Description of potato Lugovskaya

Lugovskoy potatoes are widely distributed among large farms and private landowners. If other cultures need to be changed every couple of years, then this variety is not prone to degeneration. The tubers have a pleasant taste, contain a large amount of vitamins and starch.

  1. Characteristics of the Lugovskoy potato
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Type of fruit
  4. Growing
  5. Soil preparation
  6. Seed preparation
  7. Planting process
  8. Care <
  9. Pests and diseases
  10. Harvesting and storage
  11. Final part

Описание картофеля Луговской

Description of the Lugovskoy potato

Characteristics of the Lugovskaya potato

The Lugovskoy potato was selected on based on the long-known Sineglazka in Ukraine. The main difference is a stable high yield and good keeping quality, 97% of the total crop is preserved. The Lugovskoy potato variety ripens 80-90 days after planting. It has high taste qualities.

The species is resistant to many common diseases of potato. Moderately resistant to late blight. In too moist soil, the risk of vertebral rot increases.

Description of the plant

The external characteristics of the plant, in principle, are not striking in their uniqueness. The plant can be described as follows:

  • medium-sized bushes, erect;
  • leaf dark green, matte, medium-sized;
  • inflorescences are compact, cream or white color.

Type of fruit

The potato does not darken at the cut, it crumbles during heat treatment. It is used for the preparation of various dishes, as well as the manufacture of starch. Characteristics of potatoes of the Lugovskoy variety:

  • oval-shaped potatoes;
  • the skin is soft pink, thin, has a glossy texture;
  • eyes are almost invisible.

Lugovskoy potato variety description by fertility: medium-sized tubers, weight up to 200g, from 1 ha you can collect about 514 c. One bush gives 1-2 kg of fine high-quality tubers with regular deep loosening of the soil. The fruits are high in vitamin C, protein and starch. The oblong shape and even texture greatly facilitate the cleaning process.


The Lugovskaya potato variety is not picky about the type of soil. Productivity directly depends on compliance with the rules of care and agricultural technology. Most often, root crops specially selected for seeds are used for breeding even when harvesting. Agrotechnical requirements will differ depending on the purpose of growing potatoes: seed or food.

In large farms or vice versa too small, when it is not possible to change the place for planting every year, in the autumn period after harvesting, the area is planted with plants siderates. These include:

  • winter;
  • cucumbers;
  • legumes;
  • grass.

In cold regions, it is better to use winter crops or grass, because cucumbers simply will not have time to ripen. Although some prefer to simply fertilize the soil with manure in the fall and the potato yield does not suffer from this. The main thing is that the site is well lit, because in a humid climate, the culture will be ill with late blight. Description of Lugovskaya potato allows it to be planted in the ground when the earth warms up to 8 ℃.

Хороший уход обеспечит богатым урожаем

Good care will provide a rich harvest

For cultivation, you should not choose too large potatoes, it is better to choose small tubers with thick sprouts. For any cultivars, Lugovskaya is no exception, it is recommended to carry out the germination of seed material before planting. This move significantly accelerates the ripening process.

Soil preparation

Soil should be fertilized in the autumn. If it is possible to change the location of the potato plantation will be better. First you need to remove all the weed grass and dig up the ground. The digging depth should be at least 30 cm, this will protect the plants from many diseases and pests. Harvested tops can be burned and fertilized with ash soil. In autumn, the following types of fertilizers are introduced into the soil:

  • compost;
  • superphosphates;
  • saltpeter;
  • phosphorus or potassium fertilizers.

Seed preparation

The characteristics of the Lugovskaya potato allow planting in mid-May, when the soil warms up well. You should choose a good planting material without rot with large eyes. Potatoes are sprouted by various methods. One of the most successful options is sprouting in a bag.

Lugovskaya seed potatoes are put in a bag with holes made in advance to ensure air intake and avoid over-heating. Already literally in 1-2 weeks sprouts appear. No need to wait until they become too large, literally 3-5 cm is enough. The main thing is that the sprouts should be powerful and not thin.

Before planting, you should spray potatoes with insecticides or dip them in manganese solution for 30 minutes . If solutions are used to disinfect or accelerate growth, before planting, be sure to dry the seed material. If you cover the ground after planting, the crop sprouts faster.

Planting process

In the spring, a month before planting, you need to plow the soil again. Then add organics or superphosphates. Before planting, markup should be done, taking into account the fact that between the holes for food potatoes there should be a distance of about 40 cm, for seeds – 10 cm. The greater the distance between the bushes, the larger the tubers will be.

Between in rows you need to leave a distance of 70 cm. When planting, the first fertilizing of plants is carried out.Usually ash or chicken droppings are used.


In order for Lugovskaya potatoes to produce a good harvest, regular cultivation should be carried out. They start it when the first powerful sprouts appear. Between the rows you should thoroughly loosen the soil and eliminate weeds. If the weather is wet, the soil should be cultivated deeper than 10 cm. The procedure is carried out 3 times with an interval of 15 days.

It is imperative to loosen the soil after irrigation or rainfall. The description of the Lugovoi potato variety allows you not to water it at all in the middle lane. But, in the arid southern areas, you need to ensure that the soil does not dry out. In the southern areas do not practice hilling. When adding soil, the ground part in the heat loses too much moisture, which can negatively affect the quality of the crop.

Растения необходимо удобрять

Plants need to be fertilized

In the northern regions and in the middle zone, hilling is carried out 2 times. They begin to sprinkle the bushes with soil at the moment when the sprouts reach 15-18 cm. The first time they sprinkle about 10 cm of land, the second 20. For the entire period of growth, fertilizers are applied 3 times:

  • at the time of planting;
  • at the budding stage;
  • after flowering.

Pests and diseases

For all its high resistance to all kinds of diseases, with improper care, Lugovskaya potato can be affected by late blight and other fungi. For prophylaxis, all seed material is disinfected before planting or prophylactic spraying with fungicides is carried out before the onset of the rainy season. Usually, such drugs are used for the prevention and treatment of late blight: Phytosporin, Kuproksat, copper sulfate, Arcedil.

Juicy potato tops are always a tidbit for all kinds of pests, and there is still no variety that would not have come the taste of the Colorado potato beetle. In addition to them, aphids, fly, spider mites can attack potatoes. Get rid of them with insecticides.

Harvesting and storage

When the tops of the blockage or yellowed, then it’s time to dig the potatoes. Harvesting should not be too late, otherwise the tubers will lose their taste. Mowing the tops before harvesting is not necessary. After digging out the roots should be spread out in the sun so that they are aired and dried out, literally for 2 hours.

After that, the tubers are sorted and stacked in boxes. Seed potatoes are left for 2-3 days under the sun so that it turns green. Such fruits become unattractive to rodents and are better stored.

Tubers that are free from damage, contamination, softened parts and unpleasant odors are sent for storage. Sorting and culling should be carried out especially carefully, because one rotten potato can cause a loss of a significant amount of the crop. Potato storage room should be dark. Culling is carried out 2 times:

  • after digging;
  • after 3 weeks.

Within 3 weeks after harvesting, harvest in a room with a temperature from 13 to 18 ℃. Gradually, it will need to be reduced to 4 ℃. In the cellar, potatoes will be stored in this temperature regime. In addition, you must observe a humidity mode of at least 80-90%.

24. Potato Choose potato varieties
Potato 2017 Harvest Varieties

The final part

Lugovskoy potato was selected in Ukraine. It is distinguished by good keeping quality, high quality indicators. It is resistant to many diseases, such as potato cancer, scab, black leg. Distributed throughout the post-Soviet space.

The variety gained particular popularity due to its unpretentiousness to the soil composition. It responds well to regular deep loosening of the soil and fertilizing. The main advantage of the variety is the absence of a tendency to degenerate. If other varieties should be changed after 2-3 years, a maximum of 5, then Lugovskoy potatoes can be bred only with the help of seed material obtained independently. Today it is the most popular variety among private landowners and large farms. Description of quality indicators allows you to widely use the view for cooking various dishes, commercial activities, as well as making starch.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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