget about maintaining the optimum temperature at 20 ° C. It is at this temperature that the maximum seed germination process is observed. As soon as the first shoots appeared, the temperature regime can be lowered to 16 ° C. Phytolamps must be switched on daily so that the daylight for seedlings is at least 15 hours.

If you prepared the soil yourself, then the plant does not need to be fed. Otherwise, you need to make fertilizers every week using a complex of minerals. Also, containers need to be turned over every 3 days to a light source so that seedlings are formed evenly. After the appearance of 3 pairs of leaves, seedlings can be transplanted into the open ground. To do this, it is necessary to harden it in advance by opening the ventilation windows daily (literally for 2-3 hours).

Planting in open soil

Kakadu pepper must be transplanted into the open ground or a greenhouse, depending on the climate of the region. The thing is that this variety belongs to heat-loving varieties and does not tolerate cold weather conditions. In the southern part of the country, landing at a permanent place is carried out in May, and in the central regions in June. Pay attention to the alkaline soil level. It should not be higher than 5%. Otherwise, it is necessary to immediately introduce a solution of lime into the soil. You should also take care of the friability of the earth, so it is recommended to add 2 tablespoons of peat or wood ash to each well.These conditions must be met for better yields.

Since Kakadu peppers have large bushes, the planting scheme must be done according to certain rules.

  1. The distance between holes should be kept at 65 cm.
  2. The distance between the rows remains at least 100 cm.
  3. Landing is carried out at a time when the sun does not bake too much on the street, that is, the optimal time is morning or evening. Cloudy weather is also suitable.
  4. Before planting seedlings in the wells, they are watered with plenty of water. Immediately after planting, the soil needs to be watered again.
  5. The topsoil must be mulled with straw and humus. This will allow moisture to remain in the ground and a crust will not form on the surface of the soil.

Care features

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Water the pepper only with warm water

According to the description, the Kakadu pepper variety needs proper care. Only in this case, it is possible to achieve ideal indicators of productivity and presentation. Watering should be carried out every 3 days, only with warm water (optimal water temperature is 20 ° C). Watering should be plentiful, almost to the formation of a puddle. Every 14 days you need to feed.

  1. A few days after planting. Chicken droppings with a small amount of nitrate are used as fertilizer.
  2. During the beginning of flowering.You need to use potassium and phosphorus. These substances will help accelerate flowering, which will significantly increase the number of fruits on the bushes.
  3. During fruiting. At this stage, potassium and phosphoric substances should be used again. They will allow fruits to better reveal their taste. But saltpeter must be discarded so as not to disturb the formation of the fetus.

You need to remember about the correct formation of the bush. The description of the Kakadu pepper variety indicates that it is necessary to remove the lateral shoots and branches growing from the bottom of the ovaries. After the fruits have poured, you should harvest. This is best done during technical maturity. That is, when the peel acquires a green glossy hue. Full ripening (acquiring a red hue) is possible even in the storage room.

Parasites and diseases

If you take good care of the plant, this will allow save bushes from disease. But, in some cases, late blight infection is possible. As a prophylaxis, the bushes should be sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux fluid in cool weather. If it so happened that the disease began to affect the plant, then all beds should be treated with drugs such as Fitodoktor or Regent.

The effect of vertebral rot is also possible. You can get rid of this fungal disease only with a solution of copper sulfate.With this solution, all bushes, soil and even greenhouse walls must be treated, because most bacteria are stored on the film walls.

Of the parasites, aphids or ticks are most often found. At such moments, Barrier or Karbofos drugs come to the aid of gardeners. These substances need to be sprayed with bushes in cloudy weather, a day after watering.

The best varieties of peppers for open ground On my site, August 22
Seeds ne October 2018 !!!!!


Everyone who at least once tried to plant this variety in their area, consider Kakadu to be excellent pepper, because this sweet vegetable does not only excellent productivity, but also allows you to decorate the garden plot. The only drawback of this variety is its excessive heat demand. In open soil conditions it is rather difficult to provide warm conditions. But the problem is solved simply – you just need to plant the seedlings in the greenhouse.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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